Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Situations Vary But No Exceptions

Everyone wants to be the exception to the rule, when did being a good person become so uncool, we've bastardized righteous, imagine being paid for niceness, or valued at what ur contribution is to humanity, the level of evil that's prevalent is sheer insanity, we're headed for some dark times, can't pretend that things are fine, kicking the can down the line, it doesn't help to bitch and wine, make a change, retract those claws and fangs, learn empathy, focus on ur legacy, what is it u want to leave, it's wrong to lie steal kill or cheat, there is no gray area, this divisiveness is gonna cause mass chaos and hysteria, I even bet we will see the fall of the dollar, if u need me holla, but there's only so much I can do, the most important thing to teach kids is finding the truth, I often feel morally superior, being poor black gay or an immigrant doesn't make anyone inferior, all people are created equal, I wonder if after death there's a sequel, no one knows, life ain't fair that's just how it goes, we've got to work together, to make this Earth cleaner sustainable and better, look how we're treating our ultimate mother, if we treated each other like sisters and brothers, the world would be much more peaceful, the population's becoming extreme pauper or regal, no longer a middle class, can u decipher life's riddle fast, perhaps it requires common sense, can someone tell me where all the shaman went, or how about revolutionary leaders, I'm tired of politically correct people pleasers, ruffle some feathers, stop complaining about typical weather, we should be worried about global warming, these graduated storms are a warning, our President won't heed, can we federally legalize weed, enough already, the global economy is super unsteady, reliably unpredictable, laws are real it's commandments are biblical, and that's why there's separation of church and state, there's a fine line between adultery and rape, that's why character is an important aspect of voting, I'm also skeptical about anonymous quoting, there's no need for evidence or proof in the court of public opinion, I've given up on social media and the virtual reality dominion, online profiles portray the extra special, this next generation is coddled with participation medals, we're becoming completely inept, I wonder if Trump has any sympathy or regret, perhaps he's an alien or robot, personally I think he's just an old fart, who lost touch with the average person, the hard working poor are hurting, can barely make ends meat living check to check, we really need to have a better more secure process to elect, especially when the loser wins the popular vote, it's not always easy to remember exactly what I wrote, it takes lots and lots of rehearsal and practice, is Caitlyn Jenner considered both an actor/actress, no disrespect meant, she ain't no Clark Kent, her costume can't be taken off, just because it's different we shouldn't insult or scoff, circumstances vary, even though gays have the right to marry, I'm not really interested in that arrangement, I'd probably have an indefinite engagement, similar to Kurt and Goldie, I just want a self sufficient partner who will unconditionally love and hold me when I'm sad or lonely!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious

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