Why the term poetry slam, like a rap battle it in fact can, imply violence, induce ideas of alliance, compliance, listen as I speak in silence, I'm about to squish squash u down, take away your glorious victorious championship gift...that crown, your day of reckoning will be heard all around town, your name will be mourned as it's transformed to a verb from a noun, how's that sound, you've just been Joe'd we, went toe to toe, but u couldn't crack the code, grab ahold of the judge's soul, to win the competition, u lacked inhibition, and the ambition to see the vision, understanding the condition or position you're in, it's survival of the fittest, fuck who's wittsiest, not wittiest, like funny HAHA, I could unbutton my shirt to display my male moobies/TaTas, but Nah Nah, that wouldn't be right, I'll be kicking the shit out of a comic who uses jokes to fight, my favorite chess piece is the knight, it comes from all weird angles, straight up mangles, my enemy is totally surprised, by beautifully executing the devious plot I devised surmised exercised and materialized, I will not compromise, find allies, and watch another as he or she needlessly dies, because someone dignifies, their own insecurities and lies, as this self proclaimed wanna be God cries, let there be war, I with words will strike u to the core, til u can't take no more, u feel raped like a whore, so insulted that your, repulsive and uglier than a boil or soar, why are u even alive or living for, not only do your absurd words bore, but you'd probably be more entertaining getting on all fours, start barking like a dog, then do tricks lie roll over or play dead, u never bite the hand from which you've been fed, get caught sleeping or in be, bitch, this is it, game on, let's pretend we're mafia and i'm the don, say hello to my little friend, truly take a few breaths or another second, and realize what kind of message the vestige "slam" may send, I don't have an answer as to something else it could be called, all I know my fellow poet and I have never brawled, nor name-called, what up with that, why do u make up this crap, proclaiming and saying I'm secretly crafting a sneak attack, like I would totally just stab someone in the back, I won't play that game, I don't jive that way, maybe we would wind up working to collaborate, make something wicked great, instead of endlessly going head to head, after all u really mustn't forget, playing with others makes things interestingly way more fun, and besides 2 heads are always better than 1.
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious