Saturday, January 31, 2015

The Power Of Words

I often forget the power of words, they can cut u down which hurts worse, than Prometheus' curse being pecked by birds, within us all both good and evil lurks, perhaps we were both jerks, i really am sorry and apologize, I want to wipe away these tears I've cried, but i can't hide my reddened eyes, seems I've lost another friend, and I have no idea how to heal and mend, I've always admitted im far from perfect, what's so wrong with me im not worth it, am I not worthy of forgiveness and unconditional love, let's not say anything else and just hug, it's sad for sure when a gay icon dies, but it's even more shameful when our chosen families divide, until we all are united as one, my work here is far from done!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious

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