WTF is wrong with people and the world today, Jesus Mary & Joseph stop with the hate, it's like there has to be one group, to get the boot shaft or poop, I mean constantly bagged ragged and shitted on, isn't reality business and politics openly admitted cons, ur not allowed to have a conscience heart or soul, ur evil and going to hell if u kill are gay or smoke a dope bowl, like they're all equally the same, life shouldn't be played like a game, it needs to be lived, be optimistic cuz u get what u give, remember to use the golden rule, friends and family aren't owned or just a tool, connection and friction are everything, always smile dance be merry and sing, achieving happy brings u closer to success, be me and always look for the potential best, it's inevitable to be down on ur luck, beg borrow and barter for a home cooked meal or a buck, sometimes there's nothing more precious than a helping hand, there's so much humans will simply never understand, but like cats we're so curious, senseless war corruption and greed makes me furious, how have we not learned by now, it takes greater strength to stay silent walk away or indulge in a worthily proud bow, it takes tremendous amounts of guts and gall, to get on stage to perform without any mess trip ups or falls, wouldn't that be incredibly embarrassing, modern society has no tolerance for discriminating offensive harassing, patience empathy and respect for one another is absolutely vital, encourage kids to diversify hobbys from soccer rugby and bball to cheerleading cooking or dance competitions and recitals, teach by example that u can be or do anything u really want or put ur mind to, when ur feeling sad hopeless afraid and depressed just listen to one of my songs like "Monstah Mash" "Keep Holding On" "One Love One Heart" "Value & Worth" "Believe In Me" or "Shine Thru", music is a universal language that heals, I wish we went back to the days where conscious moving and inspiring lyricism had mass appeal, I would for sure reign supreme, yet I still have the utmost faith that one day soon I will fulfill that dream, be the first gay white rapper to win a Grammy, and for all those ignorant naive jealous crabby fools who can't suffer to understand stomach or stand me, well good luck, cuz I don't give a fuck, I am who I am, a smart sexy passionately driven talented bald Italian man, and I'm super duper proud, I have the ability to use my words to bout, since violence doesn't solve shit and isn't the answer, the best response to those wanna bes is the sarcastic retort that they're about as cool as cancer, then drop the mic, let it go and just move on with life!
Peace and 1,
***THIS PAGE HAS ADULT CONTENT*** My poetry and hip hop have deep, meaningful, thought provoking, message driven lyrics of revolutionary truth, consciousness, unconditional love and pride!!!! Contact me for booking, purchasing or fan mail:
Friday, July 28, 2017
Thursday, July 27, 2017
Let Peace & Harmony Triumph...L'Chiam
Everybody at some point needs to catch a break, is it us the universe karma or God who makes/creates fate, cuz I'd like to know who is to blame, why are some more cursed at playing the game, whether relationships or life in general, sometimes happiness and success seem untenable, it's rather frustrating and discouraging, we need much more healthy and productive means of griping and grumbling, quit the excessive whining bitching and complaining, rationalizing Trump's repeated stupidity is plain draining, what if we can't get passed the fundamental agree to disagree, if this is truly the home of the brave and the land of the free, then we are entitled to be out and proud loud, sick of some minority not being allowed, that way of thinking is so over, tired of having to look back behind my shoulder, afraid of being beaten or stabbed, what's the reason for any treason or terrorist attack, there's too many crazies these days, religious extremists still have righteous indignation towards gays, altho the Lord and his bible states "thou shall not judge", it's rather quite interesting to see which rules they cherry pick and won't budge, they have no qualms having affairs and rabid divorce, why with guys has sex become a sport, the world is already way overpopulated to not use protection, newsflash u don't have to cum every time u have an erection, that would be nice tho, but don't be surprised when ur called a slut or hoe once or twice u know, u are ur reputation and who u hang with, I hate it when it rains shit, and ur misunderstood, even when ur intentions were all good, that's what paved the road to hell, did u ever listen to the stories ur parents teachers and old folks would tell, it's hard to learn from other people's lessons, we're wicked ungrateful and spoiled with blessings, look at how far technology and human rights have come, I believe in hindsight we will see history proving the devil has won, corporate capitalism is populist thinking, it's sad to watch as the US keeps sinking, being defined by corruption