Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Just Infatuation & Lust

Think we finally killed any love left, wish I could sue u for theft, not only did u steal my heart but u shattered it too, when I think back on all we've been thru, I realize it was such a waste of precious time, I'm done trying, u obviously don't wanna make this work, u continuously act like a jerk, never changing for the better, I'm happier when we're not together, uve always been a real let down, incapable of romance self sustainability or being intellectually profound, ur underemployed and can't drive, ur full of false assumptions and lies, good luck and well wishes, I'm sick of double standards from hypocritical bitches, I may be spoiled and coddled, but fuck ur judgmental criticisms u aint no role model, in fact ur a prime example of what not to be, u can keep turning everything around on me, but people can see thru ur illusion, ur recollection of things is utter delusion, ur a pathetic excuse of a partner, neither a flower nor a gardener, u don't have a pot to piss in, I've been too forgiving, totally enabling ur bad habits, our relationship is mad tragic, ur not anywhere near my caliber or level, I hope without me u spiral and dishevel, I kept u afloat so long, u never apologized or admitted u were wrong, extremely insecure and jealous, u made pursuing my dreams hellish, abusively unsupportive and neglectful, staying with u a year has made me regretful, I'm embarrassed I fell for ur tricks, sorry not sorry Kevin but ur dismissed, we are officially over, a huge weight's lifted off my shoulders, I can breathe again, doubt we'll be friends, and I'm glad we're done, u won hun, I'd rather be single and alone, then sacrifice myself to create us a happy home, no more riding coattails bubba, I only wanted a lover, not someone I have to take care of and save, ur bipolarness comes in waves, but when it does it sucks, I've come to learn that this wasn't love it was infatuation and lust, ur ugly on the inside, which u can't hide, there were no tears cried, today music lived it was my love for u that died. 

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious

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