Monday, October 14, 2024

Www.CoolGayBestFriend 🚫.Com @ The End

With me it's never too late, to find ur way, take that leap, plant a seed, simply begin, u may gain momentum, no reward without risk, bitch u better work that whisk, like Mike just beat it, or better yet stay seated, ur already defeated if u don't try, it's ok to fail lose and cry, always take another chance, evolve ur stance, let me in, love can win even in sin, ride my vibe, we're so lucky to be alive so why not strive to thrive, but in the end for real not pretend, know all Joe ever wanted was to be the whole wide world's cool gay best friend!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

Just A Day Away

With each passing day, I get further away, leaving grief behind me, while moving silently, helps keep peace, he's such a tease, always have had bad timing, and I'm finding I'd be lying, if I wasn't frustrated/disappointed, it's wicked fucking annoying, having to only hold onto hope and faith, but what if I can't patiently wait, any longer, I don't wanna be stronger, I'm so tired and burnt out, chasing clout while having to bout doubt, hidden agendas along with traumatic tragedy, the universe hurts and is running me raggedy, when all I want is some company, to enjoy this bliss with comfortably triumphantly, we aren't meant to ride and die solo, I hate workaholics the most cuz u know yolo, life shouldn't be just a hustle, I'm not subtle nor afraid of a lil trouble scuffle or struggle, supposed to seize like Columbus, yet not let capitalistic greed creep or seep in leaching like fungus among us, we seem to be absolutely ridiculous hypocrites, definitely especially to both immigrants and the indigenous!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

Love's So Stupid To Lose It

No won't destroy me, so stop teasing and toying b, return a call or text, perhaps gay relationships are simply hexed, since it's unnatural anyways, look how much the beta sub fag pays, prostituted and exploited, there's so much internal work that's been avoided, let out those issues, blow em into tissues, instead of fists and kicks, look at the consequences ur actions depict, why don't alphas try, looking outside, of what just comes to them, ur showing unknowing family or friends, missing opportunities, lgbtq is a str8 made community, like money an illusion, tolerance is confusing, why keep abusing good people, wasting precious time in life is evil, rather not love at all than lose it, in my honest opinion that philosophy is not only ignorant it's really stupid!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Lessons & Blessings

Don't worry about hurting me, if I deem u worthy, sorry I'm so intense, boundaries are better seen fenced, I'd still hop it, I have a huge crush and I can't stop shit, please be in my life, I'll love u thru the fight, even tho I can't save or heal u, I'll keep it 100% real dude, I will never judge, or hold a grudge, since I'm an imperfect human, often wondering what the hell am I doin, letting opportunity and beauty pass by, traumatized from the last guy, back in 2017, but it's him I see clearly in my dreams, and he ain't no saint, yet can talentedly paint, I may be an old soul but don't look it, his hugs and tender kisses have left me shooketh, usually for me they're just another lesson, but I'm hoping this time instead I could be his blessing!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

Friday, October 11, 2024

Misunderstanded Taken For Granted

Who I am is not what I look like, that's why most my life's been a fight, y'all need to give me more grace, say shit to my fatherfucking face, accept me for all of me, stop crushing my calling/dream, wish I could be seen and heard, nobody's listening to the wisdom I've learned, just taken for granted, completely misunderstanded, underestimated and overlooked, I've left jaws dropped in awe utterly shocked or straight shook, thought we weren't supposed to judge a book's cover, I'm a helluva friend and lover, trying to find my chosen family, when so far there are few who can even tolerate or stand me, oh well their loss, ghosting the living comes at such a high cost, forgiveness is key, especially for urself at least, time is precious and short, all I've ever wanted was to be a good cohort, appreciate great moments building memories, can u show compassion to ur enemies, always being the bigger person, striving to inspiringly be my bestest sexiest healthiest version!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

Sunday, October 6, 2024

The Kick Ass Task Of Grief

Grief is a beast, to say the least, my poetry's therapeutically deep and just such a tease, ain't aiming to please, especially anymore, found most performers are inherently whores, desperately seeking attention, with mostly capitalistic intention, people profit off my blood sweat tears and pain, y'all so vain, judgmental and self righteous, where are the other chosen ones here to enlighten us, perhaps God is water, don't be a hoarder, share the wealth, don't be afraid to give or receive both love and help, men should be more vulnerable and talk, instead of war smoke dope or go for a walk, calm the fuck down, stop acting like a clown, it's important to meet me where I'm at, build bridges and know Joe's always got ur back, simply speaks truth/#facts Jack, tongue twistedly transcribing my witty inspiring rhyming into ab fab rad rap tracks, that'll slap/smack/stab/attack with wicked mass sass and class, kick ass taking all those whack straight and black rappers to task!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

My Reality/Actuality Of Love & Happy

Oh what a night, it just felt so right, I knew at first sight, he had a certain light, like a higher vibe or frequency, and we seemed to connect seamlessly, was it meant to be, heaven sent him to me, to remind myself, there's always someone else, never ever give up, especially at love, as well as making all my dreams come true, poetry and music's something simply I have to do, fuck fortune and fame it's my purpose, also my passion and service, hoping I can help others, focusing on the mental health of my fellow brothers, breakdown barriers and stereotypes, show there's so much more depth and levels to our lives, we're onions personified, the rings within trees is where age's wisdom hides, along with manifestation and inception, illusion is perception's projection, tho it may be not what they see or believe, I'll create winning my Grammy a reality/actuality and finally be happy!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 