Thursday, May 4, 2017

Ruining Confusing Illusion

Different doesn't always mean better, Trump proved that now more than ever, I'm not saying Bernie is a saint, but thinking socialism is communism is insane, it just isn't true, when the dollar fails what will capitalism do, too few have all the money, why is it when people dress in drag or hide behind a screen they get cunty, so genuine I see thru illusion, feeling empathy all the time can get confusing, cuz it's hard distinguishing ur shit from mine, enough with the reply I'm fine, relationships need honest communication, is it time yet for minority unification, when we come together as one, evil will be shunned, this past year it's reared its ugly head, appeared the virtuous good were all dead, we seemed to have lost our morality and manners, with the evolution of human look-a-like robots we'll need soul scanners, love is what separates us, to deny gays marriage isn't fair or right but totally unjust, it takes guts to come out of the closet, did u know in some states landlords are required to pay interest on ur security deposit, what's with all the exemptions and loopholes, I'm so sick of the deplorables and easily dupables, look gullible is written on the ceiling, all lives matter have purpose and meaning, no one is above anybody else, where is the wealthy's compassion to help, especially the poor, the greedy continue to want more and more, but there isn't endless limitless growth, the middle class must keep the faith and have hope, remember love does conquer all, and the law of gravity states that which rises will eventually fall, lady liberty lost her grace, politicians will lie and say anything to save face, utopia is a fictitious place, exploring space is never a waste, since we're destroying mother Earth, ignoring man made global warming makes us doomed and cursed, it's scientifically proven, guess the devil won't stop til everything is destroyed and ruined!

Peace and 1,

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