They say the law of nature is survival of the fittest, now-a-days it seems more like thrival or Snoop style thrivival of the richest, it's impossible to get ahead, gonna be in debt even after I'm dead, unless my music blows up, I'm all about truth consciousness and love, there's enough negativity doom gloom and evil, who's the revolutionary leader who'll reign in all these sheeple, we've gotten outta control and outta hand, I know I'm only one man, but isn't that all it takes, I can't endure anymore funerals or wakes, especially great legends, Christmas for me has nothing to do with presents, it's about family, even tho this time of year is stressful insanity, I find the simple joys, ur never too old to play with toys, u know guys and their gadgets, I attract lost souls like a magnet, but I'm ok with that, I have faith the universe has my back, no good deed goes unpunished, randomly craving some hummus, specifically the garlic one, even tho my breath will get me shunned, I don't care, I have bigger fears, like never making it as a successful artist, I wanna work the smartest not the hardest, so slow and steady, when my 15 minutes comes I'll be prepared and ready, I try to keep my raw talent cultivated, like exercise it's not easy becoming motivated, hoping eventually it'll all pay off, I'm sure many will laugh and scoff, they say uve made it when u have haters, now I have no problem just peace signing "laterz", I'm out, tired of the same ole bout, I need to go on an adventure, perhaps even collaborate or mentor, helping others help ourselves, don't define urself by a lack of wealth, most of us are in the same boat, I'm surprised they haven't surrounded the White House with a moat, don't gloat, be cautious of the words u spoke, try not to burn bridges, don't discriminate against women blacks gays or midgets, we need to more accepting, even the poor need protecting, our government should do better at infrastructure investments, instead of letting fall by the waistline, facts aren't usually heard thru the grapevine, that's just rumor and gossip, wish people would use more common sense reason and logic, which reminds me to make an apology, as a rapper I like practicing and creating new words that add to my phraseology, do u have a thesaurus handy, I prefer any flavor ice cream over candy, it's simply a preference, most don't get my sarcasm or my obscure movie reference, my wit goes over their heads, thank God I'm off all psychiatric meds, my mind is clear, sometimes my poetry isn't written to share, but I always still post, I don't need to be the best or have the most, I like being an average Joe, with a killer rap flow, which as a gay white boy makes me unique, I proudly wear and wave my flag labeling me a freak, and like to think I have yet to pique, apparently I'm alluring cuz of my mystique, keeping peeps guessing, while always analyzing and wrestling with life's never-ending lessons, it's impossible to understand how failure and mistakes can be disguised blessings, if existence is a fated tossed salad then the only thing in our control is what type of dressing!
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
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