Thursday, July 27, 2017

Let Peace & Harmony Triumph...L'Chiam

Everybody at some point needs to catch a break, is it us the universe karma or God who makes/creates fate, cuz I'd like to know who is to blame, why are some more cursed at playing the game, whether relationships or life in general, sometimes happiness and success seem untenable, it's rather frustrating and discouraging, we need much more healthy and productive means of griping and grumbling, quit the excessive whining bitching and complaining, rationalizing Trump's repeated stupidity is plain draining, what if we can't get passed the fundamental agree to disagree, if this is truly the home of the brave and the land of the free, then we are entitled to be out and proud loud, sick of some minority not being allowed, that way of thinking is so over, tired of having to look back behind my shoulder, afraid of being beaten or stabbed, what's the reason for any treason or terrorist attack, there's too many crazies these days, religious extremists still have righteous indignation towards gays, altho the Lord and his bible states "thou shall not judge", it's rather quite interesting to see which rules they cherry pick and won't budge, they have no qualms having affairs and rabid divorce, why with guys has sex become a sport, the world is already way overpopulated to not use protection, newsflash u don't have to cum every time u have an erection, that would be nice tho, but don't be surprised when ur called a slut or hoe once or twice u know, u are ur reputation and who u hang with, I hate it when it rains shit, and ur misunderstood, even when ur intentions were all good, that's what paved the road to hell, did u ever listen to the stories ur parents teachers and old folks would tell, it's hard to learn from other people's lessons, we're wicked ungrateful and spoiled with blessings, look at how far technology and human rights have come, I believe in hindsight we will see history proving the devil has won, corporate capitalism is populist thinking, it's sad to watch as the US keeps sinking, being defined by corruption and greed, why couldn't we just have let Bernie lead, cuz this president is a fucking disgrace, a huge embarrassment to our species/race, I'm ashamed to be white, but even more disgusted that nobody's speaking up or standing up to fight, there is power in unity and numbers, with excessive carbon dioxide in the air we shouldn't use trees for lumber, instead legalize marijuana for the hemp, we're not gonna illegally criminalize pot again, I mean really, that's such a waste and silly, the very definition of insanity is repeating behavior expecting different results, not surprising we've had a rise in cults, too weird to think of deplorables as adorable, how can u justify being immoral, can u look in the mirror or sleep at night, the only thing that can save is now is unconditional love and a bright light, to help us find our way out the dark, don't let evil consume ur soul or ur heart, please let peace and harmony triumph, join me in a salute cheers and l'chiam!  

Peace and 1,

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