Saturday, December 7, 2019

When's Enough

I am my words written and spoken, sometimes while performing I feel like I'm floating, an outta body experience looking down at myself, I'm amazed how much music really does help, it saves my life everyday, may ur holiday season be merry and gay, cherish those beautiful moments and memories, they're classic epic magic and legendary, hold on to them, but don't try to recreate again, the time is now, some way some how, us together forever, a life filled with unconditional love's just better, we must remember to have hope and faith, good triumphs over evil so believe it'll be ok, be that guiding light, no need to bleed from fighting an existential fight, violence is never the solution/answer, I don't want our legacy to synonymously be a viral plague/cancer, is that all we are, u can't stretch the truth too far, we have a fundamental responsibility to declare what's fact from fiction, as well as the difference between proven science and ur opinion, ya'll simply recite knowledge unlike my lyrical learned wisdom, this country's a democratic republic not some tyrant dictator's kingdom, we gotta wake the phuck up, cuz isn't enough enough, he won't pass the buck, and there's no such thing as fairy tale luck, we 99% lose are screwed and doomed, if we don't unite in harmony to the same tune, in the spirit of Jesus/Santa, I say I'd take Buttigieg or Warren over Sanders, but any of the 3 for me will do, the question remains for u and the time to decide is coming soon!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious

Friday, December 6, 2019

Not Just Once A Year

I really missed this bliss...that special feeling of Christmas...that recaptures the magic of our very first kiss...memories we've shared from way back when as me again underneath the mistletoe...let's hold each other close when its bitter cold...all I've got left's my sister and mother...but I try to remind others to take the time and remember be kind to one another...we're all we've me or not...I'm still raise ur glass to toast happy holidays new years and cheers!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious

Friday, October 25, 2019

Rap's Actually An Acronym

Poetry is my favorite form of expression, my gift at rhyming is such a blessing, I try to keep it real, and say what I feel, without any censorship, I wanna go to a music school that teaches thru apprenticeship, I like learning hands on, wish I could wake up from this damn con, Biggie said "it was all a dream", totally ok with not belonging to a team, I'm more than just half of a whole, y'all cannot stifle my soul. nor depower my voice, failure is a choice, and I'm too much of a competitor to give up, isn't the point to live love, help inspire and spread joy, remember our body is not a toy, some say it's a temple, it doesn't pay to be kind and gentle, even tho we should be, and do good deeds, helping others helps ourselves, u don't have to have all the wealth, it took me a long time, to properly read the signs, figure out what's urs vs mine, I'm such an empathic Gemini, balancing between extremes, learning to stay within my means, no more nets to save me, stop rushing to make plans so hastily, it's hard for me to just go with the flow, even more so to let go, I'm determined and stubborn, don't wanna be an angry bitter curmudgeon, cuz I'm lost and forgotten, I believe we're all born for something, our skillsets are different and unique, I've barely scratched surface let alone piqued, shouldn't willingly accept defeat, history cyclically repeats for sheep, while the shepherds lead, let's have a gay meet and greet, maybe schedule an annual picnic or parade, but with no ignorant dipshit brigade, killing the collective homojo, I'm not afraid to go toe to foe toe, even when I'm my own worst enemy, not gonna lie I have a pretty decent memory, have y'all ever read my intense dense lyrics, or u one of those conspiracy theorists, who automatically assumes, the Illuminati rules and chooses the who's whos, I'm utterly confused, felt racism's abuse, promoting my hip hop tunes, Trump's the only one who spews fake news, I'm waiting on the camera crews, to jump out and tell me this is all a simple ruse, Tupac is 100% alive, and in the real world conscious poetic rap thrives!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious

Monday, October 21, 2019

A Sign It's Time

Don't know how much more I can take,
Cuz life sure ain't cake
I'm getting so worried and afraid,
I can't fake the patience to wait,
But they say we can all be great,
And create our own fate,
Isn't destiny what u make,
Perhaps I'm just too late,
Do u believe we'll be ok,
Or ruled by fear or hate,
Even tho my heart breaks and aches,
It's probably a sign it's time for a leap of faith

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Rambling Blabber That Matters To Me

Tho I havent been retrospectively writing, it doesn't mean I'm not still fighting, the internal struggle is real, I can't always express how I feel, silence makes me nervous, the gays are such perverts, always got sex on the brain, so come on ride the train, choo-choo mutha fuckas, we need more brotha lovers, like me, mic please, it's time to drop a rhyme, can u find my dime, is it heads or tails, everyone inevitably fails, but what u do after, is the important part history captures, what's ur legacy, do u live regrettably, or have u learned to let go, especially what's beyond our control, that's a virtue greater than patience, are we really just slaves and agents, I can't seem to free will my destiny, do u believe in a godlike entity, a higher power, who could make even the presidential liar cower, to stew in his own fake news, cuz when he wins we lose, but whose abuse hurts worse, we don't bleed from curse words, yet they do cause pain, perhaps we see tears thru rain, so much never gets explained, what's the simple equation to gain fame, fortune's sure to follow, structured religion is pretty hollow, relies solely on faith, perpetuates war division and hate, I think the ying yang bled gray, which some say is a sign of the apocalypse/dooms day, while every end is a new beginning, the world needs a human cleansing or thinning, evil for some time now has been winning, without penance for sinning, there can be no reformation, the vow of chastity causes hesitation, therefore less priests, maybe the whole idea of church is deceased, totally outdated and primitive, belief isn't meant to be limited, to any specific day or place, isn't it called amazing grace, how great thou art, did the chicken or egg start, does it really matter, perhaps this is just one long tangent/rambling blabber!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious

Monday, September 30, 2019

Totally Self Unaware Ruled By Abuse & Fear

How do I get y'all to notice me, and don't say pray on rosary beads, I'm being genuine, I wanna be sexy instead of a handsome gentleman, haven't been flattered or wooed in a long while, been told I've got a great smile, when I'm trying to share my talent, showing the world I'm chivalrous and valiant, which everyone assumed like hip hop was dead, when will I ever get ahead, perhaps it's not my time, maybe 40s will be my prime, piquing in my late 50s, watching y'all try to JLo striptease as I sip teas, keeping my big mouth shut, gotta be gracious and grateful for what I've got, and not compare myself to others, don't be jealous or envious of lovers, always been a late bloomer, once day hopefully I'll own a schooner, but until then, I'll stay bent and zen, dreaming in my mind, remaining nice and kind, even if that means I finish last, I didn't set out wanting to make fast cash, it's what happens when u become famous, the level of wealth accrued can be outrageous, look at Facebook owner and Amazon's, ever notice how celebrities are glamazons, except Ed Sheeran who's not one of "The Beautiful People", why are immigrants and gays labeled evil, it just doesn't make sense, impeachment means President Pence, which is even scarier, blacks and women are naturally considered inferior, who makes up these cockamamie rules, greedy rotten crazy fools, who don't have empathy and can't share, use tools of abuse and fear, totally self unaware, replacing fun with despair, cuz if ur isolated an alone, it's easier to conquer competition and advocate the thrown, I need u to wake up, please don't fake love, cuz ull grow to regret life, did y'all forget what's right, or choose to ignore, who's in charge of the ripcord, we need to slow this motherfucker down, before we plummet straight into the ground, change must be profound, come quickly and astound, cuz we're approaching the point of no return, perhaps being complicit has earned us collectively being burned, I'd prefer not to go with the ship, I'm so over dealing with the consequences of everybody else's shit!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Help Ourselves

At the end of the day I'm just a person, deep inside hiding behind a smile hurting, getting anything close to what I want isn't working, no matter the amount of good deeds or flirting, I'm probably worse off then ever before, is it wrong to keep wanting more, I need both love and success, why do I feel this less, so I stay quiet, all I wanna do is revolt and riot, too much evil is winning, maybe the end will bring a new beginning, I'm desperately seeking change, getting older is plain strange, seems like a game, but how come fame is impossibly hard to obtain, what I really mean is I want to be respected by the whole globe, welcome to the Joe Conscious Show, I'm terrified of living the rest of my existence alone, especially after my childhood home's been sold, seriously lacking dependable connections, am I not worthy enough of protection, cuz y'all make me feel that way, ostracized cuz I smoke dope and a privileged white gay, whatever that means, skipped past innocent expected guilty pleas, if it weren't for bad luck I'd have none at all, when dad died everything stalled, every so often I breakdown and ball, wish I would dream small, and learn how to settle, why am I always anxious ungrateful and regretful, perhaps I am the duped fool, never felt popular or cool, yet I wouldn't categorize myself as doubtful, my lyrics are often a mouthful, try memorizing and performing them, music helps me get zen, it's saved my life time and again, tired of living in the remember when, I'm so much better now, I don't know why or where or how, but I hope to one day be vindicated and validated, is there such a thing as valid hatred, just wondering, cuz of the Trump king, wishing he was true royalty, unfortunately he receives loyalty, on a level I will never understand, where's my legions of fans, both woman and man, raise ur voices and hands, let's unite and fight together, this is my love letter, to all of humanity, stop the insanity, if we don't correct course ourselves, who else is gonna help?

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious

Thursday, September 19, 2019

What Is It...Me

Is it give what u get or get what u give
Live to work or work to better live
Get ur priorities gay
Do u like my word play
I blur lines
Even defy time
Making magic happen
Or am I just a con man acting
Is this really the land of the free
Can anyone truly know their real me

Peace and 1,

Joe Conscious

Friday, August 16, 2019

What We Need

What happened to social grace 
Wanting to make the world a better place
Let love replace hate
When we can't understand or relate
We've lost our way
Ying yang stays unblended gray
Ain't no shadows in the shade
Both rejection and redemption shape
My memory may fade
But not the music made
In order to succeed and be great
Gotta believe it's ok to make mistakes
Since the heart bleeds it doesn't break
We need to be brave...keep our hope and faith

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Been Keeping To Myself

I've been so sad my smile radiates, trying to overcompensate for the whole globe's hate, underneath theres nothing but love, I think everyone questions whether they're good enough, been keeping to myself, going on a musical adventure helped, mainly to confuse me, the universe can curse abusively, I'm becoming bitter and jaded, thicker and underrated, the truth used to be sacred, seems the idea of the greater good's outdated, just like soul music, we've become so numb we got used to it, should've appreciated him more while alive, our parents are experienced and wise, but ultimately people too, dont let evil rule u, darkness never wins forever, working together makes the collective better, they say it takes a village, my hope and faith have been raped and pillaged, it's exhausting exuding empathy, I can't calm the pressure of leaving a long lasting epic legacy, it's all simply overwhelming, I wish my life had deep meaning and was compelling, I wanna know I'm gonna be ok, doubt seeps in and I awake afraid, is it too late, lord give me the patience to wait, time isn't the enemy, my family have been my best friends to me, where did all those hours and days go tho, reaped what I didn't sow, momentary defeat, jealous of the ultra elite, part of the have nots, my only love is dippin dots, and I'm rather quite ashamed, unique but the same, hoping that one day, we won't have to come out as gay or throw a parade!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Game Won

This is the first poem I wrote in the new year, I'm hoping it's as powerful as a care bear stare, just full of love, how about a lyrical hug, to help ya'll feel a lil bit better, it's tough to stay motivated during winter weather, I need some inspiration and hope, to prevent getting to the end of our rope, we gotta somehow change our trajectory/course, figure out a way to tap into the source, reach down deep within ur soul, to achieve a fulfilling goal, ask urself what's the purpose, attack and conquer ur fears don't be nervous, challenge urself to phoenixly rise, ride the roller coaster waves of both lows and highs, rock bottom's the antithesis of ur peak, humble and modest doesn't mean meek, vulnerability doesn't equate weak, embrace failure and defeat, cuz it makes u stronger, keep holding on longer, simply because there's no other choice, it took me years to find my true voice, now I try to make a difference, instead of being judgmental I like to give a for instance, sharing my stories and perception, already seems like we've forgotten the harmful issues from the last election, ya'll don't seem to pay attention, why do the rich keep getting exemptions, the poor are desperate for some protection, humanity is worse than a viral infection, u can have platonic relationships that include intimacy and affection, it's not all about sex, art is a good way to express stress, and see how crazy I can be, depression isn't easy to see, often hides behind the brightest smile, truth and virtue's been defiled, righteousness became bastardized, the news portrayed as fake and blatant lies, our world's been turned upside down and reversed, everything seems so backwards, evil reigns, managed to cancel out all our progress/gains, erasing Obama's legacy, is sheer racist jealousy, if things don't change soon, I hate to be pessimistic but it appears we're doomed, but I'm ok with destruction and ruin, that means reconstruction and reformation is brewing, have a lil faith, believe it'll work out ok, rainbows only occur after the rain, wish in business they'd use some heart too not just the brain, we've lost common sense, u should never refer to the best in past tense, cuz it's yet to come, remember that life isn't a game to be won!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious