Thursday, July 23, 2015

Welcome To Club Dread

Ever wake up thinking what's the point, no matter what side u get out of ur annoyed, i keep thinking about my dreams and life's purpose, i think bill paying day jobs actually hurt us, we shldnt be working to fill the void, fulfillment creates confidence and poise, any accomplishment is astonishing, our government specifically congress needs admonishing, seriously our country and economy are falling apart, we are becoming robotic slaves without souls minds or hearts, all that makes us amazing creatures, no prerequisite skills or talents to be idolized or featured, we have no idea how to determine value and worth, wish people wld wake up and get their heads out of their asses or the dirt, i think it's funny how humans want to abandon earth, thank Adam and Eve for the curse, mother nature has been exploited to the fullest, stocks betting against America and the dollar are bullish, why globalize corporate capitalistic culture, the world won't survive being overrun by hawks and vultures, there's more successful careers than just doctors and lawyers, yall a bunch of entitled spoiled and lazy wallflowers and voyeurs, i try to be optimistic but can't be disengenuous or lie, i started to dread being alive when i realized quality music and art had already died!

Peace and 1,

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