Not every day has to be about social justice, when it comes to life I feel the need to crush this, I put way too much pressure on myself, when we die we can't take our wealth, so why does how much we accumulate matter, if ur wallet's fatter does that make u happier, or simply less stressed, u don't have to be the best, especially at everything, I readily admit I rap better than I sing, and I'm totally ok with that, don't talk about it behind my back, say it to my face, u fucking waste of a disgrace, I hate flakes and fakes, be a genuine gentleman, I don't care if u did meth or heroine, shit congrats, I'm very mellow nonjudgmental chill and relaxed, look how far uve come instead, don't live as tho ur already dead, enjoy existence more, figure out what ur here for, or ur meaning and purpose, I find I learn more from the things that hurt us, I truly believe it all happens for a reason, people are like seasons, relationships change, best friends become estranged, time space and fate always seem to get in the way, I try not to play victim cuz I'm gay, another white boy appropriating rap, hip hop straight up dumb/whack, I ain't no ghetto gangsta black daddy mack, criticize my talent not who or what I do in the sack, this isn't an attack, I'm trying to fill in where ya'll lack, an original one of kind, a vocabularian mind that loves to rhyme, making u think and feel, u can connect and relate cuz what I'm saying is real, I'm baring both my heart and soul, winning a Grammy and selling out stadiums is my ultimate goal, and I know it's quite lofty, ya'll can snicker and scoff at me, all u want, but expect the middle finger boasting and watch me flaunt, an ear to ear smile, maturity and graceful tact just isn't my style, I'm a condescending sarcastic prick, and can be a big dick, when taken advantage of, u got pacific or atlantic love, I'm torn between the 2, still don't know what I'm gonna do, it depends of if this job becomes perm, waiting's making me squirm like a worm, some say Chicago or bust, moving and starting all over again take cajones strength and guts, but I gotta get out of this depressive rut, test my skills perseverance and luck, it's now or never baby, stop with the ifs ands buts or maybes, make a plan and follow thru, please don't look back with regret too, seize control of this moment right now, perhaps someday ya'll will read my poetry or hear my music in utter awe jaw dropped mind blown and incredibly wowed!
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
***THIS PAGE HAS ADULT CONTENT*** My poetry and hip hop have deep, meaningful, thought provoking, message driven lyrics of revolutionary truth, consciousness, unconditional love and pride!!!! Contact me for booking, purchasing or fan mail:
Friday, July 20, 2018
Thursday, July 19, 2018
Screw Only America Let's M.E.G.A
Muslims are people too, just like me and u, but they've been demonized lately, discriminated against hatefully, especially after 9/11, to be in the military u don't have to believe in heaven, we fight for freedom of religion, yes there's free speech but not mandatory listening, we think the philosophy of the west is best, I remember back in basic training wondering what will happen next, Afghanistan or Iraq, being deployed was 100% fact, America is made up of shades ranging from white to black, the hardest part was coming back, perspectives change after fighting in war, soldiers aren't above the law, we too struggle fitting in, especially in the beginning, to see or hear injustice but not acting, turn the other cheek as a black man's beat and sexist or homophobic laughing, does the duty to serve and protect ever die, this administration's refugee policy's got me questioning why, this country was built on immigrants, slaughtering natives who were innocents, was one of the worst atrocities in history, finding peace is the most infamous unsolved mystery, it's like the horizon line receding as we approach, I'd imagine a drill sergeant to be very much like my soccer coach, screaming push thru dig deep and no excuses, when one uses nuclear and chemical warfare everybody loses, think back to Hiroshima's destruction, we can't afford democracy's abduction, racial profiling all Muslims as terrorists is disgusting, women wearing hijabs causes major mistrusting, when all u see are eyes, imagine men walking around in a ski mask disguise, in their culture homosexuality is punishable by death, women are so oppressed do they have to ask permission for breath, it's like only pockets of the whole globe evolved, international problems need to be solved, we gotta work together, to make this planet sustainably better, don't fall for presumptuous ignorant stereotypes, it was awkward training our Arab allies how to fight, especially when they look just like our enemy, when u fear for ur own life it's almost impossible to exhibit empathy, u can literally walk in someone else's shoes, but u can't help or save others if they too don't choose, to change takes awareness and conscious effort, the vicious victim blaming chain or cycle needs to be broken and severed, but they gotta do it for themselves, sometimes u must experience rock bottom and the multi levels of hells, to appreciate the fact that we all go thru it, it's about not just talking but actually doing shit, lead by example, let's not let differences prevail and trample, succumbing to divisiveness, this poem is not some gay white privileged diatribe of righteousness, I'm speaking my truth, we need to keep teaching the youth, cuz the future depends on them, aren't ya'll tired of repeating mistakes again and again and again, the only way for humanity to win, is when equality isn't dependent upon sex faith or the color of our skin, we can't pray away hate, let's existentially grow elevate and edit our collective fate, before it becomes way too late, screw only America let's make Earth great!
