Everyone's telling me to keep doing what im doing, but yall don't see how cruel and grueling, it is to not be able to do what u love, kind words and a hug are no longer enough, i want the fucking money, aint nobody doing what im doing hunny, an out and proud short gay bald white rapper singer songwriter, who's also an equal rights activist and revolutionary fighter, the lyrical genius of our time, makes music while still working that grind, I work twice as hard to do something 1 millionth of u can't, why do people not understand, support the artists u like, digital downloading and piracy aren't fair or right, if u get what u pay for and it's free, u shldnt complain about the lack of quality, i bet 10 years from now when we look back, we'll think of Drake or Meek Mill and just laugh, cuz if u only care how it sounds, u shld be shot or put down, hip hop used to be inspiringly profound, now it's overloaded with talentless clowns, im about ready to give up, making it is like winning the lottery and i aint got that kinda luck, all i can really do, is hope someday somehow I make it thru, maybe even to the top of the charts, by simply following my gut and heart, and if i don't achieve success until after I die, i hope u all are plagued by the question why, how come u cldnt support me while i was alive, im so frustrated and disheartened i wanna cry, im tired of being defined by pain and strife, but it seems to be the only point to life, like it's a Shakespearian tragedy, i get shat on every time i approach happy, as if it were the horizon line, perhaps im not bright enough to shine, cuz the light within my soul, thanks to u people is nothing more than a black hole!
Peace and 1,
***THIS PAGE HAS ADULT CONTENT*** My poetry and hip hop have deep, meaningful, thought provoking, message driven lyrics of revolutionary truth, consciousness, unconditional love and pride!!!! Contact me for booking, purchasing or fan mail: joeconscious1111@gmail.com
Friday, July 31, 2015
Over Bullshit
What will I say today, I am no longer gay, I've decided to take a vow of chastity, i know in our promiscuous sex culture that's blasphemy, but honestly I'm tired of being used, confused from all the emotional abuse, of whos who, which dl bi guy did u do, being labeled a masogynist pig, cuz i don't date girls or boys wearing wigs, i am what I am, I fight for equal rights as hard as I can, but many in my own community are against me, is this how the story of my life is meant to be, so miserably unhappy, the humidity makes me crabby, my soul is probably black, like my heart once it's severely burned u don't get feeling back, I've grown so numb, people are too naive ignorant and dumb, i would rather keep to myself, work hard and quietly accrue wealth, and one day when u come begging me for help, I'll look down at u pitifully groveling smile and tell u to go fuck urself, I'm over it, all the bullshit, scratch backs while neglecting my own, I think it's about time I find myself a new place to call home!
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Thursday, July 30, 2015
It Might Be Too Late
Happy is a state of heart, harder to have if ur too smart, everyday is a battle, ignorance and injustice get me rattled, all fired and worked up, I will always fight for my right to love, I demand quality from our icons celebrities and role models, the wealthy shldnt be privileged spoiled or coddled, money isn't all it's cracked up to be, I just don't see or feel the need for greed, there's more than enough resources to go around, humans impact on mother earth has been detrimentally profound, at the end of the day, whether ur black white man woman trans bi lez or gay, each of us has a duty and responsibility, to not be so willy nilly, wake up and pay attention, to capitalistic culture and corporate corruption's ascension, if good doesn't stop evil soon, it might be too late to prevent utter chaos and doom, we asked respectfully and nicely, sucked it up sacraficed and even begged politely, but this is bigger than David and Galieth, obviously the only way things will change is another civil war and/or riots!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Unified Pride
Perhaps society is more illiterate than I thought, the only people I hate are politicians who are corporately bought, I've got love for everyone, just cuz i don't understand Caitlin doesn't make me ignorant or dumb, it's fascinating to me she is pro trans but anti gay, please please please read what I say, I try to use my words wisely, anybody who publically comes out I respect highly, but Bruce wasn't the best or my favorite person, now I'm supposed to change how I feel cuz she's superficially a whole new and updated version, perhaps I shld kill somebody and transform too, instead of the Jones' keep up with what the Kardashians do, god maybe I hate two things, look at the lack of equality capitalism brings, at the end of the day we are fighting on the same side, I wish we cld put petty differences aside, become unified by pride and rise, so that love presides and thrives!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Saturday, July 25, 2015
Peace Pipe Light
