It's weird to watch other's progress in life while I stay stagnant, why are both love and financial success absent, seems I'm cursed being trapped in hell for eternity, I'm super stressed out over humanity's absurdity, the biggest losers always annoyingly flirt with me, sorry but ur just not worthy if ur consumed by fear and insecurity, I refuse anything less, than utter fulfillment and happiness, I don't think that's unreasonable to ask or want, who decided Times New Roman was standard font, seriously with free will and all, I should be afforded the same opportunities to rise after a fall, I am not a stereotype u can easily label, it's not that I'm privileged lazy incapable or unable, I just don't understand why, do I have to waste so much unnecessary time, so someone else can make more money, a presidential election is serious business we're talking about running a country, this is not a late night talk show comedy sketch to be sunny/funny, the US is not a circus enough of these clowns, I want clear plans of action and answers to how, can we even turn things around, playing kick the can down the road's impact has been rather profound, happened more frequently than man can count, tell me how a 57 trillion global debt sounds!
Peace and 1,
***THIS PAGE HAS ADULT CONTENT*** My poetry and hip hop have deep, meaningful, thought provoking, message driven lyrics of revolutionary truth, consciousness, unconditional love and pride!!!! Contact me for booking, purchasing or fan mail:
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Add Insult To Injury
Quit playing the victim, we're all prey in this corrupt crooked corporate system, pinning us up against one another, like we aren't sisters and brothers, is just absolutely preposterous, mother nature will eventually stop us, this greed is polluting our entire world, Hilary is not the human version of Supergirl, wake up pay attention and listen, having a female president doesn't mean we've eradicated sexism, anymore than racism still existing after Obama, the way I spit rhymes don't confuse me with a llama, I'm tired of people going negative when debating, enough of this immature childish behavior exacerbating discrimination and hating, it's not a competition of who's more oppressed, my guess is a trans black woman in a wheelchair with turrets, I know I'm low on the totem pole, always seem incomplete wanting to be whole, I often feel conflicted as a masc gay white man, not gay or straight enough nor trans, I don't wear my sexuality on my sleeve so it's hard to see and understand, yall think I'm spoiled and privileged, never judge unless uve lived it, I know how to agree to disagree, don't expect peace tho if u first insult me, I'll just sit here with my tea and sip, funny u think I'm the close minded hypocrite, u definitely started shit, but I'll make damn sure to finish it!
Peace and 1,
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Awakening & Elevating
It's a crisp autumn morning, I'm still pretty tired and yawning, winter is fast approaching, and my head is literally exploding, at the thought of being trapped here, God I'm being ruled by fear, why am I so scared of starting over, I've done it many times before some say I'm a nomadic roamer, its part of being a musician I think, unless ur constantly writing new hit songs u become boring stale or even extinct, so u have to travel and find new audiences and fans, financially artists needs lots of helping hands, otherwise I'm forced to slave away, at a hollow soul sucking job every day, what kind of life is that, I wish my so called friends really had my back, it's a fact hip hop culture is black, does that mean the deck is stacked, completely rigged against me, breaking down that boundary I believe is my destiny, fuck ur presumptuous stereotypes, my white privilege has no effect on gay rights, I still am considered lesser than, only thing worse off lower on the totem pole is being trans, how long will hatred and discrimination span, love isn't just limited between woman and man, I mean talk about miseducation, seems rationale and common sense are both on vacation, when is our consciousness's awakening, so we can finally start existentially elevating!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Money Means Don't Give A Phuck
Artists struggle just like I do, we all want that hit song too, some day I hope and pray, that with enough hard work discipline patience and faith, i might just succeed, for some reason I truly believe, my love blood sweat and tears, are stronger than any insecurities failures or fears, don't u dare compare me as lesser than cuz I'm queer, humanity needs to learn to empathize care and share, only one world and life to live, we should focus on rehibilitation helping others and try to forgive, grudges and regret weigh heavy on a soul, awful atrocity and accidental casualty can take a toll, bold bravery ain't easy, I follow gut instincts wherever they may lead me, I trust my guardian angels and God's divine higher plan, afterall I'm just another man, humbled by the gifts ive been blessed with and bestowed, maybe destiny will bring fans flocking in droves, everything can change in an instant, i refuse to stop until I've gone the full distance, i don't understand how I can even give up, perhaps as time lapses I'll garner a little luck, break this vicious cycle and get unstuck, roll in the big bucks, and finally be in a position to no longer give a phuck!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Thursday, October 22, 2015
