Ive been mentally blocked, yet often appalled and shocked, at all the injustices, that are prevalent and exist, while simply trying to live my life, i get overwhelmed by the hardship and strife, Im such a mess and ridiculously stressed, but truly blessed, that there are kind and generous folks, willing to welcome an unknown into their homes, providing me with shelter and maybe even a meal, i would never rob from them or steal, i pride myself on staying sincere and real, expressing even depression if that's how i feel, so upset at the current state of affairs, my sarcastic temper is once again starting to flare, either being beaten or defeating the competition, capitalism is a hellish system, people are obviously oblivious and no one listens, or pays attention when mentioning some of the other dreaded isms, still sassed and classed by the color of your face or ass, men embarrassingly deny being gay if asked, women often get dismissed and laughed at, discriminated because of religion or for being fat,
here's some food for thought from a lyrical riddler, is the US just a modern day Hitler, can anybody tell me when, this country suddenly became honorary UN, like we're the perfect model, the whole world should follow for the sake of rationality and clarity, even opportunity here for prosperity is a rarity, America's really hyped up and fake, globalization is a major mistake, it's time for separation of corporation and state, or the end of days will surely be our fate, there's too much extreme division, we need a president that'll make some hard decisions, who's willing to go against the grain, ignores the rich 1% complaining of their financial pain, government overspending and greed seems to be to blame, as the reason the outlandish deficit hasn’t been tamed, therefore our AAA credit rating's been maimed, why isn’t everybody taxed exactly the same, The more money you make, equates to a higher amount paid, allow absolutely no loopholes or exemptions, stop wasting millions of dollars on elections, instead of education and manufacturing investing, we keep budgeting billions for military protection, disguising and lying that it's democracy we're spreading, i believe we've gone in the wrong direction, no one’s observing or learning from history's lessons, that devaluing mother nature's essence, will destroy our species as a whole, bettering our planet needs to be our collective goal,
cause if we don’t treasure and nurture the earth, stop looting abusing and polluting her beautiful work, 2012's prophecy would definitely come true, then there's nothing for us to do but just stew,
in the destruction accrued that we even helped cause, people then might ultimately have to draw straws, to see who gets to survive, status won’t decide if you'll die or stay alive, it'll be all out warfare unless we prepare, unite and fight for what's right showing we r aware and care, but first there needs to be a major mentality change happening everywhere!
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
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