I'm aggravated and frustrated, making me angry bitter and jaded, so I no longer can even bare or tolerate it, before I get too consumed with hatred, I'm gonna just man up and change shit, the struggle is real, and like people it doesn't give a fuck how u feel, they'll lie cheat and steal, for that dollar menu and/or a happy meal, i need a better protector/shield, i will not stop doing hip hop nor yield, I'll continue to do me and my own thing, and watch all the peace joy and consciousness it brings, a person's soul is as vulnerable as their shins, it's not just about how it ends or beings, it's the story and journey within, my patience is running thin, everybody sins cuz we're human, don't waist time judgmentally poo pooing or booing, instead focus ur own hocus pocus on what u urself are pursuing and doing!
Peace and 1,
***THIS PAGE HAS ADULT CONTENT*** My poetry and hip hop have deep, meaningful, thought provoking, message driven lyrics of revolutionary truth, consciousness, unconditional love and pride!!!! Contact me for booking, purchasing or fan mail: joeconscious1111@gmail.com
Saturday, September 26, 2015
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Join The Revolution For Change
I wanna try and move u thru words, be wary of the vicious wolves that lurk, disguised as a sheep, poor ignorant naïve little Bo Peep, the bible is nothing more than a fairy tale fable, what if instead of just one we had a presidential round table, or perhaps the VP shld be a member of the other party, I just don't trust any republican tho I'm not sorry, they have done nothing but persecute and discriminate, what social benefit are u now trying to eliminate, don't even get me started on the lack of quality music, cuz I'm seriously gonna lose it, or the extreme unequal distribution of wealth, hypocritical anti pot smokers shld focus more on their own health, like not being so morbidly obese, enough already with corporate greed, honestly I cld care less what u religiously believe, this is the land of the fucking free, so leave me the hell alone, why are so many kids over 30 still living at home, oh cuz rent and health care costs are astronomical, the only celebrities we shld envy or support and consider phenomenal, shld actually have originality and talent, stop stigmatizing the nice guy who's courteous chivalrous and valiant, always follow your heart gut and passion, it's time for "we the people" to take action, I think in order for real change a revolution must happen!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Mr. & Mrs. Jones
I want to write a poem for my friend Meg, over this past weekend she wed, proving once again that love does conquer all, tho we are entering into Fall, this is the birth of something greater than just u and I, love is like magic it's heavenly divine, she has always been an amazing friend of mine, but now upon her the spotlight shines, her courage passion beauty and grace, brings an ear to ear smile to my face, thinking back on all the good times we've shared, I'm so glad u found a partner who selflessly nourishes and cares, I can feel the strong connection even thru a computer screen, despite life's plight strife and tragic atrocity we've seen, a simple wedding can provide such positivity and hope, whether a big ceremony or a Vegas elope, as long as your love is true, the important thing is both of u saying I do, no one can fill or walk in somebody else's shoes, but uve reinvigorated my faith that I will someday find love too, it's hard to look at how far apart we all grew, no matter the time space or distance between love always pulls us thru, gray skies are returning to blue, to clear the path for u and ur groom, so as u walk together on this journey and start anew, congratulations again u 2, and have a fabulous unforgettable honeymoon!
Peace and 1,
Monday, September 21, 2015
Opinions Are Assholes
Why do we gravitate towards what hurts us, is there really any purpose, besides helping the kids, everyone judges the way I live, opinions are like assholes everbody's got one, yes sex is both addicting and fun, but straight people have a responsibility, it's an overpopulated world may sound silly, but honestly look how we effect the planet, it makes me wanna Scream like Mike and Janet, I'm so sick and tired of social injustice, where does the strength come from one musters, to hold on to our faith, stay calm and comfortable being patient enough to just wait, I can't fake my life being great, been acting spiteful and ungrateful, sorry but conscious truth isn't always nice or graceful, I'm often disappointed frustrated and ashamed, I hate the players and the game, I swear it's rigged against me, it's true nothing in life is free, the universe and karma are hard to understand, stop playing god ur just a man, I'm trying to do all I can, to inspire fans to reach higher self love and dance, every person deserves more than one chance, my hip hop songs have quality lyrics and dope beats, you'll wanna blast that shit on repeat, I won't quit or admit defeat, can't wait for some celebrity meet and greets, cuz us musicians need to stick together, supporting each other makes things easier/better, we all need a lil tlc now and again, I know I only get by with some help from music my family and friends!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Withdraw Claws & Fangs
Damn man I'm on a roll, sitting here smoking a bowl, still waking up, trying to eradicate the hate and make room for more love, anger and fear are powerful emotions, have a wide range of waves and tides like the lows and highs of the ocean, why do my words provoke so much commotion, wisdom is always growing, along with the shade uve been throwing, ur true colors are finally showing, now the decision is mine, do I give it even more time, patience is definitely a lacking virtue, especially when all I want to do is spitefully hurt u, I've never been overwhelmed by jealousy nor revenge, why does success come at love's expense, i know now I can't rely on friends, some burned bridges never heal nor mend, tho blood is thicker than water, with u in my life I feel unfulfilled and poorer, ur kind of obnoxious and toxic, spreading unconscious logic, something has got to give or change, please withdraw ur claws and fangs!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Double Standard Service
Trying to write a poem I can post, most tho can't handle my sarcasm or jokes, can dish or give it but can't take it, I just don't fake shit, i tell it like it is, I always handle business, I've done nothing wrong, simply expressing myself thru poetry and song, holding u accountible to what u say, truth isn't subjective in any way, enough playing both sides, relationships are all about forgiveness and compromise, but I will not be ur punching bag, for u or ur fag hag, when I get nervous I laugh, too humble and modest to brag, i won't attack I react, so passive i don't even want to fight back, service to me, is performing for free, all I want is to contribute what I can, these outlandish double standards are impossible to understand, I'm just a man with big dreams and plans, I have to learn to separate fam from pham and friends from fans!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Don't Dance
I feel censored by my pops, i want these spiteful feelings to stop, who made u judge jury and cop, sorry but I don't dance or shop, it's just not my style, I'd love to chill and smoke for a lil while, don't get it twisted tho when I smile, I'm probably holding in the puke/bile, u make me sick, suck my dick u prick, ur thick headed and stubborn, a fucking curmudgeon, dooping ur student into believing, it's u who's the victim with hurt feelings, don't agree with violence cheating lying or stealing, lately I've been mainly crying and grieving, the death of our friendship, is really tough to deal with, I'm confused thanks to abuse, i feel so mislead and used, how many times must I beg, ur quick to forget, stop trying to hold shit over my head, never ever will we cuddle together again in bed, especially since uve rarely followed thu with any of what u said, unfortunately that's what u get, swallow ur own bullshit u fed, I'm gonna go make a real difference instead!
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Gemini Behavior
It's hard to let go of anger, i understand now how Nas thinks best friends become strangers, u simply cannot act that way, stop thinking I'm always coming for u sideways, we all have good and bad days, I'm so over the gays, i don't speak the language, rejection is the reason I languish in anguish, it's hard to keep the faith, impossible to patiently wait, for love or success, which one is the best, especially if u can't have both, do we even get a say or to vote, aren't they inaliable rights, can't sleep after fights, my minds on overdrive and won't stop, like the beating of my broken heart, I'm the gemini a very sensative soul, but ur extremely hot and cold, thanks to those tides of highs and lows, I'm in a depressive black hole, so its time to go write a poem and smoke a bowl.
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Help Urself
It's tiring always being the mature bigger person, perhaps this relationship just isn't working, u can't force people to change, seem to be going the wrong direction in a one way lane, this double standard of selfishness, reminds me life's like hellish bliss, orgasmic torture and sweet sorrow, live today cuz no ones promised tomorrow, I can agree to disagree, as long as it doesn't make a liar out of me, why can't we have a difference of opinion, u have no control over me or my dominion, u can't have both the first and last words, ur hypocrisy constantly hurts, don't read if u don't wanna be read, how about u take accountability and responsibility instead, ur I'm sorries are empty, are u just jealous or resent me, I have shown up on time every time, ur childish silence is a sign, at the end of the day, u always think I'm coming for u sideways, that doesn't give permission or justify, verbal abuse and not having to apologize, we are fallible imperfect humans, my head can't rationally wrap around wtf ur toxicity is doing, so I won't bother anymore to try and help, when u repetedly refuse to acknowledge wrong doing or make the effort to help urself, there's no point, I just wind up frustrated stressed out and annoyed.
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Serve Love
I don't wanna use my art, to tear others down or break ur heart, but I have all these unvented feelings, wish I was dancing with Lionel on the ceiling, i am not an opportunist I'm down to give service, but just showing up for moral support seems worthless, I've said it time and time again, if u are really my brother and friend, u wldnt continue to lead me on, ur not that mysterious I can see thru ur con, i wear my emotions on my arm, ur convulsing black out rage implies threatening harm, this is the hardest thing to get over, stop holding the whole world on ur shoulders, ull eventually collapse, we all make mistakes and have mishaps, as long as u come back to the table, it wld be nice if u got ur anger management problem stable, please lead by example, we're still stuck in the preamble, let's not walk away before we've started, we all need to be more sympa/empa thetic open minded and hearted, only when we unite as one, will our collective light shine bright as a sign love won!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Thursday, September 17, 2015
See Spiteful Revenge Red
Barely got any sleep last night, I hate lingering unresolved feelings from a fight, be adult enough not to play the quiet game, I'm not an opportunist for money nor fame, with pham like u who needs enemies, bitch please, hey pot stop calling the kettle white, u've heard my bark but can u take my bite, how about I kick u while ur down, verbally abuse me but turn shit around, I will not be victim shamed taking 100% of the blame, accepting ur apology without the promise to change ur behavior is insane, u can't black out from anger and rage, and expect things to go back to normal after avoiding shit for more than a few days, I told u before ur silence exacerbates the situation, ur hating is disgracing and I refuse to become numb and complacent, enabling ur atrocious behavior, u ain't no fucking martyr or savior, ur hypocritical double standards are obvious, sick of ur piggybacking henchmen and lobbyists, it's ignorant thinking majority rules, popular belief doesn't mean it's right or the truth, I'll just lie and do the bare minimum like all y'all, I hope I'm there tho to point and laugh when u fail/fall, thanks for ruining my life, now all I see is red and wanna get revenge just to spite!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
A Few Good Men
What an emotional roller coaster, I'm inspired by the brave lil toaster, movies are a reflection of life, don't think u know my pain and strife, cuz u read a few posts or poems, spreading hate is never acceptable or condoned, mind ur own business, every damn time the side u take is his, 2 v 1 is no fun, odds are they won, making me feel crazy and always wrong, u can only judge me by my hip hop songs, if u can write one of ur own, as a person artist and performer I'm still growing, u are not the almighty lord perfect or all knowing, both ur black heart and soul are showing, the white flags already been thrown, get off ur high horse and throne, that's what literary geniuses call a homonym, why u all hot and bothered again, oh wait cuz u didn't follow thru, that's old news, like Jack Nicholason says "u can't handle the truth", ok fine if u won't call it threatening let's call it verbal abuse, going tic for tac with me ull lose, it wld be catastrophic for u if I spewed the scoop, or ur expression I believe is spill the T, the message I hope u receive is don't underestimate or fuck with/come for me!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Evil Hateful People
Gotta love life experiences interacting with hateful people, I may be a lil ungrateful sometimes but that doesn't make me evil, I'm entitled to say and feel how I feel, the double standard hypocrisy is real, does it make u feel better cutting other brothas down, my impact and legacy is grades more profound, ur negativity still shockingly astounds, let's see how many times we circle back around, out of sight out of mind, too busy u ain't got the time, yet expect us to listen and sypmpathize, u blacked out but im the one telling lies, good lord do I got some juicy fable tales, in comparison my mistakes pale, keep continueing faking happy, I cld give a fuck if everybody snickers and laughs at me, I got more talent in my pinky finger, please remove the broom from ur shfinchter, wonder how long ull call him fiancé, before he dismisses u for a much younger finer lay!