When u feel lost without hope, and have nowhere to go, no stregnth to fight, nor a spark of light, i genuinely care, and will do everything in my power to be there, if ur weak I am strong, i will always hold on, ur faith has diminished, but the souls never finished, with age comes wisdom, love is the key to his heavenly kingdom, prayer is the answer, why is there aids alzheimers and cancer, smiles like hugs are healing, don't suppress what ur feeling, the truth will set us free, magic exists but u must believe, nature is beautifully awesome, our elders shld pass down what was taught to them, all customs and traditions, teach the fundamentals and foundation to various cultures and their ways of living, giving is easier than receiving, staying patient's harder than just up and leaving, starting fresh emptying the nest, a cocoon like the womb is the antithesis of death, take challenges and risks, remember ur morals and ethics before turning tricks, guns and fists don't bring peace, instead let's sit in a circle sing kumbaya and smoke some weed!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Friday, July 24, 2015
Dangerous Times
All this senseless violence, mass shootings and riots, how long have we been at war, but more importantly what for, natural resources money or power, America is like a bully making the world cower, we have ruled by intimidation and fear, conquering foreign lands when we can't even take care of our own here, how anybody wld wanna have kids, isn't living in the harsh reality the rest of us live, these are dangerous times, too asleep to read or see the signs, if things don't start to change, I can literally predict the end of days, what seems hard to believe tho, is even adults can still learn and grow, yet they remain the same, disconnected unattached and estranged, minorities oppressing other minorites, why can't we straighten out our priorities, reevaluate what actually has substance and worth, I don't think everybody shld have the right to give birth, stop this crazy mentality we live to work, the excessive selfish greediness really hurts, i don't have any answers, can't magically fix inequality or solve cancer, but i can talk about conscious topics, in hopes to inspire thought provoking ways to minimize or stop it, if we all put our heads and hearts together, I guarantee we can help make things a whole lot better!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Don't Desire Illusion
Why does our government reward dooping and swindling, the corrupt and greedy are the ones totally winning, laughing all the way to the bank, and we have nobody but ourselves to blame or thank, we don't really care for or about each other, shld treat another like they're ur sister or brother, stop all this everybody for themselves, just wait til it's u who needs some help, I think the raise for fast food minimum wage, shld be applied proportionately to all vocations at the same rate, meaning if they got 4 dollars more an hour, all those people who make 20 or less shld get motivated and empowered, this ruling just changed the standard, go to ur bosses and be frank and candid, don't accept less than ur full worth, I'm tired of being undervalued by entitled jerks, i have regular bills and college loans, i have no desire to get married have kids or buy a home, so life shldnt be this unaffordable, our education system is absolutely deplorable, i am ashamed of what our legacy will be, I think the US only gives the illusion we are the land of the brave and free!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Welcome To Club Dread
Ever wake up thinking what's the point, no matter what side u get out of ur annoyed, i keep thinking about my dreams and life's purpose, i think bill paying day jobs actually hurt us, we shldnt be working to fill the void, fulfillment creates confidence and poise, any accomplishment is astonishing, our government specifically congress needs admonishing, seriously our country and economy are falling apart, we are becoming robotic slaves without souls minds or hearts, all that makes us amazing creatures, no prerequisite skills or talents to be idolized or featured, we have no idea how to determine value and worth, wish people wld wake up and get their heads out of their asses or the dirt, i think it's funny how humans want to abandon earth, thank Adam and Eve for the curse, mother nature has been exploited to the fullest, stocks betting against America and the dollar are bullish, why globalize corporate capitalistic culture, the world won't survive being overrun by hawks and vultures, there's more successful careers than just doctors and lawyers, yall a bunch of entitled spoiled and lazy wallflowers and voyeurs, i try to be optimistic but can't be disengenuous or lie, i started to dread being alive when i realized quality music and art had already died!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Worthy Of Redemption
If u only knew, how I feel for u, but i gotta think of me and my heart too, u really hurt me dude, a simple sorry isn't enough of an apology, trust is a must but just seems impossible to me, now I know u have a hidden agenda, aint gonna be a pretender and say ur even a contender, remember redemption is only given to those deemed worthy, the way u worked me irks me, no urgency to show some courtesy, respect dignity or honor, change ur name to conner, cuz that's exactly what u are, uve left my heart bruised battered and scarred, true love shouldn't be so hard, doesn't anybody want a friend, someone who's got ur back til the end, perhaps to get one u have to be one, stringing people along isn't cute or fun, if it is ur pretty fucked up, it's all our responsibility to stand up, and say enough is enough, even if it's tough, yes sometimes the truth sucks, but it always comes out, good and evil is the classic eternal bout, who u are depends what side ur on, I believe uber super duper wealthy have the rest of us dooped and conned!
