Sunday, August 2, 2009

Knowledge Wisdom & Revelations

Fallibility is a part of being human, you make an ass out of u and me when u start assuming, truly living is learning to fumble and stumble, struggling and roughing it's a good way to stay humble, drowning your sorrows in alcohol's not the answer, smoking may reduce stress but blesses u with cancer, it is pretty easy to acquire new knowledge, by simply applying to go back to college, don't confuse that though with wisdom, which isn’t knowing the definition of antidisestablishmentarianism, it's more like money can't buy happiness, there's an extremely fine line between brilliance and wackiness, beauty is not skin deep, if u don’t sow u cant reap, in glass houses stones shouldn’t be thrown, if u can’t afford children use protection when u bone, or better yet practice abstinence, since shit always surprisingly happens, condoms aren’t 100% reliable, nor is the historic accuracy of the bible, most facts get lost in translation, playing telephone emphasizes that revelation, kids today are bombarded with the pressures of success, watch illogical nonsense from TV and movies in excess, that show and flaunt the end results, but neglect to portray the nuts and bolts, all the time hard work and dedication it took, like expecting a chef to make a dish without the ingredients to cook, things just don’t magically appear, or miraculously come out of thin air, then comes the question philosophers beg, what came first the chicken or the egg, but on top of that, what I find whack, is it takes two for sexual reproduction, leaving us all incestually related and got me curmudgeon, and if in fact so, Eve must a been a hoe, another topic of mind blowing proportions, is language and the different dialect distortions, to think that at one point in time, there were just grunting cavemen that mime, now almost every country has their own, from within formal versions Ebonics have grown, dictionaries have trouble keeping up with new words, since some are crazy and just outright absurd, but then again my friends, so is life the journey and how it all begins and ends. -Joe Conscious Vacca

Peace and 1


1 comment:

  1. WOW! What an incredible poem! Your wisdom and insight completely blew me away. You are extremely talented and I'm sure anyone who reads this poem will quickly become a Joe Conscious fan. I know I am! Cant wait to read more.