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Help Health & Consciousness
Moving on and forward in life ain't easy, I'm an asthmatic so running gets me wheezy for sheezy, I wanna be successful musically not famous or greedy, believe me my eyes may be beady, but I can see clearly now, I don't know when why or how, my destiny tho will be fulfilled, self manifested and willed, I'm not much of a thrill seeker, nor desire to be a righteous preacher, my smile chest and legs are my best features, in a way we are all honorary leaders and teachers, more good people need to fight and stand up, fuck religion and politics they simply stifle love, competition enables their ability to divide and conquer, what happened to valiance chivalry and honor, get back to creativity originality and quality, let's reignite the hippie movement towards peace and harmony, collectively tend to have more commonalities than differences, explain or justify your arguments with specific examples/instances, childish silence never resolves problems, just an admittance of guilt and/or an apology helps solve 'em, maybe 75% of the time, threatening violence crosses that fine line, respect isn't blindly given it's earned, trust is as fragile as the heart or skin repeatedly broken and being burned, I'm sick of politely and patiently waiting, every second that passes by I'm aging, seems both my time and energy have been wasted, cuz once u taste it, ...u know...the rush of adrenaline, how can anyone not fathom marijuana is medicine, and just like sexual preference, it's basic manners 101 and common sense, put plainly none of ur god damn business, now do u get the gist, what I do behind my closed bedroom doors, is really no concern of urs, mind ur own P's and Q's mamma said, invading the wrong person's privacy often leads to wrongful death, I think consciousness is a combination of heart soul and head, I'm over all the poisonous food manipulation and bullshit we've been fed!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Wish U Luck & Love
When I move on I'm gone, I've been stubborn since being born, I'm living my life selfish stroking my own ego, so not the type of gay who fits in weho, silver lake is more my speed, with all the leather rubber and other kinky freaks, i get along better with wallflowers and geeks, why do hockey jocks always reek, anything can happen if u just believe, gotta remember to breathe, another day passed by, u haven't reached out to say hi, won't let go til u apologize, u show maturity thru compromise, neither of us can go back, I wonder who will have the last laugh, I'm betting my money u will, but it ain't fun when ur left all alone holding the bill, fuck dutch, ur recent behavior is too much, I wish u good luck, and of course a whole lot of love!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Thursday, September 10, 2015
I Surrender
I have a new found respect for my legal degree and work, I have decided to surrender to the spirit universe, i admit I not only lost my way but also my faith, I've never been great at being patient and able to wait, someday my time will come, but I am strong and won't let anyone make me feel shunned unloved and undone, I'll gracefully bow out and move on, I just can't live that fake it til ya make it con, i will learn to exhibit more pride, i will however not stay silent or hide, please don't get it twisted and think I'm ungrateful, i simply could never be maliciously hateful, I'm not immune to the emotions of jealousy and spite, I'm sorry but making money shld never be the point to ur existence/life!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Gullible Trouble
Funny how the we swear an oath of truth on the bible, there's gotta be some form of slander propaganda or libel, does so good in ur drawer by ur bedside, i thought it was common knowledge it's made up of imaginary exaggerated stories and lies, ur focus shld be on the good deeds, not whether specifics realistically can be believed, i mean come on u think Moses parted the red sea, or immaculate conception is how Jesus was truly conceieved, it makes Joseph sound gay, hey...never put two and two together til today, maybe I'm him, but without magical powers there will be no next of kin, definitely no kids for me thanks, are u ever too old to pull pranks, i like to stay lighthearted and youthful, despite what yall think of me i know I'm damn beautiful!