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Left Inept
Does praying really make a difference, can anybody give me a specific instance, in which they were answered, like miraculously deaided or decancered, otherwise u shld know the power lies within u, there's no invisible dude similar to Zeus, isn't that an ancient myth, original sin is the worst gift, let's live life like Jesus and get martyred, wish we were in a world where we bartered, i fucking hate money, just the idea of it is funny, I mean it's a worthless piece of paper, humans are tree rapers, which provide us with essential oxygen, Vinny Paz shld not box again, one too many blows to the head, made him zombiesque/walking dead, no hate or shade, guess I'm fearful and afraid, he might have ptsd, and one day flip out on u or me, cuz alcohol can add fuel to the fire, make a volatile circumstance dangerous and dire, i wldnt challenge a ninja to a karate match, or volunteer to bend over and take it up the ass, i tend to not do things im not good at or don't enjoy, miss being a kid playing sports with the other boys, now it's all about work work work, we become selfish egotistical narcisistic jerks, since the main mission seems to be partnering up, marriage and having babies no longer has anything to do with love, irresponsible sex hexed us with a mess of overpopulation, no accountability nor self regulation, corporations continuously exploit people, capitalism is unbelievable and sheer evil, forget about retirement or getting ahead, the new American dream is somehow surviving drowning in a deep sea of debt, basically rendering the educational system inept, let's thank the baby boomers for the lousy legacy they've left!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Same Old Flow
U all don't see the pain inside I hide, I've tried not to show u I too cry, are u an illuminati spy, i can't help but ask why, I simply want to know, was I predestined to be a joe, even tho I continue to grow, i really want to pack my bags and go, I'm headed back to the dreaded same old flow, a 9 to 5 job lifestyle is not what I chose, i needed something to pay my bills, when I perform a new song I always get nervous chills, but in the end it's been way better than expected, perhaps I'm living too comfortable and protected, i just want to be a rapper singer songwriter, an equal rights activist and an unconditional love fighter, just like Pac, hope I don't get shot, seems to be a revolutionary pattern, i ain't married or Saturn, i have no ring, i know I rap better than I sing, probably shld take voice lessons, but i focus on my true blessings, I'm a fierce lyricist, too intellectual and deep so not just anyone gets the gist, I'm not about judgmental gossip or battling, I'm tired of so called friends heckling and haggling, this is my dream u shldnt be laughing, a lil compassion and support is all I'm asking, we all have hopes and wishes, specific talents and niches, but ull never find them out, if u compromise passion and don't bout, nothing worth having comes easy, unfortunately people are evil greedy and sleazy, and on that note it's time to shower, afterall I have my second day of work in about an hour!
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Friday, July 17, 2015
Cultivating Wisdom & Growth
I woke up thinking today will be great, it's so sad when the love u had turns to hate, when people kick u while ur down, smile instead of displaying a pouting frown, i laugh at the fact u try to inflict hurt and pain, life isn't a bdsm scene or game, keep ur sadisticness to urself, pretty sure it was u who needed professional help, my short stint in butler was eye opening, only praying for faith strength and hoping, doesn't help fix u, or ur deeper issue, abuse is perpetuated by the abused, often misconstrued and confused, when dealing with empaths, the idea magic exists is hard to grasp, I'm like a mirror reflecting, showing people their true perception, we need protection from deception, everybody seems totally inept and, focused on all the wrong things, look at all the regret compromise brings, love and happiness are the keys to fulfillment, i don't feel the need to commemorate moments with pics or video recording/filming, i cherish memories by keeping them in my mind and heart, perhaps when I become an old fart, everything will be fuzzy and hazy, there's a fine line between crazy and lazy, i always appreciate and respect my elders tho, they cultivate wisdom and growth, yes we reap what we sow, but the meaning and reasoning why we may never know!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Thursday, July 16, 2015
Existential Dilemma/Decision
The universe can be so cruel, what am I gonna do I haven't a clue, what an existential dilemma/decision, music or occupational prison, and it's only a temp job lasting 4 to 6 weeks, I'm emotionally overwhelmed all I can do is weep, why's it seem so impossible to fulfill dreams, I'm running low on hope patience and steam, i used to think faith and love were enough, I find myself cursing words and looking up, thinking there's some invisible asshole in the sky above, wishing someone wld come cuddle and snuggle or at least give me a hug, I need some human contact stat, sick of being stabbed in the back then laughed at, yall are a bunch of sadists, sarcasm is all about tone and cadence, my profound lyricism and insight, is definitely not censored politically correct or polite, bitch please take a cue from some Sweet Brown sass, "ain't nobody got time for that"!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
A Gay's Straight Talk
I'm not trying to sound ungrateful, however salaries seem to be super glued or stapled, i think it's absolutely moronic and ridiculous, minimum wage is set by Congress...a bunch of selfish hypocrites, i spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to get my degree, and cashiers at Mickey Ds will make just as much as me, I've been paid the same $12-$15 wage, since I was high school age, that makes absolutely no fucking sense, why right before u die do so many repent, i live my whole life a hard working genuinely nice guy, yall rate people based on wealth religion sexuality and whether or not they get high, our moralistic truth has been compromised, wish capitalism and corporate culture wld meet its demise, no matter how hard I try, I can't hold back these tears from my eyes, when I think of all the ignorance and discrimination, kids being exploited and taught how hating is viable motivation, afterall revenge feels so good, but it's more hollow than wood, i never understood fighting fire with fire, the fine line isnt much thicker than wire, this economy is like the election process, a big huge corrupt and fucked up mess, while comedians use sarcasm and jest, i think direct straight forward talk and harsh honesty is the best!
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Game Of Monopoly/Life
What if it's all make believe, would u agree with me, or think I'm crazy, constantly compromising and settling is lazy, whoops a daisy, maybe weeds made my brain hazy, but it's grades better than alcohol abuse, being illegal is no longer an excuse, what evidence can anyone produce, excessive debt is killing more youth, that and religious oil wars, why bother keeping score, humanity has begun to implode, corporations are considered people but like robots have no heart or soul, take money out of the equation, redistribute wealth evenly amongst the total population, there wld be no more hunger and less waste, the spoiled have a skewed view of value and taste, some will do absolutely whatever it takes, to own 100% of shareholders stakes, defeating the purpose of a democracy, this isn't a game of fucking monopoly, there's no winner in this game of life, watch out getting stabbed in the back tho with a knife, cuz dough u know equates power, but in the end my friends it don't matter when u meet that fated final hour!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Time Doesn't Erase Mistakes
Cld it be that time of the month, it's not an excuse for u to act like a cunt, we all have good days and bad, u happy or sad, don't get mad get glad, now ur copying commercial slogans, have u ever accidentally paid in chuck e cheese tokens, man life is easier as a kid, didn't need money sex or drugs to live, our imaginations always ran wild, mom got pissed cuz of that 800 number I dialed, which is way better than 911, the whole dcyf situation was just dumb, it definitely wasn't my proudest moment, that Santa stop here sign we put on Jen's lawn was stolen, have u ever been an accessory to a crime, I'm reminded of mine everytime I see that Ann & Hope sign, i still feel awful tho for my sister's friend Brian, who was arrested for getting us booze, god we were such stupid ignorant fools, constantly breaking the rules, I'm amazed we made it to this age, time sure passes but doesn't erase, i don't believe in destiny or fate, cuz then I can't understand the idea of free will, imagine losing weight or growing hair with a simple pill, i wonder if a woman will be on the $20 bill, maybe even become president too, let that fester a bit and stew, to see how far we as a society have come, electing another bush wld be catastrophically dumb, probably way way worse than Donald Trump, hopefully Bernie Sanders will be the first independent to have won, can the damage we've caused even be undone, there's too much pollution and overpopulation, better buy urself a gun hun, and don't forget ur sunscreen for some fun in the sun, figured I'd try to distract u with a lil misdirection, it's for ur own protection, I'm just really so fucking scared about the 2016 election!
