Thursday, May 10, 2018

Got One Shot So Try Why Not

Ur deficiency of empathy, is why we're not meant to be, I refuse to go back, u inspire me to lack tact, ur silence, enrages violence, especially with words, my anger stems from hurt, u never valued my worth, perhaps this is ur curse, u get in ur own way, unreliable when it's time to do or follow thru with what u say, what a waste of love, nothing was ever good enough, u can't help someone become unstuck, no control over karma or luck, guess now's the chance to refocus, do u believe in hocus pocus, magic can't fix reality, God/Jesus is synonymous in all actuality, except that divinity may not be just a simple illusion, people are easily manipulated thru confusion, distraction is easy, it's not in my nature to be slutty or sleazy, I don't want someone who codependently needs me, in San Diego I could smoke weed legally, but here in Rhode Island I can't, which is hard to comprehend and understand, my symptoms haven't changed, capitalism is strange, there's nothing fair about it, so why do we allow shit, like the huge gap in distribution of wealth, obviously our government doesn't care for it's citizens' health, u gotta pay to play, a smile can make a day, cuz when ur poor or broke, it's tough to keep the faith alive and hope, I shouldn't have hatefully spoke, nor angrily wrote, but I was desperate to release, why do I appease and people please, my opinion's the only one that really matters, it's been forever since I've played Chutes & Ladders, or better yet Mall Madness, I'll do anything to distract myself from the sadness, seriously I'm crippled, my patience has whittled, I'm over my mirror's reflection, I have to do some soul protecting, to refrain from becoming numb and jaded, relationships are overrated, I just wanna be happy, instead all I feel is crappy, cuz too much is left unfinished and unsaid, are u ever in so much pain u wish for death, rather drown than have a shattered heart, how did that accident happen or that fire start, perhaps I'm a demonic hit-man for the source, wish we regarded education over sports, look at the way we treat our teachers, don't punish the dreamers, this country was built on immigrants, now it's plagued with ignorance, are we the next Rome, will next world war be fought at home, as we watch the dollar collapse, ignore more and more political mishaps, another rapture victim, Earth is a prison system, our bodies a temple, wish I had insurance that covered vision too and dental, survival is all mental, life ain't a rental, u got one shot, so instead of constantly asking why try why not!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious

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