Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Awake & Existentially Elevate

When I say fair I mean moral, how do u feel what mankind did to coral, polar ice caps and the animal population, humanity is becoming consumed by corporate elite abusive discrimination and hating, over seeking green renewable energy peace and fighting for love, shut up and just give someone a hug, it's time to awake, existentially elevate, stop this war on drugs faith oil free trade and thinking, fight corruption and greed instead so the good hearted hard working people can start winning, neither pot smoking nor homosexuality is sinning, there's a fine line between judgment and preference/opinion, if all u do is criticize offering no alternative better solution, fuck u and ur pollution, I'm tired of pc status quo folks saying "that's just the way it is", that's some assuming ignorance fear mongering evil immoral condescending bullshit, I ain't no robotic slave order following soldier, why does everyone get grumpy cynical and colder when getting older, I believe it's cuz we learn to see the truth, our hope and future relies solely on the youth, like Whitney sang "teach em well and let them lead the way", Michael Jackson wasn't a pedophile just like the gays, sometimes things can't be or are labeled wrong, I wish before u automatically dismiss me and my hip hop music take a moment to first truly listen to my songs, now let's go smoke a blunt bowl and a bong, have fun teaming together to compete and kick ass at beer pong!

Peace and 1,

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