Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Omission & Fear

Finally finding footing, I'd say I'm open but haven't been looking, not really into hookering, it isn't that I wouldn't I couldn't, I'm old school that way, even tho I'm gay, I'm not promiscuous like them, perfectly capable of platonic friends, more of a homo jock bro, so not superficial and u can't buy my love with dough, take the time to get to know me, make an effort so it doesn't feel one sided and lonely, sorry I go crazy when I'm bored, Italian boys don't like to cut the umbilical chord, the food is just too good, I was raised to do what's right and what we should, my folks gave me so much, except magical luck like the Midas touch, I'm the bipolar opposite, turn everything to shit, but sooner or later I'll figure out how to control my powers, fuck fifteen minutes of fame I want fifteen trillion hours, I'd then be able to make a real difference, it's true that things can change in an instant, music success would be like winning the lottery, the quality of our celebrities or lack thereof really bothers me, why don't we pay attention to what we value, getting rid of the gold standard was our biggest snafu, our cash became worthless paper, credit cards aren't doing us any favors, when did convenience become expensive, the corruption and greed is extreme and extensive, perhaps we're too far gone, embittered spiteful and scorned, tho I don't really believe that, we can't turn back time or go back, but stop sweeping crap under the rug, when u know why but rather throw ur hands up and shrug, pretending u have absolutely no idea, u my dear can tell who's evil cuz they manipulate using omission and fear!

Peace and 1,

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