Sunday, June 26, 2016

Let The Indy Lead

Only being positive, avoiding and neglecting its opposite, is so damn pc, it frustrates and aggravates me, to absolutely no end, we can't be friends, I'm too antagonistic/sarcastic, ya'll are stepford robots made from plastic, like cancer ur hazardous, humans are fallible and disastrous, so afraid of the truth, we all are immigrants with transplanted roots, telephone is a fun game, explains why history is a waste of time and it's a damn lame shame, cuz we're doomed to repeat it, doesn't anybody else see shit, thru the bs and illusion of freedom change and choice, I think I'm this generation's revolutionary gay activist voice, profound and wise beyond my years, not afraid of shame fame or exploiting my flaws and fears, not too proud to cry or admit I'm wrong, not a cocky arrogant narcissistic dick cuz I know I write record and perform the best original songs, that have inspiring poetic lyrical thought provoking classic timeless messages, but can't seem to awaken the collective's consciousness from all these chemtrails mind control and subliminal sedatives, I just want this election to be over, put the power on Bernie's shoulders, and make Hill or Jill first female VP, and let the idealistic Jewish democratic socialist who's indy lead!

Peace and 1,

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