Sunday, August 2, 2009

Brains Over Brawn

Each and every day that passes by, I ponder while I wander wondering why, am I here for a purpose, or just utterly worthless, pushed and looked over always underappreciated, like a car off the lot from birth I’ve depreciated, u devalue as u age, the truth is as u get older u need to be brave, u can't be saved from the grave, being betrayed or enslaved, by the notion we're defined by our occupation, a victim of a class system inflicting segregation, it's all who u know, and whether you can show you’ve got or come from dough, the wealthy are ubber superficial, big boobs u fools those goobers are artificial, their personality's predominantly pretentious, their attitude's rude and prude from not being adventurous, they've got all the money in the world, but when mixed with real people they're spoiled and curdled, disgustingly coagulated, easily agitated and aggravated, when what's demanded's not handed on a silver platter, being lazy and catered to's why American’s have gotten fatter, there's no more hard work or manual labor, do yourself the favor physical fitness is a life savor, get down and a little dirty, cause hands-on activities helps make u worthy, habitat for humanities provides a sense of accomplishment, to actually finish what u started's an astonishment, you can create huge opportunities, providing service to surrounding communities, start an outreach program, give to a charity that's not a scam, we should be more sympathetic and understand, almost all people have had failed plans, we need to learn how to better share, and stop putting a bad stigma on welfare, adults have got to endorse more maturity, for future generation's sake fix social security, there won't be anything left after the baby boomers, who were flower children and promiscuous shroomers, we need to somehow electroshock our society, get away from this I can fix shit with bribery, an unjustified sense of entitlement mentality, deserving it all for nothing fallacy, how will things ever come to change, when we're at the point in evolution where brawn's just a pawn and always gets trumped by brains. -Joe Conscious Vacca

Peace and 1


1 comment:

  1. your words came deeply from what you see and feel in the society where you live in, i like it. very interesting.
