Thursday, August 10, 2017

The Future's Up To Fate

What if u found out u were gonna die, would u keep it secret and lie, or share the news, with a chosen few, it can't be easy to tell, many will have hope u will get well, except of course the doctors, and be sure they'll be haters nay sayers and mockers, everyone loves other people's sorrows, imagine knowing there will be no tomorrow, how could u wish that, karma will make get u back, throwing that out there in the universe, just makes matters worse, don't u believe in manifest destiny, I won't judge or assume someone's better than me, I have faith that we are all equal, there's both good and bad inherently in people, it's ultimately what u choose to do, that defines u, will u rise again or give up, why shouldn't we all deserve success and love, life often doesn't make sense, when emotions are high and tense, failure fluctuates and accidents happen, wakes and funerals are a time for remembrance not laughing, it's hard to celebrate tragedy, family and friends always matter to me, but in death there's out of sight out of mind, everybody should be missed and pined, cuz aren't we all special, can't rewind or back pedal, once it's been said or done, words can kill even when just making fun, our lives are much too precious, to dwell on the negative messes, focus on what's in ur control, be careful not to sell ur soul, the devil's willing and waiting to steal it, without empathy how can we feel shit, learn from the mistakes, find ur place, home is where the heart is, flying solo is the hardest, we're meant to be in pairs, u know they care if he or she shares, that's based an old saying, writing poetry is my way of praying, I often talk to myself, doesn't mean I need professional mental health help, my grams used to say it's a sign of genius, without passion or purpose existence is meaningless, at least like ur job/work, stop trying to pawn off responsibility like a jerk, when ur mood is down and depressed, be grateful and aware of what u have and why ur blessed, just to wake up another day, is miraculous in its own way, altho it might seem like breath isn't a gift, music is supposed to inspire and uplift, relate and connect, pay attention to who u elect, policy over popularity, the President needs to rule with bipartisan clarity, instead of divisiveness and fear, politics isn't truth or dare, we don't have patience for more trial and error, how did we get involved in the never-ending war on terror, oh that's right Bush, Trump really needs a push or kick in the tush, cuz he's embarrassing our whole country, he's not savvy with business he was born into money, in fact he'd be richer leaving his holdings in an untouched trust, his looks didn't win Melania over with lust, I think she would say too he's nuts, she obviously has bigger hands balls and guts, cuz they're still together, I can't not wonder if Bernie had won things would be so much better, but we have to deal with our collective decision, even if Muslims and lgbtq are put in concentration camps or prison, the future is up to fate, maybe perhaps things can and will change before it's too late!

Peace and 1,

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