Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Concussions Headbutting Nothing

Perfection is similar to the horizon, can never be achieved but we should keep trying and striving, as u approach the line recedes, it ain't really victory when one cheats, anything worth having takes a great deal of hard work, growth occurs more when stemmed from failure pain loss atrocity and hurt, easy is for the sleazy, believe me sweety, being greedy and too needy, everyone will leave me, high and dry, and while ur oblivious wondering why, nice guys finish last, very rarely do u get things u want unless u ask, fuck the past and masks, we've had a lot of laughs, and that's all I could've hoped for, feel like a piece of meat/groped whore, when out at the gay bars or clubs, they all come out of the woodwork when u finally find love, nothing hinders not even with a ring on ur finger, people become thorns and splinters, using attack tactics of divide and conquer, where's human decency respect chivalry valor and honor, it's almost as if we have no values or morals, political differences means no acting cordial, never ending head butting, cuz concussions are nothing, so what if ur beating a dead horse, better than brick walls of course, but yet it seems masochisticness, like ignorance is assumed bliss, until ur not in the know, being out of the loop blows, life is a roller coaster that's just how it goes, upside down twists and turns with highs and lows, hence why it's best, to speak ur mind rather than living with regrets, yes truth is often said in jest, but now ur emotions are a hot mess, Janet wasn't wrong when she sings in her song, "don't know what ya got til it's gone", why is it that u have to lose to gain, knowledge and wisdom ain't the same, it's a plain shame, to only focus on the negativity of rain, it can be beautifully nourishing and replenishing, tears too are healing and cleansing, occasionally we all need a detox, how often do u clean jeans or socks, do u wear deodorant or cologne a lot, publicly burp or fart, followed by an excuse me please, my pits reek but so do his feet, we're both kinda meek and cheap, we leap instead of creep, cuz time is short and precious, karma did curse and bless us, it's a matter of perception, I'd take connection intimacy and affection over a leaky throbbing erection, cuz once u blow ur load, most get up and go, lust is temporary and unfulfilling, u can't rape the willing, bottoming takes practice, are u any good at this, or do u only go one way, vanilla and no role play, keep it spicy, don't make me bleed if u bite me, there are two definitions of fresh, but I digress, this isn't supposed to be a vocabulary lesson, nearly impossible to determine the tone in text messaging, sarcasm gets lost, truth and lies come with costs, if helping others helps ourselves is it the same for hurting, I know evil and the devil are lurking, but staying patient and cognitive, optimistic of the positive, disperse the good thoughts out there in the universe, before things get overwhelmingly worse, stop with the bad what ifs, take all life's experiences and random encounters as gifts, family and friends should add to enhance and uplift, get a fucking grip, fallibility is a part of human nature, pretty much won't ever hate ya, unless u really fuck me over, I'll always be a listening ear consoling soul/shoulder!

Peace and 1,

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