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Ready For The Rainbow
Can't move forward living in the same place still, success unfortunately can't be willed, i feel a huge change coming, my performance last night was stunning, music saved my life again, so sick of pretend friends, I'm so over stupid drama, I'd rather be a loser and just chill with my mama, go to the movies or grab a bite to eat, she'd be too good to be true if she smoked weed with me, it's just not her thing, lately I've been on a writing binge, progress is snail slow and steady, I'm practicing and training incessantly getting ready, u never know when it's ur turn/time, to drop a rhyme on a dime and shine, i want it too bad to fail, trying to stay fresh instead of sour or stale, most folks around here consistently flaked and bailed, this whole time I cldve had pot mailed, Denver seems more and more better, might use SD as a stepping stone to avoid winter weather, I need a fresh start, to put back together the pieces of my broken soul and heart, I wanna play it smart tho, use the wise advice of lessons learned and not just go, trial and error is how we grow, the storm may be brewing but I'm looking forward to the beautiful rainbow!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
I keep fighting by writing, but ultimately sealing my indictment, that i'm a negative person, making everyone else miserable cuz i'm hurting, I keep begging for help, im tired of having to take care of myself, no matter what I do I can't accrue any wealth, boredom and loneliness are effecting my health, perhaps it's time to shelf my dream, it's just way too improbable it seems, I don't have the energy nor the heart, to courageously brave another restart, it's much too hard, after being feathered and tarred, humiliation can leave a scar, changing ur superficial appearance shldnt affect who u truly are, i'm sick of people playing pretend and dress up, don't I deserve to get sex and love, what the hell is so wrong with me, i'm easy to please and have essential needs, it's one thing to not say bless u when I sneeze, but i refuse to beg and plead on my knees, i already got down and dirty after rolling up my sleeves, I wave my white flag in defeat, u finally win by default, i feel as tho my souls been mauled, I don't believe or have faith anymore, lately i wonder what i'm even here for, the only point to life, is dealing with more pain plight and strife, i can't bare one more minute, of being diminished to insignificant, despite knowing my value and worth, under appreciation lingers and lurks, hard work used to at least always pay, but now i'm afraid my blue skies have turned gray and they're here to stay!,
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Still A Single Pringle
Do u ever feel as tho uve lost ur way, its hard to get out of bed and face another day, i do religiously pray, but no longer have faith in finding love being gay, if anything maybe i'll convince someone to let me be their slave, i'm jealous of the jailed and the good who met an early grave, the older i get the more bitterly jaded I become, the abuse over the years has turned me numb, only the dumb willingly settle for crumbs, instead of a thumb I've got a green tongue, a taste for the marijuana plant, my strength is song not dance, what don't u understand, i'm not a misogynist cuz i want a man's man, it is just my preference plain and simple, an athletes feet shld reek and make ur nose wrinkle and crinkle, don't be embarrassed by that tho or a pimple, once u pop u cant stop like a can of pringles, I hate being over 30 living at home still single, everybody else is married with children and has no time to socialize or mingle, maybe the idea of happy doesn't exist, perhaps emotions don't belong in politics or business, hopefully a change will come tomorrow, cuz without a doubt im about to drown in boredom loneliness and sorrow!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Sunday, September 6, 2015
Numbed Dumb
Today I'm starting over fresh, I'm gonna compare myself to others less, allow forgiveness in my heart, I played my part, and tho it is extremely hard, I walk those glass shards, and let go of my anger and spite, going after ur dreams is the point to life right, love and happiness are also keys, gotta stop incessantly trying to people please, tho I wanna be successful I'm not about greed, i am gay pray have faith and believe, I will fulfill my destiny, what's a good depression remedy, pot exercise music meditation or sex, is it too late have I failed the test, perhaps in a past life I did something to deserve this wretched dreaded hex, im fascinated by magic, no matter whatever happens don't let me be remembered as tragic, yes I struggle too and make mistakes, hopefully they won't seal my fate, i have such potential to be great, instead I get frustrated defensive and irate, that i dont have more opportunity to practice perform on a local small stage, so i cyclically over analyze and internalize my insecurity/shame, til I'm paralyzed by my self induced fear, so emotionally sensitive I'll randomly shed a single tear, wish Cheer was here to give me a boost with her care bear stare, my empathic soul sympathizes and feels so deeply, i know my kinks and fetishes are creepy and freaky, don't judge me tho til uve tried em at least once, learn to love and appreciate man funk, and I'll memorize the taste of ur spunk, I'm on the hunt for 101, cuz yall are dumb, thinking there's just one perfect someone, poly people simply have more cum fun, I'm done and ready to run away from this place where I'm the disgrace they love to hate and shun, i won't let u turn me numb!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Friday, September 4, 2015
Sugar Coating Loathing
I ain't coming sideways, I'm confronting u face to face, ur behavior is a disgrace, talk about black rage, i wanted to laugh at u telling me to shut the fuck up, u need Jesus or perhaps some love, but u will never touch me again, we are no longer friends, if u threaten me a third time, pay no mind, I will destroy u boo, I don't tolerate any form of abuse, no apology necessary there will be no forgiveness, I'm gonna go about my business, u have only urself to blame, yesterday an epiphany came, u are the fucking devil, i refuse to sit quietly in the background sacrafice or settle, nobody puts baby in a corner, if u ever lay a hand on me call a coroner, to have them pick up ur corpse, and I will have no guilt or remorse, u don't deserve sympathy pity or respect, uve probably let down everybody uve ever met, ur an oxymoron a selfish narcisist, who has temper tantrums and ptsd fits, people like u make me wanna slit my own wrists, cuz my soul just can't handle anymore of this, what a wretched tragic existence, there's no point in resistance, nothing and nobody changes, Nas was right best friends eventually become strangers, both my sanity and heart are in danger, more sore than a canker, please lord inform me how to alleviate the pain, I can't take it for another single day, poetry and music like Mariah is my saving grace, it's how I pray and communicate, all I can irrationally think of is im being punished for being gay.
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Don't Bother With Martyers
One chapter's closing, I'm trying to remain open, without over expecting or hoping, tired of always coping, with let downs and lack of follow thru, i don't know what I'm supposed to do, besides move on, basically feel defeated and conned, i wanna be there when karma bites u in the ass, how many times shld I naggingly ask, just needed some company, to help me see the positive and funny, my life is very serious to me, I'm pretty easy to please, some good deep conversation over weed, we can agree to disagree, but I draw the line at threats of violence, followed by an unapologetic childish game of silence, get over urself ur not my real father, I won't entertain u or Kim Davis playing martyr!
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Peace & One Love
Today's tested both my patience and faith, for the first time ever I'm ready to let go and walk away, I will not be verbally assulted nor threatened, if u think for one second, ur day of reckoning for all ur deception in the name of protection isn't beckoning, u must have some sort of misconception, by rejecting me as a profitable investment, and also ending our friendship I'm betting, someday u will be regretting, ur behavior is disrespectful unacceptable and unforgivably upsetting, yes even im annoyed by my own incessant pleading and begging, perhaps tho u don't understand my side/perception, who started satifying who's erection, im sick of ur ranting raving and lecturing, this isnt an immature dick swinging competition or arm wrestling, ur apologies never acknowledge the side effects ur selfish actions have left, i suggest anger management might be best, I'm not a doctor so I won't recommend meds, I get and take responsibility that I play a part in this crazy mess, pretty sure we're both depressed, i have a right to express how I feel and get shit off my chest, who are u reading ur resume to now to defend and/or impress, wish u exaggerated and made promises less, my guess/hypothesis is ur just inept, u heartlessly disregard ur remarks are the root cause of the tears I've wept, ur all talk and no follow thru or clout, believe me im positive cuz i kept count, ur plate is overflowing leaving so many to give up or reasonably doubt, it's only a matter of time before ull yet again let us down, u scream and shout, punch ur hand gesturing u wanna bout, ur the main reason I complain bitch and pout, i told u before no abuse allowed, fool me once my bad...but twice...peace and 1 love I'm out!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Freakin Dark Evil Nightmares
Being a freakin gemini, RI peeps only seem to see my dark side, most certain I'm high, but I ain't got time, for ur judgments and insignificant opinion, someday I'll be tearfully grinning from winning, not just Grammys but seriously some scrooge-like stadium swimming, in a golden sea of dudes, mad cash gold and jewels, whether I succeed or lose, i won't tolerate media scrutiny or abuse, always will maintain my right to privacy, digital is legalized piracy, rapper/singer songwriting artists make only a small percentage of the money, I don't find lousy quality pop music funny, can't fathom how true talent is so undervalued and not appreciated, originality's been degraded and has faded, it's simply plain fucking sad, I'm all frustrated irate and mad, I'm generally a socialistic hippie passifist but I'm about to bout and kick some ass, I've repetedly graciously requested politely and nicely asked, definitely not gonna get on my knees, to mercifully beg nor plead, our economy's falling apart at the seams, no Dorothy this isn't a dream, that's right it's ur worst nightmare, all ur insecurities and fears, thrown at u at the exact same time, how often will u smile nod and say ur fine, before u collapse or admit ur an actual human being, I'm sick of men inherently inept when it comes to intimacy and effectively expressing vulnerable real feelings, they're much too weirdly afraid, that makes them girly faggy or gay, I'm starting to think I need a woman in my life, perhaps I shld try bi and find myself a wife, have a couple kids and live in a happy white picket fenced home, I have an honorary black soul tho and I'd rather be alone, for years I worked as a family law paralegal, money ruins any relationship and is the root of all evil, similar to don't ask don't tell being repealed, i have absolutely no idea how to end this ranting tangent/pointless shpeal!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
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