Sometimes u need a distraction, reality can be a major let down compared to what u imagined, expectation is a hell of a drug, more addicting than a hug, often times we don't even realize we're doing it, the best relationships have this fluidness, like they transcend space and time, so many are overwhelmed by the 9 to 5 grind, feeling like robotic slaves, ur defined by how u behave more than what u say, after all actions speak louder than words, but derogatory slurs still hurt, u lose the debate when start turning to insults, hate when a grown adult sulks, deferring blame and responsibility, hypocrisy makes u look silly, who u trying to prove, me or u, the truth doesn't always need to be said, quiet the incessant second guessing going on in ur head, confusing a light switch for ur heart, u fall fast and too hard, love and lust are two totally different things, with a foundation based on lies nobody wins, u gotta learn from mistakes, let go of the cheaters flakes and fakes, understand manifest destiny versus fate, to make dreams come true u must first awake, then try and strive, don't settle for just alive but thrive, happiness comes from within, u can only achieve fulfillment if u begin, otherwise there's simply missed opportunities and regret, failure isn't a good bet, cuz if u expect it, u get shit, karma isn't inherently evil, at the end of the day humans are just people, flawed and fallible, success like the horizon seems palpable, but unfortunately it recedes as we approach, since when do we know what we truly need the most, too duped by wants from ego, shouldn't underestimate the power of veto, it's never too late to change, ironic how it takes extreme pain, to finally learn lessons, so busy worrying about what I'm lacking I don't appreciate my blessings, focusing on the future while stuck in the past, staying in the present moment is the quintessential task, the seconds fly by so fast, gotta master the ability to be content with where we're at!
Peace and 1,
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