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Friday, July 13, 2018
Can't Run From The Words Of One Of God's Sons
Been off my meds for a few weeks, I'm anxious to be able to stand on my own 2 feet, which depends on whether I get this perm job or not, I've given it all I've got, been here almost 2 years, but in the business world no one cares, it's just about money, tho I don't sleep on the streets or go hungry, I'm what's called the working poor, I find monotonous repetitious routine a robotic slave-like bore, are we collectively greedy at our core, nothing in existence is sure, in the next second I could be gone, where did I go wrong, too many blunts and bongs, overshared in my crappy songs, why do I always feel unfulfilled and a failure, what if I'm another JC the savior, like Nas one of god's sons, I refuse to fight with fists bomb knives or guns, just use words, which can hurt worse, I miss my ex, we were both a mess, neither of us had our shit together, being single I can handle my wits better, I don't like being controlled or owned, when I think back on all I did for u and the hundreds loaned, I should've known then, he'd take every last cent, that's why I wouldn't marry him without a prenup, he can suck on these nuts, if anybody believes they're entitled to my earnings, I'm a gay guy with urges and yearnings, but I have will power and aplomb, Gemini's find moderation doom, we live and find comfort in extremes, nobody at first is what they seem, ur meeting their representative, I can be very passionately argumentative, commonly with Libras, hope ya'll smoke cheeba, cuz the whole globe needs to chill the fuck out, don't divide discriminate hate or bout, can't we all just get along, I'm that judge who'll bang the gong, sending u home a loser, beggars can't be choosers, yet they try, everyone wants a free lunch or ride, imagine ur born rich, or sucking Thor's dick, could u keep it a secret, everybody has potential tho only a random few ever reach it, perhaps we are spoiled and lazy, I bet those royals are crazy, they've got skeletons in their closet too, they're far from humble modest fools, u don't rule without blood on ur hands, how the hell do famous rappers develop die hard fans, I'm envious and jealous, this rat race of a game is hellish, wonder if Trump is the devil in disguise, he's skewed the truth it's the news media that lies, that doesn't even make sense, but I still rather him over Mike Pence, either way we're totally screwed, we'll probably wind up like Holocaust Jews, which concentration camp are u from, unfortunately with Big Brother there ain't no place to hide or run!
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
A Masculine Valiant Queer's Here
All signs are indicating move, it's been forever since I've been awed or wooed, everybody is the same, so very boring and lame, constantly bitch and complain, but do nothing to change, they expect the world to, sorry not sorry don't like girly dudes, masculine here, a valiant queer, who says chivalry is dead, most don't use their head, and have absolutely no common sense, can u tell me where the time went, seems like yesterday I came back, shouldn't say I hate that, but honestly it was the wrong decision, Rhode Island is a prison, I mainly keep to myself, refuse to ask for help, avoiding certain people, can't focus on the political evil, it's everywhere, and very clear, these are reminiscent of the dark ages, I'm in grieving's final stages, after being FB dumped, dealing with President Trump, fighting with my dad, being used and treated bad, by every single job I've ever had, makes me so fucking mad, I'm tired of being taken advantage of, I no longer believe in relationships gay marriage or true love, I've give up, I have no luck, life sucks, super unfair and unjust, I swear Hell is right here on Earth, lost my value and worth, what's the point, spark a blunt or joint, and melt my consciousness away, it's frustratingly obnoxious being gay, bottom of the barrel sub-par human/second class citizen, no one has empathy or listens, we're collectively selfish, can't all be rockstars like Elvis, or crazy long legacies like Pac, wish I was big and built like The Rock, with adoring fans, I really can't understand, how do u become a celebrity, is it only hereditary, I feel excluded, Mother Nature's been polluted, and we won't take any responsibility or blame, I want both fortune and fame, to show young lgbtq, that we can too, break down barriers stereotypes and stupid rules, u won't catch me wearing tiaras or flashy jewels, I'm very humble and modest, genuine and honest, looking for respect, authorities no longer serve nor protect, he was the electoral college elect, not by the general population, we're barely hanging on to democracy's conservation, waiting on a second civil war as well as World War 3, America isn't the home of the brave nor the land of the free, we've more than lost our way, our soul's the price we paid, now we're the global laughing stock, I'm hopeful magic's unlocked, so we can find balance within the force, the window of opportunity is quite short, let's be better, we can accomplish the impossible if we work together!
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Friday, July 6, 2018
Cursed On The Verge Of The First Purge
I still need help, finding strength and confidence within myself, my level of faith is incredible, my soul's stifled and it's in peril, I just wanna be free to be me, ya'll don't see me weep or my heart bleed, as it's being beaten and destroyed, I'm not some slutty slave-like boy toy, I'm a person, and ur kink shaming is hurting, what about different strokes for different folks, I hate discovering everything u said u experienced and knew was a hoax, I don't need to be persuaded or coaxed, I simply like blokes, in a pair of beaten up skate shoes or trainers, bondage play is a no brainer, sign me up, there's a fine line between sex and love, I want to be controlled not owned, consent is always condoned, and very necessary along with trust, a safe word is a must, never know what can happen, please don't be discourteous and be laughing, especially right to my face, I don't deserve to be ostracized or disgraced, I'm sick of insecure evil people, the amount of ignorance is unbelievable, like electing Trump unlocked and unleashed Pandora's Box, u shouldn't open the door when the devil knocks, look thru the peep hole, to avoid deep woe, what happened to common sense, does anyone even carry cents, I barely have dollars, u from the streets or hobnob with scholars, I prefer the poor, they give more, often at their own expense, fuck impeachment we'd be stuck with Pence, who's a religious extremist, I despise all these billionaire elitists, and what's with all this political correctness, this country's becoming anti immigrant gay black and feminist, talk about oppression, we're on the verge of world wide depression, the worst one yet, God blessed the dead, cuz the living are cursed, bringing to fruition the first purge, hope u know ur value and worth, please watch out and remember the power of words, I recently forgot and said some awful stuff, to my first true adult relationship/soulmate/love, and no amount of apologies will cut it, I regret a lot of dumb shit, I didn't mean any of what I said, I lost my cool and my head, I was so angry and upset, he never came correct, expected respect without leading by example, my desire to open up and date again has been trampled, I wanna be alone, make my own kinky home, a nice safe space, I'll do whatever it takes, I won't be stopped nor concerned by the tick tock, and damn sure won't let my life and timing be dictated by some man made concoction called a clock!
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Tuesday, July 3, 2018
Stubbornly Believe I'll Succeed In Fulfilling All My Dreams
Been much more retrospective, trying to distract myself from the president we elected, the world's getting very scary, ya'll should really listen and hear me, most Americans are descendants of immigrants, the manipulative fear tactics are interwovenly intricate, the truth's being skewed, not learning from history we're screwed, did good finally lose, evil's corrupted the rules, we've become numb ass backwards and regressed, isn't it all just guess, does anybody know if the story of Jesus was told, mistranslated like a game of telephone, does the Illuminati exist, is ignorance in fact bliss, is the purpose of sex pleasure or only for kids, 2Pac and Biggie are both still missed, the whole hip hop game wouldn't be so lame, people won't change yet don't stay the same, friction is inevitable, nobody's dependable, we're hypocritical political and fallible, sorry but heaven perfection and utopia aren't palpable, is reincarnation real, recycling is a big deal, neglected over money, global warming isn't a hoax or funny, human's are playing God, success has become impossibly hard, the majority is doomed to fail, while the 1% smoothly sail, redistribute and share the wealth, I believe we have a right to breath and free health, I pay my taxes, not afraid of the masses, I go against the grain, use common sense and my brain, which seems to be a foreign notion, stop polluting the air and oceans, turn the globe green, there's no need for greed, with enough to go around, this moment in time is crucially profound, what we do now, will determine humanity's future no doubt, will u stand up resist and bout, or be complicit and allow the dark clouds to shroud, consume with gloom and darkness, sold our souls become unempathetic and heartless, have hope faith and compassion, compromise sacrifice and ration, "you can't always get what u want" sang The Rolling Stones, Newton's third law explains why one reaps what they've sown, "for every action there's one equal or greater", the horizon line recedes as we approach unlike the equator, wish I heeded the warnings of danger, never fall in love with strangers, get to know them first, being ghosted while alive hurts the worst, but it's a negative reflection on them, watch my redemption again, cuz I have not only the will to live but to stubbornly succeed, I'm ambitiously driven and brave enough to fulfill all my dreams, perhaps even a lil bit out of spite, but hey I say that's ok cuz u gotta motivate urself to do what's right for u and ur own life!
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Monday, July 2, 2018
The Devil's Spawn is Gone
Reminded he's still evil, pretends I'm toxic and lethal, ignoring everything he ever said and did, he's doesn't apologize nor forgive, he's full of shit, nothing but a hypocrite, manipulates and lies, can't wait for his downfall and demise, he's a con artist, not the smartest, and the epitome of junkie, who used to be handsome and hunky, but just keeps popping those pain pills, he's vain and unfulfilled, has no clue what he wants or needs, eventually karma will catch up to him for his dirty deeds, look at all the people he's used and wronged, I mourned and longed, but I'm glad he's gone, the devil's spawn, now I know better. we weren't meant to be together, cuz he's literal white trash, stole my heart time and hundreds in cash, I'm trying to finish what he started, he's spiteful retarded and cold hearted, he really needs psychological help, he's delusional pathological bipolar and has tons of issues with his mental health, honestly he is a bad person, goes around hurting, instead of self sufficiently working, he's stalking and lurking, trying to change the narrative to make himself look good, always took what he could, never returning any favors, now I relate to all the haters, who tried warning me he's abhorrent, should've let him default on his probation payment so they'd issue a warrant, he belongs in jail, when it comes to life and love he failed, his mission do destroy me's been derailed, everyone's been happy and hailed, it isn't easy to get away from abuse, he would gaslight and confuse, falsely assume and accuse, couldn't admit his errors or lose, a poor sport, can't wait for his day in court, so maybe he'll be put away, he's an awful representation of gays, for all I care he can go to hell, sorry not sorry but I don't wish him well!
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
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