and greed, why couldn't we just have let Bernie lead, cuz this president is a fucking disgrace, a huge embarrassment to our species/race, I'm ashamed to be white, but even more disgusted that nobody's speaking up or standing up to fight, there is power in unity and numbers, with excessive carbon dioxide in the air we shouldn't use trees for lumber, instead legalize marijuana for the hemp, we're not gonna illegally criminalize pot again, I mean really, that's such a waste and silly, the very definition of insanity is repeating behavior expecting different results, not surprising we've had a rise in cults, too weird to think of deplorables as adorable, how can u justify being immoral, can u look in the mirror or sleep at night, the only thing that can save is now is unconditional love and a bright light, to help us find our way out the dark, don't let evil consume ur soul or ur heart, please let peace and harmony triumph, join me in a salute cheers and l'chiam!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Strive To Thrive & Have Hope Tho
It's weird how often in sobriety, we develop high anxiety, perhaps drugs just delay the inevitable, my sexy Portuguese chef of a boyfriend never makes anything inedible, he is plain incredible, tasty and delectable, I'm the lucky one, he knows how to have fun, but also handle shit, I have ginormous man tits, yet he still thinks I'm juicy, always so worried and scared he's gonna lose me, realistically we both know that's not the case, after all everyone makes mistakes, and obviously has a past, gotta be careful not to rush things too fast, like moving into an apartment together, vacationing buying a house marriage kids or whatever, will cross those bridges when we get there, I don't live life in fear, believe me I very much care, altho sometimes I sleep bare, I'm not necessarily a nudist, u underestimate the horniness/eroticism ur sweaty scent and pheromones induced, especially after a long hard day of work, u know there's nothing more I want than to jerk burst and squirt, give u my milk, ur a definite dilf, or at least u will be, when u die they better kill me, cuz I can't live without u, u can't fight female fans or bout dudes, just cuz ur jealous, at times u can be overprotective and overzealous, I get it babe, ull have better days, when we sleep under the same roof in our bed, ur determined to have children and wed, which don't get me wrong I mean isn't bad, I just don't wanna make u mad, but I still gotta tour write more songs and do music til I win that Grammy, most men couldn't stomach or stand me, particularly my kinks fetishes and snoring, I've heard before I'm too intense serious and deep it becomes mind numbingly dumb and annoyingly boring, but we can't help who we are in our heart, don't wanna fit in be normal or stupidly par, I'm not ur average Joe, I want major cheddar that green/cabbage yo, so creatively weird original yet freaky, don't know why but leather dom daddies speak to me, guess I love or lust the look, fuck watching porn or reading erotica from a magazine or book, I want the real thang baby, no ifs ands buts or maybes, whip out the rubber sheets and slings, let the piss and cum fun begin, since u flag yellow and white, I'd like to add a lil gray so I can't push back stop u or fight, of course u may take a light bite, make sure to clean out and use a wet wipe, the king's about to mount his queen, we make a hot sexy unique masculine team, we're each other's ideal wish fantasy and dream, nothing is as perfect as it seems, maybe it's like the horizon line receding as we approach, finding balance and equilibrium is impossible but we can always continue to strive to thrive and have hope tho!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
The Consciousness & Ability To Think's Extinct
What if it's not ur day or week month or year, do ur fears debilitate u to tears, cuz only u have the power, not to run away hide and cower, what if it's ur last shot, shouldn't u feel obligated to give it all u got, why do so many people simply give up, even with money life is unfulfilling without love, I am truly grateful and blessed, my man is completely obsessed, and it makes me smile ear to ear, it's amazing to know someone cares, other than blood relatives and family, I often wonder if acquaintances can really stand me, or if it's just a front, I can be an absolute asshole/cunt, altho I don't have one, some swears are fun, and emphasize a harsher tone, I am fascinated by double entendres like sex fuck or bone, usually I'm a dirty birdy, constantly misunderstood to be overly flirty, when that's just me being nice, can't help if ya'll like to swipe right, I'm actually flattered, I love Joss Stone's songs "Bruised Not Broken" and "Torn And Tattered", one's more uptempo while the other's a ballad, sorry not sorry but I can't stand DJ Khaled, he's annoying as shit, he's a producer that can't spit, so basically he plays artist's music, giving credit to the beat maker is abusive, instrumentals are clutch, but blunts aren't zig zags gotta use a dutch, prefer a green leaf, do u even listen to or hear the words I speak, I'm glad u like my sound, but is it a timeless classic and lyrically profound, I wanna touch and move souls, not interested in dancy superfluous lip-syncing shows, I've got real talent and skills, went from smoking pot to taking psych pills, and I wonder if I'm feeding the demon, why am I so afraid of swallowing semen, look at what the pharmaceutical industry has done to medicine, it's no longer about making the sick better it's about profits which is so American, we're the country of the excessive and greedy, so selfish we can't help our own needy, yet we will spread war in the name of democracy, we are the epitome and very definition of hypocrisy, always an egotistical hidden agenda, we will use nuclear force if ya'll don't surrender, ever notice the countries that don't use a Rothschild owned central bank, the list of 7 in 2000 has now shrank, to North Korea being the last one left, does anybody out there agree that taxation is theft, how about thinking 9/11 was an inside job, our safety security and peace of mind were robbed, all to invade Afghanistan and Iraq, then Libya and Sudan were attacked, last but not least Obama got Cuba and Iran, when will the world wake up and take a stand, it's like evil has taken over control and corrupted, wait til Mother Nature's anger and wrath has erupted, not even the wealthy few, can reverse time or redo, once the damage has been done, in the end history proves humanity has never won, like the dinosaurs we will become extinct, don't let them take away ur consciousness and ability to think!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Friday, July 21, 2017
Over Shoulder The Weight Of The World
Things have been looking up, since I've fallen in love, but it doesn't mean I am naive, about the world around me, these are very dark times, we're all searching for a guiding light to shine, it's like people have given up hope, when will we realize u can't have endless growth, ridiculous amounts of record profits, will this President ever stop it, making a mockery of our system, not only should he be impeached but put in prison, along with many members of Congress, it's almost impossible to speak of any politician with fondness, except my man Bernie Sanders, he doesn't claim to have learned all the answers, but he identifies problems and has many good ideas, doesn't harp on manipulating the masses using fears, so what if he's old and his hair is disheveled, are u aware of all these corrupt mother fuckers who lie cheat steal and embezzle, multiple bankruptcies isn't the solution, how can anyone deny climate change is from man made carbon pollution, these alternative facts are quite simply confusing, I don't find his damaging our collective reputation amusing, in fact I'm rather insulted and shocked, I swear Trump is negligent and speaking half cocked, I still can't even get over he actually won, he better be a one and done, cuz I don't think the country could survive a second term, when will humanity stop repeating history and actually learn, better yet evolve, I get existential questions aren't easy to solve, but in the grand scheme of things, we're not puppets on strings, we should be able to think for ourselves, what happened to the notion of civil servants who help, I'm just so over the modern era, no one lives for the greater good or tries to make life better, if not for us then for future generations, instead we're consumed by selfish greedy consumption and divisive discriminating hating, it's mind boggling and rather disgusting, there's no more rational debating or discussing, it goes right to insults and name calling, perhaps we will be on the same page when acid rain's falling, or like in China where they wear surgical masks, why can't we fix the mistakes made in the past, the reason I ask this, is how come we don't legalize marijuana and use hemp to make gas paper and plastics, at least then they will be biodegradable, the youth are totally able and capable, and more importantly willing to change, it's adults that are strange and deranged, unable to modify and adapt, even when the dollar and economy are about to collapse, I don't say this with sarcasm or sass, but society is literally a pain in the ass, after all I am gay and have bottomed, each and every one of us shouldn't judge cuz differences and issues we got em, by definition we're inherently naturally fallible, I respect that some actually have faith and believe God and Jesus are palpable, nobody knows who's wrong or right, I'm terrified we've lost the willingness and know-how to fight, perhaps we've become too numb and dumb from being coddled and spoiled, many terrorist plots I'm sure have been foiled, we're ignoring the fact there hasn't been war on our own soil, this melting pot has definitely come to a boil, now it's bubbling over, am I the only one who feels the weight of the world on my shoulders?
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Thursday, July 20, 2017
Be A Better Trend Setter
Why is it so damn hard to save money, the amount my temp agency takes from me isn't funny, it's quite disturbing and alarming, this capitalistic consumer culture is actually debilitatingly harming, and the economy is fucking shit, sometimes when I stop to think I can't handle it, life can get super overwhelming, and our lousy government ain't helping, in fact they keep fucking things up worse, I swear sometimes I truly believe humans are cursed, I mean Jesus made us all born with original sin, how come the nice guy always finishes last and never seems to win, just the sound of Trump's voice gets me agitated, the US is a melting pot but it's gotten coagulated, is anyone else aggravated, wish I could proudly proclaim I finally made it, unfortunately music is still only a hobby, sick and tired of taxes robbing me, continuously stuck in the red, I bet I'll be in debt til I'm dead, and that's a wicked scary thought, perhaps I should've been more frugal and thoughtful of what I bought, but don't I deserve to splurge once in a while, I swear the people hurting the most have the biggest smile, at least that applies to me, right now I rhyme for free, which makes me feel worthless, will our collective soul ever resurface, in business u must be ruthless and have assertiveness, how do little kids already know their path or purpose, I get jealous seeing parents selling homes to fulfill their child's dream, being rich and famous isn't all it's cracked up to be or as fabulous as it seems, everyone has different classes of problems, sorry not sorry but PREP doesn't replace condoms, there's no magical pill to regrow hair or lose weight, good old fashion diet and exercise is the only healthy way I'm afraid, most are much too lazy and complacent, it doesn't help incessantly bitching and complaining, but sometimes it's necessary to vent, it should be totally legal to medicinally get bent, fuck pharmaceutical pills and drugs, the solution to depression unhappiness and hatred is simply love, sex is considered exercise too, it's never wise to tell white lies dude, who are u to decide if I can handle the truth, some existential answers are impossibly aloof, what should we value more religious faith or tangible science, freedom comes with resistance revolution and defiance, war just might be inevitable, perhaps people are by nature inequitable, and like perfection it's hopeless to try or strive to achieve, why do most men believe emotional vulnerability means weak, I never understood why in business u can't have heart, what's better being book or street smart, in my opinion it's best to have a combination of both, what we can do is have hope, that we can still change for the better, focus on leading by example and be a trend setter!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
Relaxing Or Taking Action
There are many times I'm left pondering, was I better off wandering, then coming back to settle in Rhode Island, cuz what I'm finding, is nothing but brick walls and road blocks, lots of flakes fakes pussies and cocks, who pretend to wanna make a difference, but in the blind of an instant, will turn around and stab u in the back, instead of cooperating most queens defensively attack, like if I succeed they don't, hip hop's negativity is overblown, just because it's all ghetto gangsters talking money drugs bitches and hoes, doesn't mean that's the lyrical content of Joe's, I'm all about truth love justice equality and consciousness, seriously enough with this obnoxiousness, that music can't be too intelligent or thought provoking, I've even given up the whole pot smoking, so I could be taken more seriously, I'm continuously trying and striving fiercely, to make my hobby a business, I wanna prove to all the youngsters even for gay white boys our options are limitless, by having commercial success, winning a Grammy would be the best, finally put ancient stereotypes to rest, music overall is lackluster and a mess, what happened to inspiration, I miss epic and legendary albums like "Thriller" "Nevermind" "The Chronic" "The Miseducation Of Lauryn Hill" or "Rhythm Nation", it would seem we lost our heart and soul, and we're trapped in a big black hole, I was hoping for a second Renaissance, now we buy dumbed down whack crap with such ease and nonchalance, I don't even remember the last time I was moved or goose bumped, there's nothing like a power ballad when u get dumped, now everything has to be catchy dancy or have a hard beat, can anyone tell me how u become a member of the elite, does the Illuminati really exist, why can't artists appeal to adults instead of just kids, tricking them with shticks and gimmicks, ever since video killed the radio star it's all about the image, which in my opinion is bull, there's no reason my performance schedule isn't full, other than my community hasn't lifted me up, aren't ya'll tired of hearing these useless shmucks, who are totally uneducated and unrelatable, I seriously question if rap is even savable, it used to stand for rhythm and poetry, I try not to be preachy judgmental or too woe is me, but we all have a various array of struggles, heavy metal doesn't induce relaxation or cuddles, tone effects mood, inflection can change the attitude, no matter what, getting on stage takes guts, everyone wants the fortune and fame, but most don't wanna work that hard or play the game, which is totally understandable, one man's biggest fear another can handle, just gotta find ur gifts purpose and passion, in the end it's a matter of whether ur busy relaxing or taking action!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
More Revolutionary War For The Poor
