Yet another day...afraid I'm fading away...out of sight then mind...too bad it doesn't pay to be I even matter at all...why do I continue to text and call...making room isn't a real effort...never thought I measured...cuz ur more words not deeds...ur actions don't match beliefs preached...too much grace to push's self love I lack...keep letting u in again...when I don't wanna be just I think it's finally time...I cut the chord and say goodbye...maybe we're not meant to be...or it's probably me...I'm not enough...rejections tough...yet it hasn't killed...perhaps it's unreasonable to expect success happiness and being dare I dream that big...stop living to work when y'all should only work to better live...I give what I get...but I'm frustrated irritated and upset...guess I chose labels like my songs...I so wanna give just sucks and I'm tired of getting fucked!
Joe Conscious