Friday, November 20, 2015

Is Faith Masochistic Torture

A whole weekend without seeing u is torture, hope u like the early christmas present ur partner bought ya, so now ull be online more, since ur screen is no longer cracked like before, why am i so addicted to u, like a tool fool or babbling bafoon, i lose all self control, what is my ultimate goal, mystified by the unavailable, the rights to life liberty and pursuit of happiness are inalieable, perhaps I was quick to say no, u know how relationships come and go, especially in the gay community, I refuse to let lust or my dick rule me, i'm attracted to creative intraverted wallflowers and fixer-uppers, but draw the line if u voted for George W (Dubbya), esp if ur black a girl or gay, are u mascochists or just ignorant to self hate, any minority that is a republican conservative, doesn't deserve to live, no I really don't mean or believe that, it's simply a rhyme to complete my poem/rap, I can't understand tho ur rationale or logic, ur either a glutton for punishment or straight up retarded, not like liberals are any better, snuggled cuddled next to u during stormy weather, is the only thing that can get me thru this election season, I'm about to start a riot chaos and get arrested for treason, for no other reason, than the US government and judicial system are no longer worth having faith or believing in!
Peace and 1,

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