Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Game Won

This is the first poem I wrote in the new year, I'm hoping it's as powerful as a care bear stare, just full of love, how about a lyrical hug, to help ya'll feel a lil bit better, it's tough to stay motivated during winter weather, I need some inspiration and hope, to prevent getting to the end of our rope, we gotta somehow change our trajectory/course, figure out a way to tap into the source, reach down deep within ur soul, to achieve a fulfilling goal, ask urself what's the purpose, attack and conquer ur fears don't be nervous, challenge urself to phoenixly rise, ride the roller coaster waves of both lows and highs, rock bottom's the antithesis of ur peak, humble and modest doesn't mean meek, vulnerability doesn't equate weak, embrace failure and defeat, cuz it makes u stronger, keep holding on longer, simply because there's no other choice, it took me years to find my true voice, now I try to make a difference, instead of being judgmental I like to give a for instance, sharing my stories and perception, already seems like we've forgotten the harmful issues from the last election, ya'll don't seem to pay attention, why do the rich keep getting exemptions, the poor are desperate for some protection, humanity is worse than a viral infection, u can have platonic relationships that include intimacy and affection, it's not all about sex, art is a good way to express stress, and see how crazy I can be, depression isn't easy to see, often hides behind the brightest smile, truth and virtue's been defiled, righteousness became bastardized, the news portrayed as fake and blatant lies, our world's been turned upside down and reversed, everything seems so backwards, evil reigns, managed to cancel out all our progress/gains, erasing Obama's legacy, is sheer racist jealousy, if things don't change soon, I hate to be pessimistic but it appears we're doomed, but I'm ok with destruction and ruin, that means reconstruction and reformation is brewing, have a lil faith, believe it'll work out ok, rainbows only occur after the rain, wish in business they'd use some heart too not just the brain, we've lost common sense, u should never refer to the best in past tense, cuz it's yet to come, remember that life isn't a game to be won!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious