Monday, January 30, 2023

Either Or Times 4

I'm definitely not pitch perfect, but trust seeing my passion and soul performing live is worth it, I'll leave my heart on the stage, connect with straights and gays, cuz consciousnesses is universal, I practice my fat hairy italian ass off during rehearsal, I've got that wow factor dropping jaws, breaking down boundaries stereotypes and outdated laws/social norms, I'm not the problem nor the root cause, but a magnet for others who feel wallflowerish and lost, my hip hop music's transcendent rhythm and poetry, I want the whole globe whether I go by JC or JV to know it's me, I can't help it I'm a double Gemini, since it's both my sun and moon sign, and a lil sag, I readily admit and embrace the fact that I'm a weird kinky fag, change the n word to that, since I ain't black, when I'm doin memorized classic cover songs, behind the mic feels like I'm where I belong, almost my home, of course I'm stoned, in a happy safe space, wishing y'all could display more honor dignity and grace, we need love gratitude and kindness, I've learned light might mean mindfulness, being present for the gift that it is, fuck just Christmas!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Reignite Love's Light For Life

U can't run or hide, but why'm I glorified only after I've died, seems like a wasted life, that ain't fair or right, is that the gay white plight, isn't black the absence of light, in hip hop I gotta bark and bite, add a dab of spice to my tiny slice, while both races still won't unite nor get tight, we all must fight together with might, for the future to really be bright, I hope my legacy is to always spark and reignite, since love's colorlessness gives lifts with angelic wings for flight, to new levels/existential heights, so even any ignorance gains insight, despite humanity's gripes slights or spite, we gonna rise as sure as another day turns to night!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

Friday, January 20, 2023

Too Much Not Enough

U ever feel like ur too much and not enough at the same time, it's not that I'm too lazy to grind, I'm simply tired of never getting closer to achieving my dreams, hard work doesn't pay like it seems, and I'm just plain tired, why everyone else who's hired, actually succeeds, what about me and my needs, I'm learning, perhaps I'm undeserving, too comfortable and spoiled, making dinner reheated or boiled, definitely not gourmet style, far from domesticated I'm a wild child, wanna sell out stadiums and win a Grammy, I don't think anyone could possibly understand me, I simply can't fake shit, absolutely worried I won't make it, and I'll be perceived a fool, a wasted life cuz I played too by the rules, that are imaginary and only an illusion, totally doomed to wrong choosing, I played the safe bet, took for granted my great net, my beautiful family provided, and now griefs divided, to equal just me and mom, waiting for that massive last bomb, when she's gone, how will I not live bitterly scorned, all alone, can I rediscover or recreate that feeling of home?

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Had A Bad Day Ok

I'm allowed a bad day here and there, even tho society doesn't care for fear, it's apart of being human, I often think to myself what the hell am I doing, I get it wrong alot, despite being wicked smart, I get in my own way, still a lil ashamed being gay, but I'm no longer a brother, having trouble showing grace and gratitude towards my mother, we've sort of reversed roles, she doesn't understand my dreams and goals, gotta stop looking for her approval it'll never happen, do u ever find urself awkwardly laughing, when it's something serious or not the right time, should stop replying I'm fine, especially when I'm really not, fuck business minded I'm all heart, and also soul, gotta get up and go, staying stagnant hasn't been healthy, what will I do once I'm wealthy, I don't feel prepared, look at all the hardship I bared, I'm very proud, and reject that dark cloud shroud, I'm letting love's light in again, perhaps my life is some other beginning's end.

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

The Price I Pay Faking Ok

Had a bad day after a terrible night, why is my life a neverending torturous fight, I'm not good at faking ok, when every day seems I have to pay, cuz my existence is only about money, I suck so bad at succeeding it's becoming funny, so fucking cliche, I mean a hip hop artist who's white short bald chubby and openly gay, come on get real, people don't care to listen to music that's thought provoking deep and makes em feel, most rap fans hate a sensitive sally, I've lost my ability to confidently rally, like I have no more hope and faith, my spark of light got crushed by grief's wave, all I ever wanted was to make my mom proud, but look what I allowed, I'm just a shell, maybe that's why I'll wind up in hell, only to keep reliving this nightmare, I keep choosing to live life comfortably right in fear!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 