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
What Stinks
Guess I cried wolf too many times, ur pity parties are as bad as ur pick up lines, always generically ok or just fine, he's being dramatic again please pay no mind, every day it's something angry or jealous, stop being so damn aggressive or overzealous, when it comes to writing and fighting less is more, quality over quantity shld be at the core, but I'm trying to show u all I'm not lazy, the amount of passion and drive needed seems crazy, that's why I keep begging and pleading, each poem reflects my heart beating bleeding, pouring some soul onto a blank page, learning to mute my fear up there on stage, it's easy to sit on a pedastal and judge, we need to practice more empathy compassion and love, how bout a kiss or a hug, i wanna be tucked in snug like a bug in a rug, rolled immobile like a tortilla, i will gag u tho if u start singing mama mia, silence went from golden to gray, pretty much everything can be fixed with duct tape, it's the universal tool, better than super glue, wish it cld piece together my life, having a wife ain't worth the hype, even having a boyfriend seems monotonously obsolete, is it me or have u noticed real hot guy's feet reak, not like it's done purposefully or its their fault, too much testosterone I bet makes them sweat and become bald, did u know plastic produces harmful amounts of estrogen, which is killing the sex drive of tall rugged big burly men, no offense but I hate girly boys and fems, jocks just shldnt be diamonds in the rough or rare gems, perhaps I'm disillusioned and naive, but finding a suitable mate to date stinks and is my biggest pet peeve!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Can't Escape Urself
It's hard not to get discouraged, everybody comes with luggage, present becomes past fast, regret will kick u in the ass, always strive to achieve dreams, even as impossible as they may seem, I've surpassed many's expectations, when's my next vacation, I can't take a break from being me, nor can Mariah Carey, we become a product of our art, fickle people have trouble opening their minds and heart, most goals are left unfulfilled, instead of jealously resentful be supportive and thrilled, celebrate other's accomplishments, I'm often disgustingly mesmerized in astonishment, at the absurd amount of ignorance discrimination and hatred, truth justice equality and love are what's sacred, when will capitalism fall and corporate greed end, once we wake up to realize we only get by with a little help from our friends!
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Always Call Bullshit
Woke up hungover from so many shots, my poor stomach and these awful beer burps I got, remind me why I stick to smoking pot, god I'm becoming an old fart, my Sunday funday is gonna be low key, I didn't even get out of bed til 3, and it was cuz i desperately needed coffee, some weed and to write poetry, i know I know I'm a freak, yup that's me, watch as I wave my flag high and proud, i know I'm pretty deep intense and a loud mouth, but what can I say, I'm an orally talented gay, ok ok I'll come out and play, it's another gorgeous day anyway, I still have to shave shower and brush my teeth, i wanna look good and sexy this week, just cuz I'm short doesn't mean I'm weak or meek, give my nips a lil tweak, and ud see a boner pop up immediately, raging hard and throbbing vehemently, I'm a super sensative soul, with extremely big dreams and goals I suppose, but i think they are totally achievable and believable, ur remedial English language skills are inconceivable, holy fucking shit, are u a hypocrite moronic or straight up illiterate, any which way I'm scared for u and afraid, it's within my nature to always call bullshit and a spade a spade!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Saturday, July 11, 2015
More Addicted To Crack
Grown numb to the dumb, government's got us under their thumb, keep repressing ur deepest desires, ommitting things just makes u a liar, even some out and proud are actually still closeted, that mark's a scar from where cosmically karma bit, most of my closest family and friends, won't disclose certain skeletons, but quick to gossip about mine, if u want something bad enough ull make the time, I'd never commit suicide, cuz my eternal love's light shines bright guys, tho it may dim and flicker it never gets extinguished, I've got some street sass intelligence and class that makes me uniquely original and distinguished, I'm so mystifyingly rare and extra special, I'm on a whole other spiritual existential level, making magic happen, despite haters disbelieving and laughing, just watch out for personal gain, im not after fortune nor fame, i do love tho to shock amaze and prove people wrong, hearing u need a dictionary to comprehend my poems and songs, makes me giggle a little, I like catchy diddies that make u sing along and whistle, I'm waiting on that one track, that'll have yall more addicted to me than crack, enough with this whack rap crap, let's bring classic old school back!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Can't Compare
I think most people don't know how to respond to me, too much truth and sarcastic honesty, but that's what we shld be idolizing and aspiring to, lIke Donald Trump on Apprentice I'm firing u, blasting and embarrassing u in front of everyone else, do u think falling and failing actually helps, the natural dichotomy is a part of life, does the Ying yang theory confirm marriage is only for a man and wife, I don't know how I will be judged, i find it hard to believe God wld begrudge same sex love, it's pretty simple, I'd rather a pimple, than pussy or kids, it's just how I choose to live, I wanna write anthems like Mike's "Heal The World" and "What More Can I Give", boy do I really miss him, Tupac Whitney and Robin Williams, the world seems a much dimmer place, no new artist comes close to comparing to any of the greats, they just don't make good music movies or tv anymore, what happened to all the cd stores, digital killed the singer songwriter, well I'm here and a revolutionary lyrical activist/fighter, as long as my vocal chords work and I'm alive, I'll rock out to my introductory gay theme song which is Gloria Gaynor's "I Will Survive"!
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Still Stir Crazy
Woke up still stir crazy from being broke, stuck in my past trapped at my folks home, I'm embarrassed I can't stand on my own, I understand why I'm alone, I can't afford a relationship, nor can I bite my tongue when u constantly judge and hate shit, if uve got a boyfriend stop trolling, does he know ur secret fetish of being in control and, dominating fags with ur feet, why do u feel the need to tease, shouldn't have even bothered answering my ad, at least u weren't over 50 ugly and fat, what's the deal with all these unavailable men, fuck fakes and flakes cuz there will be no amends, i will make it my life's mission, to expose ur secrets and lies to anyone who'll listen, kink and sex are all about trust and permission, please refrain from ur ignorant sickening opinion, especially if it was never asked, it's pretty rude and disrespectful to laugh, I would never have the heart, to tell a religious fanatic there's no jesus or god, will discrimination oppression and persecution ever stop, can't seem to forget about Taylor the jock or Mike the cop, I was absolutely shocked surprised and amazed, when Everett flew all that way, just to come see me perform at pride, at that moment I realized so many people don't even try, to make any effort or put in the time, I'm rapping asking like DMX "Lord give me a sign", at least maybe some stregnth hope or faith, cuz my biggest obstacle in life to hurdle is being patient enough to wait!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Classic Magic
God have i come so far, the road to hip hop success I bet is long and hard, but no matter what, I got the heart and guts, not to mention a whole lot of soul, to think how it all started with a poem 8 years ago, it's absolutely crazy to me, seems almost impossible to believe, it took about 2 1/2 years to make my first cd, for the second album it'll be closer to 3, and honestly I'm ok with that, as I sit on the shitter writing this reflecting back, everything comes in its proper time, nobody has the same style of rhyming as mine, I need to stop incessantly questioning why when or if, altho I don't think we're given purposeless useless gifts, even the strongest relationships can shift or rift, but a lil love and kindness is rejuvenatingly healing, i have a suspicious feeling, there's some divine hidden meaning, we can't all be in 100% agreement, wack rap doesn't deserve any bereavement, i want some of that old school style that was classic, i have hope and faith I'll be able to duplicate my magic, only this go around, my lyrics will be much more existential and profound, i tried to diversify and commercialize my sound, looking for some r&b singers who wanna collaborate and get down, but i won't wait very long, cuz pretty soon I will have finished another new record/song!
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Friday, July 10, 2015
My Beliefs & Opinions
I want to write something that moves the masses, refills everyone's souls and glasses, where did all the hope go, u don't have to pray to have faith u know, inspiration is an endangered species, right up there with reciprocity and intimacy I believe, the children are our future but we don't teach them well, do u think Whitney is in heaven or hell, how bout Michael Jackson, perhaps u don't know the facts then, we all are just human and have no right to judge, OJ is innocent cuz he cldnt get his hand in the glove, GW killed way more people, he's probably the devil incarnate/the epitome of evil, and as much as it really pains me, he's too stupid so it was obviously Cheney, yall can hate me for telling the truth, I just can't filter fake or censor myself the way u do, i must be more evolved and smarter than u, sorry not sorry boo, it's all just bullshit and lies, more smoke and mirror misdirection again...surprise surprise, nothing shocks me anymore, Monica Lewinsky was a promotion seeking home and presidential wrecking whore, and poor poor Hillary, the victim of white woman's burden being Obama's auxiliary, i would have to say the most oppressed group of people in the world, has without a doubt got to be the girls, and I can't understand for the life of me, how shld I put this politely, why the fuck don't we wake up, and instead of hating on each other let's all kiss and hug or just make love!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Thursday, July 9, 2015
Is Change Even Possible
Taking compliments is a skill in and of itself, why are men too proud to ask for help, admit they were wrong or perhaps don't know, is it even possible for people to change or grow, they all talk a good game, but basically at the end of the day, they're pretty much the same old lame plain Blaine or Jane, my mom's friend loves to decorate her cane, making it stylish and original, expressing interest and flirting shld never be discrete or subliminal, catching social cues is critical, pushing too hard is pivotal, sometimes i come off overzealous and head strong, i just have trouble figuring out where I fit in and belong, i try to hide my insecurities behind sarcasm and jest, live my life the best I can without regrets, hope the baby boomers have fun finding themselves again after retirement and an empty nest, i refuse to settle or compromise for less, I guess I'm just that annoying pest, but I'm tired of sitting back watching yall exasperate mistakes and create an even more impossible to conquer mess, i think we as a society shld hold wall street and banks accountable for corrupt corporate culture's success, I say the next president's number one mission is to fire and fix this ridiculousness of a congress!
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Lack Of Empathy & Compassion
Why do we tear others down to lift ourselves up, man I wish people would learn to respect self love, when ur comfortable in ur own skin, watch the change in ur popularity begin, no need to demean and insult others, no we are not inbred but we're all sisters and brothers, capitalism taught us how to compete, but also to rise again after failure or defeat, i may only have a pipe dream and passion, but i def have pride drive and not afraid to take action, which is more than I can say for u, if one more person talks big and doesn't follow thru, I'm simply gonna flip the fuck out, prob punch em right in their exaggerating lying mouth, seriously it's time to wake up people, ignorant criticism and bullying can take a nice guy and turn him evil, the power of words, can permanently scar wound and hurt, I never belittle anybody's aspirations or goals, what happened to our essences and souls, i thought this past winter was torturously cold, but to be honest ur disgusting lack of empathy and compassion really breaks the mold!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Endless Possibilities
Wonder what the possibilities are for today, how do u always know the right things to say, it's like u feel my emotions, the random rhythm of the ocean, and the waves like tears wash away sand imperfections, did u know ur flaws and mistakes are actually blessings, simply waking up to take a breath, haunts the souls that have left this earth dead, floating so cold and invisible, u gotta learn the difference between sarcastic and literal, poetry is artistic imagery with words, I don't shy away from shame or worse...hurt, the fear of pain motivates passion, a good scare can shock u and make u jump into action, when the going gets tough, a warrior survives becuz of the power of love, it's a driving divine force, can u say Tony Danza wore the pants on Who's The Boss, gender roles have become outdated and obsolete, Caitlin Jenner has revolutionized the movement so trannys aren't considered freaks, between Ireland and now the US, we will defeat ISIS and Russia next is my guess, I want freedom and equality for all, wonder if homosexuality will be humanity's downfall, historians suggest that's what happened to Rome, i don't understand why I can't define my own idea of family and home, I may live my life unmarried and alone, but hey if it makes me happy I'll move to Colorado to have crazy gay sex and legally stay stoned!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Existential Revelation
When u remove urself from a bad equation, ur able to have an existential revelation, self actualize what u really want in life, societal capitalistic pressure adds to the stress and strife, people piss me off, constantly gossip and scoff, but i try to lead and be an ample example, that despite being knocked down constantly and trampled, doesn't mean u can't get up again and rise above, the whole point to this existence is finding love, it comes in all varieties and forms, we individually define what's our own norm, been learning to lower my expectations, and give myself some credit and appreciation, I'm much too deep and serious all the time, no I'm not a slutty flirt I'm actually just genuinely outgoing nice and kind, i feel trapped and it's stifling both my mind and soul, my heart's never been fully whole, tho I have an abundance of amazing relationships, I'm rather anxious and impatient to see future blessings and gifts, cuz I'm always working hard at growing my craft, it's impossible to not take shit personally repeatedly getting the shaft, like I'm being metaphorically sadistically edged and teased, by sarcastic assholes and religious extremists/bullies, we're coming to a tipping point where that'll no longer legally be tolerated, I'm still shocked by the crazy amount of atrocious ignorance discrimination and hatred, very much real not only alive and well but prevalent, I'd say it's pretty clear cut obvious and evident, a lot is riding on who becomes the next American president!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Monday, July 6, 2015
The Powers Of Faith Hope & Love
Some days it's all poetry others it's excessive memes, sometimes someone else can better capture the essence of what my emotions mean, I feel so deeply cuz I'm super sensative, i hate when others demean or make fun of the way I choose to live, I always try to support my family and friends, does everybody really just fake and pretend is my question, cuz otherwise I need to understand why, am I so sexy smart talented and funny yet still a single gay guy, the constant rejection is brutal torture, ull never see me dressed in drag or couture, it simply is not my style, I've decided to take a break and go away for a lil while, from now on I'll only share my gifts, with those who truly support and appreciate my shit, i refuse to have the life and soul sucked out of me, I'll be much more self sustainable after I get my music production degree, the best things in life aren't free, and nobody ever said it's fair or easy, when the going gets rough and tough, suck it up and believe in the powers of faith hope and love, and when it seems the only person u can depend on is urself, remembering "footprints in the sand" helps, knowing that in our darkest hours He has the strength to carry us, inspires the will to live again and to dig deep down inside to find my bravery and guts!
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Sunday, July 5, 2015
Gotta Love Sarcasm
Don't judge only knowing a brief piece, take each poem or song indivually, trust I'm not a negative asshole, but oppression and rejection takes a toll, and even tho I talk a great game, my sarcasm drives many crazy and insane, i will however never censor or sugar coat my shit, wish the industry wld promote real authentic talent that's impressive and legit, why is that i become the bad guy, for giving my opinion and speaking my mind, isn't that what democracy is all about, I really can't handle this cut throat capitalistic bout, if money can't buy happiness why do u want it so bad, why are u mad I'm not ecstatic and glad, afterall the supreme court ruled in favor of gay marriage, which is as outdated a practice as the idea of retirement or riding a horse drawn carriage, but believe u me im all for love, I'm getting better at knowing when and where to simply shut up, sometimes silence, can be deadlier than violence, it's funny if I go away for a while yall miss me, and when I get more successful I bet ull play dumb and ditzy, I've never been flashy glamorous or glitzy, i can hang with the full spectrum from hood rat to ritzy, I've decided to go back to school for a music production degree, which will hopefully someday hang next to my Grammy or 3!
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
How many more hurdles must I make, before I catch some sort of a break, getting ur hopes up only to be let down isn't right, yet it's the story of my life, people mean well but don't have any follow thru, how many times must I repeat it's not what u say but if u do, I need to be someplace that appreciates me and my talents, where opportunity comes to the good hearted genuine and valient, who says chivalry is dead, if u come for me u will be read, I'm tired of complaining and hearing myself bitch, beginning to get the moving bug/itch, RI is too soul sucking, rude and prude when it comes to the topic of gays fucking, i never in my wildest dreams, cld imagine I'd have this much animosity, everybody is consumed by fear and repression, structured religion is the root cause I'm guessing, seriously I've gotten spiteful and begrudging, this sex rut im in is absolutely mind numbing, i refuse to settle for less and start slumming, to get that euphoric feeling of releasing/cumming, i will not compromise when it comes to my music or love, but does there come a point when ur so annoyed u know it's time to give up?
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Friday, July 3, 2015
The Sheeple
Too politically correct to be happy, u can think I'm a crazy freak and laugh at me, but i know what I want and like, Im not afraid to ask for it or fight, u all keep settling for less, thinking compromise is the best, one man's trash is another's treasure, i don't understand how a humans value and worth is measured, having money really isn't the answer, but it can buy a cure for aids and/or cancer, afterall it does rule the world, thank god I don't get paid the same wage as girls, look at how far we've come with equal rights, i can cry on command when I think of the awful atrocities caused by whites, feel so damn guilty but it's not my fault, how come Pixar doesn't have the classic nostalgia like Walt, Disney put a lil magic back into life, adults don't believe but kids still might, love is very powerful and special, similar to music it's universal and existential, it knows no limitations or boundaries, remember when there were arranged marriages and doweries, imagine having that but for lesbians and gays too, tho it is amazing we have the federal ability to now say I do, I don't have hope or faith, cuz I've never dreamed or fantasized about my wedding day, honestly I'm pretty scared and afraid, that idea isn't in my cards or how I was made, most people only love me as a friend, I wish I was better at faking shit and playing pretend, perhaps everything wldnt seem so morbidly dismal and bleak, boredom and lonliness make time the biggest creep, this is a huge uphill battle and the road is steep, u can't even differentiate between hurders and the sheep, im jumping off a cliff who's following me?!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Just Another Casualty
One day ull wake up and I'll be long gone, all ull have to remember me by are my hip hop/rap songs, I don't wear my heart on my sleeve, but i totally bare my soul thru my poetry, I'm 100% uncensored without any filter, i wanna be more iconic to gay youth than Barney or Bob the builder, what happened to the positive role models for kids, freedom depends entirely where u were born and live, I don't really understand prejuice nor discrimination, why do so many settle compromise and become comfortable being complacent, nobody cares anymore about the greater good, the wealthy would eradicate everyone else if they could, even judges and cops are unjust and corrupt, pretty soon the poor are gonna get fed up and errupt, we can only take so much going without, eventually rage takes over and causes a massive bout, people are only human and have a breaking point, imagine being punched in the tit or kicked in the groin, pretty much that's what's been happening, and most just sit back gawking and laughing, we supposedly have all this power, yet u turn a blind eye and cower, rather let someone else do the dirty work, just like a stereotypical spoiled lazy jerk, but of course u wanna reap the benefits, I'm disgusted by what whites have done to blacks Indians and Jesuits, seriously it's hard to look at myself in the mirror, i assumed as u get older ur destiny gets clearer, but the sad unfortunate reality, is we all will one day become just another casualty, the important thing to remember, we will get a whole lot further in life if we stick together, since united we stand divided we fall, I'm simply astonished and appalled u don't have the balls to answer my call!
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
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