Sunday, November 15, 2015


U are beautiful, and sensually suitable, have no fear, there's someone out there, I know it strikes a nerve and hurts, how most men hate curves, that's their loss, it's not u it's me of course, Redman's a fan of some extra cushion, for all that sex banging and pushing, there's something for u to grab on, u fill out that thong, big girls have a passion for food, are humble and kind without attitude, it's a sad reality, people are judged on looks way more than personality, like being bald gay or overweight, it's more of a generic trait, uncontrollable, inconsolable, when once again, you're rejected even being a friend, that's defined a hate crime, but I don't have time, for your negative energy, reprehensibly, pretending to be, genuine, my boobs are because I'm feminine, unlike u, I'm supposed to have two, what's your excuse, u male chauvinist pig, only dating a skinny ditzy twig, u can't have brains and beauty, one blames the other to explain and justify all the cruelty, what if I try exercise, yearn to learn to eat right, I mustn't just, trust what's unjust, and starve myself, would that help, u continue to pursue the untrue, I pity u, for never knowing real love, a tremendously transcendingly indiscriminating or hating snuggling sort of cuddling type of a hug, u know what it's cuz ur smug, a big pimping it wanna be hard core thug, fuck u I got mad self respect, I don't need your help, it's not necessary to get up or make a fuss, I deserve more...been too scorned..but I'm worn...and no longer torn over us thus, time to say goodbye...I can't're a z- or y...while an absolute A+!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscous

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