Am I too intelligent and woke, why are the benevolent broke, the US has become a laughing stock/joke, I truly miss the eloquent way Obama spoke, he had such grace and class, Trump is such a pain in the ass, so inexperienced derogatory and unrefined, if he were a type of cancer it would be malignant not benign, supposedly a brilliant business tycoon, if u file bankruptcy 5 times u should be defined buffoon, he was spoiled born into to the rich 1% elite, wish Bernie was able to compete, I would've settled for Hilary shattering the proverbial glass ceiling, but honestly it's time for an indy third party to rule, having the first black president was cool, what about not only a woman but a lesbian, who isn't just a thespian, someone who is actually elected by and is for the people, too many politicians are straight up evil, greedy and in search of power, can we change before doomsday's final hour, or are we already too late, can this really be our destiny/fate, I feel like there should be so much more, take the time to figure out ur purpose and what ur put here for, everyone has a special set of gifts, we need more hip hop music that inspires and uplifts, that's where I come in, why are celebrities no longer role models but just visually and superficially stunning, after all isn't beauty in the eyes of the beholder, why do so many fear getting older, with age comes wisdom, are gays allowed in God's almighty heavenly kingdom, or is that a one way ticket to hell, imagine if there was a fountain of youth or a wishing well, I'd ask for peace on Earth, hunger and poverty makes my soul hurt, how can so few have abundance while others go without, why does life have to be such a bitch/bout, haven't we had enough already, seems I lost the race going slow and steady, maybe they cheated, before u judge look how I've been treated, sacrificed my wants for needs, so others could do what they pleased, achieved their dreams of success, I may not have the newest or the best but I'm blessed, to have good family and friends, some relationships never end, cuz human spirits live on thru memories, Jesus preaches to even love thine enemies, have empathy and compassion, instead of whining and complaining the Pope says take some action, help better urself, health shouldn't only be afforded to those with wealth, it is an inalienable right, for which if we have to will fight, perhaps we're on the verge of another revolutionary war, since that's what happens when the majority of the population is poor!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Friday, July 7, 2017
Already Unsteady
Being in a relationship/partnership, I'm honored beyond shit, but it takes some getting used to and adjusting, it's a lot of sacrifice compromise communication unconditional loving and trusting, which may sound easy but it's not, we really only got one shot, cuz when hearts are broken, no matter what words are spoken, that initial feeling is hard to recapture, patience and forgiveness are both virtues that matter, healing takes time, adultery ain't a crime, but it is a sin, in war no one wins, trading an eye for an eye, leaves sheep blind, what's the point, tit for tat's annoying, all that back and forth, private matters ultimately decided by the courts, but where's the justice, do u know what the difference between love and lust is, why do so many settle for less, hide fear and insecurity behind jest, instead of confronting it head on, we need to shed cons, so we can finally find and understand the truth, the meaning of life seems mysterious and aloof, I'm simply confused, why so much abuse, my soul is being stifled, by the cruel greedy and spiteful, revenge is never the answer, I swear humanity is cancer, we basically spread consume and destroy, don't learn from history falling for the same old ploys, to me it's obvious and clear as day, how come Christians are afraid of the gays, what happened to thou shall not judge, I wonder if God holds a grudge, does karma work, then why are there relentless prosperous jerks, in business u burn bridges to get ahead, don't the rich understand they can't take their money when they're dead, tell me what's the purpose, experiencing such atrocity that hurts us, yet we don't existentially grow or evolve, there's too many difficult problems to solve, we can't even agree, that health care should be inalienably free, what happened to our rights, have we become too numb and dumb to fight, so coddled and spoiled, is there any reason for royals, they seem obsolete and outdated, why has evil perpetuated such discrimination and hatred, it's extremely upsetting, aren't we past hanging electrocution thrown of roofs and/or beheading, it's plain ancient juvenile and silly, no creature on Earth should be taken for granted or considered willy nilly, everything has value and worth, we're all fallible with original sin from birth, living a life without love is the worst, that is the epitome of the definition of cursed, remember to have hope and keep the faith, just in case there is a heaven with pearly gates, the only way to enter, is to be a good virtuous and righteous defender, helping others helps ourselves, stop buying what the devil sells, try to be perfect like Jesus, the children need us, to step up and start leading by being rational adults and positive examples, stand up to oppression and authoritarian dictators trying to trample, we the people united will not be moved, don't u miss when the collective majority ruled, not the electoral college, what happened to morals ethics wisdom and knowledge, we could achieve the quintessential American dream, Congress worked together as a team, and didn't screw over its constituents, kicking the can of fiscal responsibility down the line like lawyers seeking endless continuances, enough is enough already, can u too relate to the X-Ambassador's song "Unsteady"?!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Thursday, July 6, 2017
Just Some Food For Thought
