Friday, February 14, 2020


It's everything
Including why I rap and sing
Lifts and picks me up
Expressed with kisses and hugs
My mom and sister
Pops in heaven how we miss u mister
Seeing my reflection
Reminds me of all the many blessings
But especially friends and fans
Always accepting of who I truly am
Not just February 14th
But every single day inbetween
Reds scaled in a range of shades
So special the heart has it's own shape
Every revolutionary who fought for our rights
Average Joe heroes who make a difference in life
Spread it around cuz there's never enough
Humanity's passion and purpose should souly be love

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Believe In Magic

"Magic just doesn't happen u have to will it...lifes about self discovery purpose and fulfillment...even practice won't create perfection...but ur natural talents and skills are blessings...u can never go wrong if it comes from love...the most important thing to remember is never ever ever give up!"

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious

Rap Pacifist

"I'm a pacifist surrounded by a sea of violence...u enable evil by sitting compliant in silence...I can't see hope or truth thru the fear and the darkness...why y'all so cold tho soul and heartless...being gay I find it hard to pray...especially at those low moments that shake my faith...what seems more impossible to stay then can I expect u to, when I don't know if I even believe in me justice or equality"

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious