Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Failed Expectations U Follow Thru

Up and Adam nice and early, does loving Mariah make me girly, is that how u knew I was gay, having a better day today than yesterday, not sure if it was being rejected or the weather being gray, why am I still ashamed and afraid, got veteran's day off, hopefully I've finally gotten rid of that dreaded cough, that congested lump in my throat, making my voice even raspier when I sang or spoke, hate picking people apart when delivering a joke, I won't tear down other folks, just to get laughter or applause, hip hop seems to have lost its cause, used to be a voice of the oppressed, i definitely don't claim to be the best, in fact I'm far from it, I'm not just a dreamer I've actually done shit, which is more than I can say for u, I'm really sick and tired of failed expectations and the lack of follow thru!

Peace and 1,

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