Let me ask ya'll a question, do u think life is a curse or blessing, seems to be considered more of a tragedy, how does one measure happy, is it based on money or love, even the most successful eventually fuck up, tell me what the meaning or purpose of existence is, are we only justified or fulfilled having kids, is homosexuality a mental illness or a sin, I'd imagine that's as unanswerable as when did the Earth humanity or time begin, only God has the power to judge right from wrong, what came first the chicken or the egg if even Jesus was immaculately conceived when born, how do we know or find out the real truth, perhaps it's all simply aloof, the galaxy and universe are just too huge to comprehend, our minds like perception can't effectively flexibly bend, why can't man understand, instead of arguing over free will blank slate or predestined divine higher plan, is there a heaven or hell, did the Illuminati cast a protective magical spell, how does one actually become famous, our role models today are superficially shocking and outrageous, there's no basis for value worth or talent, what happened to morals ethics empathy righteousness honor and valiance, why is the world overpopulating when we can't take care of everybody who's already here, when did we become so passive easily manipulated and ruled by fear, who decided democratic capitalism versus socialism is better, the almighty dollar winds up enslaving people and tethers, keeping them trapped stuck poor, do u ever stop and ask urself if there isn't more, I don't think it's selfish, why tell white lies exaggerate and embellish, trying to portray something ur not, who comes up with urban dictionary slang acronyms like swak omg and thot, how does one become an ice cream taster, maybe a title labeler/maker/creator, since I enjoy coming up with catchy names, playing rhyming and other word games, why aren't there more schools for the arts, who was the first to say excuse me after burps and farts, or bless u after sneezing, why am I such an over analyzer deep thinker and sheeple pleaser, there are so many things I wonder and ponder, imagine if we invested in green energy infrastructure and farmers, we would be much more sustainable, I truly believe we don't come close to achieve what we are capable able nor the obtainable, how come the thirst for power and greed is so insatiable, I guess when enough is enough is perpetually debatable, anyway this is just some food for thought, I find each day I learn something new I was never collegiately taught!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Monday, July 3, 2017
Lessening Obnoxiousness With Lyrical Consciousness
There are plenty of days that seem impossibly hard, doomed with gloom feeling like a buffoon right from the start, can't catch a damn green light, ur sly snarky sarcasm drips with disdain u pain why's everything gotta be a fight, last night was the best but we still have the rest of our lives, stop pondering the what ifs u dick don't contemplate manifest destiny's demise, it's a roller coaster ride of a surprise, can't hide from the darkness or light, all the atrocity strife conflict and plight, just actually might make it worth it, shouldn't try to achieve but thrive and believe we're inherently fallibly perfect, so what if u mess up, don't stress about failure nor love, it'll come when ur ready and it's supposed to, but u gotta always remain faithful and hopeful, let ur passions create motivation and action, we can't help yawning in the morning farting hiccupping sneezing breathing or when ur body's freezing tweeking twitching shivering after delivering pissing multiple orgasms or spasms, another god given natural disaster/mass reaction, what's with the crass sassing that's not effectively covering/masking, all the underlying anger fear jealousy hateful ignorant insecurity, fuck u and ur prude attitude with ur grandeur illusions/delusions of purity, I'm a wordy nerdy flirty virtually knee jerky kinky quirky, not many have any knowledge or ever heard of me, like Garth and Wayne claim "we're not worthy", at least not yet, I get high anxiety and manically upset, I'm frustratingly aggravated repressed depressed and obsessed over regret, consumed and entombed by the notion there's no safety net or a fat chick's extra thick supportive cushion, why does the universe disperse hurt worse than an unrehearsed curse that keeps smooshing butchering and pushing, so sick of the shushing, I'm over heated and boiling it's wicked extremely annoying, wish karma wouldn't play games and simply quit toying, big business is evilly greedily manipulating and connivingly exploiting, the cynical cyclical plot absolutely needs foiling or some spoiling, cuz if no one's stepping up for love then what the fuck is the point of this tragic existence, we're all fallibly naive so please don't beg and plead kids for just momentary lust or artificial Utopian bliss, how can u see to achieve goals dreams or purpose without the heavenly divine gift of free will, only u have the ultimate power to choose if u lose or become successfully fulfilled, know tho that money doesn't buy honor trust happiness or respect, what kind of epic legendary legacy do u wanna erect or resurrect to protect, cuz mine's spreading truth love and consciousness, diminishing garbage pop hip hop and bad crap rap's lessening obnoxiousness, giving those beautiful beats inspiring poetic lyrics with deep thought provoking meaningful reason, be a role model icon for future generations of lgbtq and other minority activists to believe in, Pac in his infinite wisdom profoundly stated "it ain't about black or white cuz we're human", "hope we see the light before it's ruined", how did we even get here thru magically unassuming and mystifying unamusing abuse that's plain confusing, time to wake the fuck up shmucks and focus on what all ya'll are doing!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
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