Thursday, January 19, 2017

Nothing We Can Do We're Screwed

I'm starting to see more of my negativity, I'm not ungrateful for what’s been given to me, I just want different things, I'm someone who writes raps and sings, but it's more than just a hobby, saying I'm spoiled and lazy really bothers me, cuz I work extremely hard, always trying to play my best hand of cards, we all get dealt winners and losers, I feel bad tho for the good troopers, the unglorified teachers, the broke revolutionary leaders, who give way more than receive, the idea of God can be impossible to believe, with all the atrocities and evil, what happened to planet earth and its people, I mean where's the virtuosity and righteousness, life's an extreme battle between plight and bliss, all I really want is to be happy, not to be sappy, but love is way more important than money, I don't find politics funny, there are real humans behind policies, perhaps congress should share their benefits and be paid more modestly, they should be held to the same standards as us, I'm sick of corporate greedy bullies and thugs lacking the guts, to do what is right for the collective, represent those who got u elected, but as for Trump, I'm sorry but according to we the people Hillary won, fuck the electoral college, not only does he lack credibility compassion empathy experience but also common sense and knowledge, just try to comprehend a speech, I can't wait til he's empeached, Obama was always eloquent classy and dignified, while this guy slung insults demeaned women and Muslims constantly spitting false promises and lies, flip flopping more than flip flops, will this nightmare ever stop, Pence isn't any better tho, he's a homophobe cuz he's probably an undercover mo, in my experience that's how it is, filing bankruptcy 5 times doesn't make u brilliant at business, ur just cheating and exploiting the system, this country is turning to shit hell or a prison, seems there's nothing we can do we're screwed, I still say and wish we were inaugurating the first democratic socialist jew!

Peace and 1,

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