What is the effectiveness, of political correctness, seems to be successful in hip hop, i have to survive being shot, I'm not from trailer park trash, I'm gay instead of black, still a voice of the oppressed, the world is obsessed with sex, whether it trans or woman's rights, perhaps evil hatred and discrimination are eternal fights, I'm not a gangster or in a gang, I'm bald so I can't head bang, I'm not a skinhead tho, I came from public serving middle class folks, I feel like money is just a huge hoax, kind of like landing on the moon, perhaps I shld play straight or bi to make both sides swoon, gotta stop being so cynical projecting doom, maybe it's time to try Ayahuasca acid or shrooms, drastically change my perception, my nerves are shot focusing on next year's election, I am worried I missed my opportunity already, I've been working extremely hard at staying rock steady, my mission is to make good inspirational music, my messages are often misunderstood instead of lucid, sarcasm gets lost in text translation, the transformation of phone technology is amazing, they're now practically mini computers, I kinda feel bad for stewardesses and stewards, they've got it worse than teachers, I'd rather do standing room only over bleachers, but I'm a real sucker for a balcony, they say faith or magic and science can't coexist but what about alchemy?!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
All We Need Is Love
If I stay too quiet and silent, i get overwhelmingly aggressive and verbally violent, boy am I stubborn and sarcastic, outspoken drastic and spastic, erratic but always bounce back like an elastic, Mr rubber band man, so existential perhaps u can't understand, I still struggle with drag and trans, how long does the white race and gays face hate in hip hop land, I'm not black a thug in a gang or tp, I'm italian but not gangsta I'm deeply rooted in poetry, I'm just trying to make inspiring songs, to help the lonely and oppressed stay strong, hold on a lil bit longer, everything uve ever dreamed of is ahead of's right around the corner, live life to the fullest cuz lately I feel like a fucking coroner, with all these zombies I see and meet my profession seems to be hopeless mourner, it's only over when u give up, the answer to what is the meaning of life is!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Mind Ur Own Damn Business
Everyone nowadays are Facebook police and gods, telling other people how to communicate and what is acceptable to share needs to stop, no one person knows all or has all the answers, if there was there'd be no religious wars poor people or cancer, we are unfortunately only human, at different points in our lives we are teachers who re-become the student, can't we all just get along, I was simply hoping to write a hit song, instead I'm stuck underachieving as a paralegal, the rich people with money don't care how I feel, if ur middle class or poor, it's our fault we didn't do more, but it's not that trickle down economics was a lousy theory, like me having a mental health issue because I'm a faggot/fairy, perhaps a few sessions of electroshock therapy, would jolt and awaken the updated version of a better me, where do these morons come up with this shit, what's worse is the sheeple falling for it, time and time after time again, pretty soon it'll hit closer to home affecting family and friends, 9/11 happened on our soil, and look at how quickly retaliating exacerbated the middle east turmoil, maybe if the US minded its own business, focusing on our own economic and financial problems and logistics, we could lead the world by setting an ample example, instead our enemies are teaming up against us and sooner or later it looks like we'll be trampled!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Lead Us Not Into Temptation
Some topics are too taboo and tough to approach, I think I would make a phenomenal life coach, i have helped people deal with dating marriage and death, my latest friend committing suicide has left me devestatingly sad and upset, it's hard not to wonder if I could've done more, been there many times before questioning my faith and the purpose I'm here for, perhaps i was born in the wrong era or time, it's hard bearing this old sensative empathic soul of mine, im such a people pleaser who cares too much trying to help, first and foremost u always have to take care of urself, when things get too overwhelmingly dreary and dark, look inside to find stregnth from the love within ur heart, value and treasure each and every person, usually the one's with the biggest brightest smiles are the most lonely and hurting, survivor's guilt is all too real, I don't know how to get over the shock and devastation I feel, I've been holding on to the memory of him, trying to refrain from judging, heaven now has another angel, it's impossible to see the light or a positive angle, wish i understood God's justification and reasoning, awful atrocity perpetuates non believing, i know i can't pretend im still dreaming, we need to learn to appreciate every single human being, existence is futile and short, wtf is this popular mentality of killing people for fame or sport, neglecting depression and not investing in the present, makes u not only repeat the past but unappreciative of all ur blessings, at the beginning and end of each day I pray, my family and friends stay safe and remain ok, may all our wishes and dreams come true, with love as ur muse u basically can't lose, the devil will try and trick u into calling a truce, but since tomorrow isn't promised it ultimately depends upon what u choose to do!
