Friday, March 7, 2025

Grown Old Soul

U can't love me like I do u, that expectation makes me a fool, what a fucking burden, what about when I'm hurting, I'm so sick and tired, people living zombified wired, just empty and hollow, evil winning and thriving is hard to swallow, I may be light but I'm no longer a son, wait til it happens to u hun, cuz usually the baby's the last one left standing, perhaps I am too intense and demanding, but no longer will I dim, go way deeper than skin, reach to meet me in the depths of my soul, and remember how much of a privilege it is to grow old!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Ordained With The Reigns

Art feeds life and vice versa, wish my double Gemini sides would have a merger, it's like 6 different people, causing a tremendous amount of upheaval, all in one body, I need to smoke a goddy, to help get my adhd under control, being dominated is cool but no one will own my soul, I'm wicked independent riding solo, slowly but surely letting go of fomo, cuz there's not much happening, nobody's laughing, everyone's stressed and burnt the fuck out, showing divisive hatred loud and proud, we're just tired, of nothing but clowns and liars, taking the reigns, like they're not elected but ordained, forgetting we have the power, better fight back before the final hour!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

My Care Bear Stare

Ok now it's my time, to flourish and shine, if u can't respect my boundaries, ur no longer allowed around me, nor in my orbit, ur attempts will be ghosted or thwarted, I won't even engage, I'm trying to get past my growing pain phase, embracing being healed, while hurt people are for real, toxic like rot/fungus, in humongous abundance among us, spreading like yet another wild fire, does anybody make art to inspire, I'll always fight for truth love and consciousness, help eradicate exploitive greedy obnoxiousness, good needs to revolt back, instead of being passive attack, stand up for what's right, and vanquish this evil darkness with my care bear stare of bright white light!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

Monday, March 3, 2025

Positive's What The Problem Is

I write to express the negativity in my head, holding onto stress is the quickest way to get dead, trying to keep thoughts positive, the problem is, I'm a double Gemini, and my spirits shift from low to high, pretty quickly triggered, of course it figures, I care way too much, while everybody else gives 0 fucks, why can't I be more like that, easily just turn my back, ghost others the way they do me, cuz I'm over life truly, what's even the point, I'm wicked annoyed, all tribulations and trials, capitalism's made humanity vile, consumed by greed, love kindness and vulnerability make me weak, will I be mourned when I'm gone, afterall doesn't impossible to forget mean a star was born?

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

No Hope When U Ghost To Cope

My heart's become numb and frozen, yet again I wasn't chosen, left alone inside my head, worried if u or him were dead, silence is the real killer, sad when drunkenness is the filler, they don't know how to just be, wish y'all could lime with me, I don't need much, some quality time and love, like sharing a meal, along with how we feel, u know a 2 way street, fuck online let's meet and greet, guess I'm not easy to handle, wish my absence leaves ur world dismantled, cuz I truly deserved, not to be neglectfully hurt, but then u came along, probably will be memorialized in a poem or song, since u destroyed all my hope, when it seems u only ghost to cope!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

How Wow

I say things all the time, try and make them rhyme, not cuz they're true, it's just how I feel in the moment dude, spit venom when I'm mad, but hurtful words when I'm sad, I wanna smash and cut hearts, when they bullseye mine with darts, and I'm a peaceful pacifist, don't forget I'm a powerful revolutionary activist, I fight for and with love, even tho I may say I give up, I don't even know how, my level of resilience and forgiveness is just wow, all ud have to do is apologize, then let's get back to quality fun and good times!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

And Another One Done

I'm not a good sport, at being ghosted/ignored, why can't u text or call me back, what's up with that, shitty friend, not giving in again, bye, u were a great moment in time, but miss me with ur bs, I no longer want u to be my guest, rot behind bars, fuck ur art, u broke my caring spirit, can no longer gracefully grin and bare it, u win, my patience is so thin, I'm actually strangely angry at u, feel like I got played for a fool, ur a hustler player and chameleon all rolled into one, we had some fun but the way u treated me and my boundaries we're done!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Never Forget We Met

I'll always be grateful u helped reignite, my passion fire and light in life, when my mom was about to die, ud flash me a smile, and say cheer up, that was showing love, I needed that, and wish I could give it back, cuz ur struggling now, yet manage somehow, still ur on my mind, I just wanna take ur time, even tho we're simply bestys, without u my world is empty, I care so deeply for u, but there's nothing I can do, can't drag anyone into the sun, when it's all said and done, I'm glad we met, ur wicked beautiful talented and impossible to forget!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious 