Monday, November 23, 2015

I Lean On Me

My moments of depressive misery, are when peeps be too busy for me, it must be nice to have a partner in crime, someone to lean on in dark times, I'm so used to doing everything alone, discouraged about finding my own home, I'm a great third wheel, but apparently I don't have partner appeal, I understand I can barely stand myself, u know the old adage about help, unless it helps them too, they ain't gonna do, probably will tell u they will tho, I mean it's just Joe, he won't mind, he's such a nice guy, that always seems to finish last, who'll do pretty much anything u ask, but such a prude about taking it up the ass, doesn't appear to be about money or sex, totally not conceited egotistical or trying to be the best, in fact he's extremely humble and occasionally modest, 90% loyal and honest, the rest is up to u, will u follow thru with a smooch, or let another opportunity pass u by, u've got ur equal by ur side, I have too much pride to simply stand by, and watch my love being taken away, it's not limited or finite so don't be afraid, be patient and wait, stop chasing the devil's bait, be careful not to fall victim and become karma's prey, evil naturally occurs and lurks in the universe, pain pigs thrive and find pleasure when it hurts, I don't believe I'm cursed at birth, tho I'm far from perfect I know my value and worth!

Peace and 1,

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