Peace and 1,
Fake Façade Mirage Or Illusion
Lots of ideas for change, unlike bowling life doesn't have gutter lanes, totally surrounded by a moat, don't be victorious and gloat, it's not a good color on u, makes u seem narcissistic dude, super snotty and rude, crude lil Prudence McPrude, u ain't no goody too shoes/catholic school girl, how bout adding some spice or kink to ur sex life that'll rock ur world, what's the matter u won't trust me, my bondage skills are a wee bit rusty, but I'll dominate u no problem, polygamy and polyamory have updated families making them much more modern, instead of just a husband and wife with kids, 2 men can have adopted babies slaves or real people as pet pups and pigs, the Masters or Sirs are dressed up in rubber and leather, duct tape fixes anything and makes everything better, except of course when it comes to my financial stability, fetishes are supposed to be stupid fun lighthearted and silly, I'm getting used to being a rapping paralegal, regardless of how I think believe and/or feel, the universe doesn't make compromises or deals, karma exists for those hoes who lie cheat kill or steal, hip hop gets a bad rap, cuz it seems to be an exclusive club for blacks, who's being the discriminating racist then, perhaps we will have a civil war again, if u look at the states that are pro pot and gay, it's like deja vu I'm afraid, wish the country as a whole could be collectively progressive, hopefully Bernie will be the next president elected, if we actually want a different kind of leader that's democratic and pragmatic, who doesn't shy away from conflict but attacks it, takes a look at the cold hard facts to draw hypothesized solutions/conclusions, maybe we'd gain back some global credibility and respectability instead of being considered just another fake façade mirage or illusion!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Monday, October 12, 2015
From Shorty
I wanna give u a lil gift and wish u a happy birthday, in my own very gay special way, bitch u better work, watch whitey illuminati twerk, whoops did I just come for ur son sideways, now yall brothers beta behave, respect ur elderly, yes even ur annoying LB, no I ain't just throw shade, we just call spades a spade, dancing circles got u like Erkel "did he do that", they're so amazed dazed and taken aback, uve got spunk pizzazz and sass, god I love u and ur big black ass, puff puff pass pops/my fraternal dad, a simple goody goody gosh from care bear baby hugs bear will get u to giggle or laugh, u bring out the hush hush dl alter ego not often discussed, wait what who the hell is PoEtiK Justice?
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Don't Forget I Said Try
I won't retrace my mistakes, somethings are harder to say face to face, I know I'm far from perfect, but I'm worth it, ur time effort and sacrafice, my unconditional love shld more than suffice, don't worry so much about the price, life's filled with surprises and spice, time flies by fast making it short, remember back in the day when we'd sport the fort with my soccer buddy/cohort, road tripping it on another adventure, we'll probably still chill in rocking chairs smoking blunts in dentures, telling stories to his grandkids, show them my Grammys and pics of famous celebrities in the biz, rocking it and hip hopping it til I die, don't forget I said u can do anything u want if u put ur mind to it and try!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Thursday, October 8, 2015
The Second Coming
Celebrity used to be a catapulting platform for change, the fact humanity hasn't existentially grown or evolved is strange, have we lost our hearts and souls, constantly dodging atrocity takes a toll, at a certain point we all break, is there really free will or is life predestined fate, I don't want to be some generic statistic or a talentless fake, i hope to be as inspirationally classic and eternal like them other epic legendary greats, whatever my destiny, i always strive to be the best me, I'm far from perfect, the incessant rejection will be worth it, cuz when I finally get my big break/opportunity/shot, yall will hail me as the second coming of Jesus/the gay white Pac!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Censored History & Skewed Truth
Yes I know people are just people, but that shouldn't justify perpetuating evil, the unabridged definition of love is a three part test, involving trust honor and respect, we are the generation, with an abundance of instant gratification and wasting, it's money made and quantity, over real substance and quality, excessive corporate greed really bothers me, wish politicians favored truthfulness problem solving and honesty, it would do them good to display some humble modesty, homosexuality isn't all pedophilia and sodomy, let's look at the economy logically, and remember there's separation of church and state, we should be way more picky about who we give fortune and fame, this is some serious shit life isn't a game, stop inflicting pain fear and shame, fuck refugees what about our own veterans and families displaced by horrific snow storms earthquakes tornados and hurricane rains, why focus on foreign more than domestic, imagine how ugly things will get if a republican gets elected, look at all the progress that has been made, repealing bad marijuana laws Obamacare and the marriage rights of lesbians trans and gays, enough is enough already, obviously guns are deadly, rap music today lacks talent inspiration and melody, but advocates misogyny bigotry and jealousy, video games are more violent then even the news, our history seems to be censored and the truth skewed, the youth are too distracted and numbed dumb by their smart phones, leave women's uteruses and immigrants alone, raping and pillaging are never condoned, technically the white man came and conquered the poor Indian's home, mind ur own damn business and stay out of personal private affairs, we only have one Earth with finite resources so we better learn to care cohabitate and share!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Monday, October 5, 2015
The Invisible Queen
Someday this will all be a distant memory, I don't forget who was a real or fake friend to me, and not just someone who talked a good game, watch 'em come out of the woodwork when I gain some money and fame, but I'll reject u like u did me out of spite, stop trying to extinguish and diminish my love and light, I'm not afraid to man up and fight, why u always acting like I'm old and trite, name one frickin' out and proud gay musician, who speaks from our point of view perception or position, this isn't what I envisioned, I'm struggling finding my purpose for living, when I repeatedly get rejected by my own community, y'all can learn the word from Queen Latifah's "Unity", how's that spelled, fuck u...u are evil people and like Knievel ur going to hell, I'm tired of playing nice and quiet, watch me publically call u out and start a riot, since otherwise u pay me no mind, I'm out of sight cuz ur deaf dumb and blind, another Helen Keller, I don't have to be a fortune teller, to be able to read u, ur so transparent ur unbelievably see thru!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Untrained & Fame Shamed
U got me blushing and chubbing, I'd rather be cuddling instead of clubbing, this isn't monogamy or marriage but it's something, there's complicated layers when it comes to relationships and loving, even tho I'm financially struggling, i can feel the positive momentum bubbling, some day soon I hope to get my 15 minutes of fame, but for me that'll be the beginning of my spotlighted reign, i don't proclaim to be self ordained, I'm not professionally/classically trained, i got both beauty and brains, i try not to be ruled by fear or shame, if ur not cool with me smoking pot or being gay ur plain lame, i pray for my prince charming to cum, which is a double entendre pun for the literary dumb dumbs, I've grown numb from being shunned, i can't help the fact I have had proper education, no matter how successful I get I'll never forget where I come from!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Sebastian's Bday Gift
This is my gift to my FB buddy Sebastian, our love for music is everlasting, it connects us like math it's a universal language, very eclectic emoting love activism fun pain heartache and anguish, however it makes u feel, the struggle is real, and pretty much the only way I survive, is to put on a soulful jam get high and just vibe, ain't no better place to listen than in the car, what song is the soundtrack to ur life that encapsulates who u truly are, I think mine would be Tupac's "Unconditional Love", I learned a long time ago to stop looking up, also blaming others makes u the victim, Earth is like a giant prison system, I think the US is Hitler's Corporation, power and greed has corrupted this once great nation, conquering the world in the name of Democracy, does humanity and/or politics equal hypocrisy, from the Trail Of Tears to the Holocaust to slavery, artists have exhibited revolutionary courage and bravery, wonder if anybody else knows the difference between sauce and gravy, I am a product of my environment so this is how God made me, a privileged white fag, emulating a culture naturally assigned to black, no matter what though I know u got my back, ur faith gave me the strength and confidence I lacked, so to say a big thank u, I wrote this poem dude, a bit random and all over the place, but ultimately I just wanted to wish u a very happy birthday!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
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