Keep being told to be a producer, perhaps if I was a lil bit smoother, ya'll could overlook that I'm short bald and white, why does hip hop wanna fight, I'm gay not a pussy, ur not gangsta wearing a do-rag or hoodie, sorry I'm not a ghostwriter, a Pac Biggie Nas Meth or Mos biter, I'm raw and all original baby, the lack of lyrical content is crazy, appealing to the comprehension of second and third graders, I'm not one of those haters, but come on now, who what when where why and how, I mean humanity lacks common sense, compassion empathy and apparently intelligence, it's like we're cancer, still waiting on God's response or answer, please stop the atrocity, hunger aids and poverty, time to wake the fuck up, cuz life is about making money or love!
Peace and 1,
***THIS PAGE HAS ADULT CONTENT*** My poetry and hip hop have deep, meaningful, thought provoking, message driven lyrics of revolutionary truth, consciousness, unconditional love and pride!!!! Contact me for booking, purchasing or fan mail:
Sunday, October 30, 2016
Friday, October 28, 2016
Holy Moly Jesus Pieces
Growing up catholic in many ways, has messed me up whether gays should have faith, I'm second guessing myself, I don't need psychological help, I need love support and true friends, ya'll just keep playing pretend, only in it for the benefits, and when I call ya'll out and mention this, I get portrayed as the bad guy, so I go get high, cuz I'll never understand mob mentality, delusionally consumed in virtual reality, we're losing human interaction, might be too late to take preventative action, they kicked the can down the road, squeezed with greed every ounce of money and hope, I thought things get better, I can understand sporadic bad weather, but hard work just never seems to pay off, not only been burned but scorched, good used to always conquer evil, I'm surrounded by the walking dead zombified sheeple, I'm simply tired of the lack of common sense, accountability justice rehabilitation and penance, do u too believe in second and third chances, sex is important in love but not as much as intimacy and romance is, that's my fetish, genuineness, it's extremely rare, I'm really scared, Clinton or Trump, I'm bummed numb and stumped, how did we get here, ignorance is easily manipulated and ruled thru fear, nobody even cares anymore, we're all puppets pawns pimps and whores, robotic soulless slaves, dumber than hillbillies hicks and even cave men from back in the olden days, I don't pray but I yell at the sky a lot, cuz if God does exist I can't help at times being blasphemous calling it a mutha phucking asshole/twot, I can shred the story of Jesus to pieces, not to mention my thesis how we're either Adam and Eve's nephews and nieces, or we're all incestuously related, the immaculate conception can religiously be debated, was Mary trying to hide dirty lil secrets and lies, perhaps she found out she was impregnated by a gay or bi guy, I mean look at all those disciples, pedestaling him like they would a woman and other idols, what's with bastardizing fun, it's hard to fathom an almighty one, it's all so confusing, I swear consciousness is just an illusion!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Another Hollow Illusion/Con
Don't be so complainy and typical, pretending not to be jelly and secretly miserable, I see it in ur comedic choice, ur insecurity and hear it in ur sarcastic voice, they say a lot of truth is said in gest, perpetuating racist homophobic mysogeny can never be for the best, I've failed every single one of life's patience tests, does being black or gay make u less less, both society and the economy are a mess, I'm legitimately scared shitless, Trump is just simply not good at politics or business, cheating the system is part of the problem wrong is wrong, ya'll don't even care about lyrics in ur songs, it all breaks my heart and crushes the soul, what is ur purpose legacy u want to leave and ultimate goal, it's happiness for me, which can't be bought with any amount of money, that's another hollow illusion, why is humanity so blind to its own consequences and fueling corruption/pollution, like catholicism I know longer believe in the institution of democracy, everybody's fallible and victims of hypocrisy, but what really bothers me, is how would our founding fathers feel, about how far we've come, we seem to forget where we're from, all of us are decedents of immigrants, ignorance isn't innocence, u should know right and good from bad or evil, I'm sick and tired of robotic sheeple, have a solid foundation and a moral leg to stand on, aren't ya'll fed up and had enough of being conned?!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Saturday, October 15, 2016
Big Bang Theory II
It must be nice, to have a husband or wife, find ur other half, I hide behind a fake smile and sarcastic laugh, what's the purpose to life, I got fucked twice, no love or success, u ever feel like uve got nothing left, like ur soul's been drained completely depleted, failed and ultimately defeated, still wondering what's the point, I'm more than frustrated and annoyed, I've kinda given up, enough is enough, there's no such thing as fair or justice, money fame and sex is all that's lusted, I mean this world's morality has gone to shit, humanity's a bunch of oxymoronic hypocrites, nobody has compassion or cares, everyone's distracted by the state of US affairs, understandably so, this election is making us look like a circus/joke, nothing anymore is sacred, the sheeple are focused on irrational hatred, based on false narratives cover ups and lies, but Bernie tho u know never wore a disguise, yet u still got dooped and fooled by deceptive tactics and corruption, when it comes to presidential candidates they're fucking disgusting quadruply sucking, ya'll dug our collective grave, and no matter to what God u pray, we're totally screwed either way, I have nothing else to say, except ya'll only have urselves to blame, ain't no sunshine after an atomic bomb meteorites or acid rain, is it too late to change, or will we be wiped out like the dinosaurs with another big bang?
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
My Last Call To Action
How does one change their mind frame or state, especially in the midst of the chaos or a heated debate, I don't want to argue no more or fight, shouldn't matter if ur gay straight trans man woman black or white, we are all the same, religion is also abstained, stop focusing on all the wrong things, be better quality human beings, I mean really, this election is silly, it's like a circus, which globally hurts us, completely destroys our reputation, what's with the hating we're cyclically facing, reliving the 50s again, either president will lead us back into a major depression, the children ultimately lose, I can't handle false narratives and subliminal mentally bullying and abuse, will we ever recover from incessant political greed and corruption, cuz our display of leadership is fucking disgusting, for me it's still Bernie or bust, I hope ya'll have the guts, aren't u tired of being the victim, enslaved by a fake system, designed to benefit only a select few, the world's waiting on what we will do, who will we choose, let common sense and love shine thru and be our muse, there's more indy than establishment, I'm amazed by the number of ignorant family members and friends, nows not the time to ghost bench or pretend, let ur minds bend, don't listen to liars and panderers, if Mickey Mouse can almost win from a write in please elect Sanders, this is my last call to action, I ask beg and plea for ur compassion, ya'll believe I'm delusional but I'm allowed to dream and imagine, wish we would listen to Mariah and just "Make It Happen"!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Saturday, October 8, 2016
U Immune To The Doom
Why can't I do nothing, and still get something, just like everyone else, except u don't help, be more positive, less cognitive, and just simply live, stop taking it all and give, moochers are losers, the abused become abusers, I hate this existence, what doesn't pay is hard work nor persistence, humanity is synonymous with cancer, we make up our own rules truths and answers, playing pretend like house doctor or god, life is expensive and hard, even the air we breathe, ain't free to me, with allergies and asthma, pretty soon inhalers will be like epipens and cost more than a plasma, but where's the real value, ya'll slave away cuz u have to, everybody is in debt, not living within our means and now there's no cushiony safety net, younger generations are totally screwed, why didn't we nominate the democratic socialist jew, wtf are we gonna do when Trump's elected, we're so politically correct spoiled entitled and over protected, our government military and police will be our undoing and demise, hope ya'll are ready to face the consequences of our leader's malicious manipulation mind control and lies, it's the apocalyptic end of days coming soon, seems only evil is immune to the doom!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Sunday, October 2, 2016
Where Are The Disciples
Going thru some rough dark times, just when I'm courageous enough to draw hard lines, the takers push them again, I'm longing for unconditional love and friends, I have no adult family, seems most can't tolerate or stand me, I've been waking up lately crying, pretty much prefer dying, life is so expensive intense illusion and lies, no matter how hard one tries, getting out of debt or the red, is as impossible as losing or forgetting ur head, ur mind is a whole other story, seems making millions is the only way to achieve glory, I write music and poetry to help deal, with the overwhelming stress anxiety and rejection I feel, with neverending incessant bullies and haters, god nor the universe does me any favors, in fact the opposite occurs, the atrocities bad luck and cursed timing hurts, working like crazy but basically standing still, won't endorse marijuana as a remedy only a prescribed pill, I've never been ok with artificial man made shit, I really really really despise and hate it, completely defeated fearful and broken, unmoved and demotivated by the criticism ya'll repeatedly have spoken, hence religiously toking, the gays only care about poking, fuck trust intimacy and romance, instead of insightful intelligence ya'll want the mindless distraction of Gaga's "Just Dance", I've decided the disciples are what I'll call my avid diehard fans, what's important is how long my legacy spans, not the size of my wallet or pants, I refuse to believe I can't, when it's rough and tough and uve had too much/more than enough, come get a hug cuz I just want ya'll to feel my love!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
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