What if it's not ur day or week month or year, do ur fears debilitate u to tears, cuz only u have the power, not to run away hide and cower, what if it's ur last shot, shouldn't u feel obligated to give it all u got, why do so many people simply give up, even with money life is unfulfilling without love, I am truly grateful and blessed, my man is completely obsessed, and it makes me smile ear to ear, it's amazing to know someone cares, other than blood relatives and family, I often wonder if acquaintances can really stand me, or if it's just a front, I can be an absolute asshole/cunt, altho I don't have one, some swears are fun, and emphasize a harsher tone, I am fascinated by double entendres like sex fuck or bone, usually I'm a dirty birdy, constantly misunderstood to be overly flirty, when that's just me being nice, can't help if ya'll like to swipe right, I'm actually flattered, I love Joss Stone's songs "Bruised Not Broken" and "Torn And Tattered", one's more uptempo while the other's a ballad, sorry not sorry but I can't stand DJ Khaled, he's annoying as shit, he's a producer that can't spit, so basically he plays artist's music, giving credit to the beat maker is abusive, instrumentals are clutch, but blunts aren't zig zags gotta use a dutch, prefer a green leaf, do u even listen to or hear the words I speak, I'm glad u like my sound, but is it a timeless classic and lyrically profound, I wanna touch and move souls, not interested in dancy superfluous lip-syncing shows, I've got real talent and skills, went from smoking pot to taking psych pills, and I wonder if I'm feeding the demon, why am I so afraid of swallowing semen, look at what the pharmaceutical industry has done to medicine, it's no longer about making the sick better it's about profits which is so American, we're the country of the excessive and greedy, so selfish we can't help our own needy, yet we will spread war in the name of democracy, we are the epitome and very definition of hypocrisy, always an egotistical hidden agenda, we will use nuclear force if ya'll don't surrender, ever notice the countries that don't use a Rothschild owned central bank, the list of 7 in 2000 has now shrank, to North Korea being the last one left, does anybody out there agree that taxation is theft, how about thinking 9/11 was an inside job, our safety security and peace of mind were robbed, all to invade Afghanistan and Iraq, then Libya and Sudan were attacked, last but not least Obama got Cuba and Iran, when will the world wake up and take a stand, it's like evil has taken over control and corrupted, wait til Mother Nature's anger and wrath has erupted, not even the wealthy few, can reverse time or redo, once the damage has been done, in the end history proves humanity has never won, like the dinosaurs we will become extinct, don't let them take away ur consciousness and ability to think!
Peace and 1,
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