Thursday, June 4, 2015

Too Far Left

I wonder what I'll say today, I can't remember the last time I kneeled and prayed, can u actually run out of faith, real torture is being patient and having to wait, do u all think this is the way my life would turn out, who knew a short bald gay poet/rapper could bout with just his mouth, who wants a read or aka a tongue lashing, the damage of verbal and emotional abuse is long lasting, i have a serious fear of rejection, mostly cuz I've never been rigged to win an election, seems in reality it's all just a popularity contest, i must confess I don't think the US is the best, and no offense but I'm not too fond of white people, the genocidal atrocities they've caused are pure evil, taking over the world in the name of democracy, don't u see thru the smoke and mirrors and all the hypocracy, the government is so out of touch, their life time benefits and outlandish salaries are too much, the global economy is in dire danger, pretty soon peace love and harmony will be overrun by greed envy and anger, we will eventually reach our breaking point, I mean I'm pretty passive and mellow but I'm really fucking annoyed, caught in the quicksand of unconquerable debt, have moronic republicans moved us too far left, what I don't get, isn't anybody else upset, in all honesty and sincerety, i miss the Clinton Era where the middle class saw prosperity, it was such a different time back then, what do u think can Hillary get us there again?

Peace and 1,

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