Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Resist & Persist For Good Shit To Flourish

There's a tough dichotomy between being open and honest, yet remaining humble and modest, straight forward and direct, but don't fall victim to the mean sarcasm or selfish ego effect, what's better white lies or the blunt truth, be careful what u choose, cuz neither can be taken back, screw omission gossiping assumption and alternative facts, I've had enough of the gay drama and bullshit, u need to learn when someone extends their finger and says pull it, not to gullibly follow thru, or when asked who sings a song say it's u, otherwise u fall for their trap/trick, what's better a dick that's long or thick, prefer cut or uncut, not attracted to politically correct generic dumb fucks, cuz I'm all about chemistry and connection, I'm trying to live my life happy and fulfilled not swayed by negativity's infection, which isn't easy, definitely don't want to be identified as manipulative or sleazy, I accept the consequences for my mistakes, and for the rest of my existence will do whatever it takes, to win back trust, prove to u it's not just sex and lust, I am truly madly deeply in love, and I simply won't walk away or give up, I'm a passionate fighter and stubborn, want to minimize drinking drugging barring and clubbing, to spend more quality intimate fun time just u and me, pretty sure ud agree, we both have plenty of personal stuff to work on, but know this is not some deceptive illusion or con, I wanna be a positive example, and refuse to let random outsiders come between us trying to ruin and trample, the hard work traveling this long lonely windy road, I use my past experiences as lessons to learn how to adapt and grow, please remember tho I am far from perfect, trials and tribulations suck but in the end I find they're worth it, usually atrocity helps provoke real change, this position I'm in is completely off-putting and strange, believe me I'm scared as hell, my insecurities and confusion can seem impossible to show iterate express or tell, worried u won't be there when or if I fell, there's no magical solution potion nor spell, gotta navigate the twists turns valleys and hills, resist and persist even if it kills, it's all about the journey the fight whether u phoenixly resurrect and rise, why do men see vulnerability as weakness and abhor tears being cried in another guy's eyes, it takes such courage and strength, divulging secrets pent up anger frustration and resentment is therapeutic to vent, holding onto that crap, hiding behind an awkward uncomfortable dismissive laugh, is not a good way to deal, only when u can admit how u feel, getting to the heart and root of the pleasure or pain, can knowledge and wisdom be gained, communication's laying the bricks of our relationship's foundation, too much corruption and greed is what's destroying this once sound nation, with a tyrant at the helm, many are disgustingly disgruntled detached and overwhelmed, hopefully this'll lead to some sort of new Renaissance era, where inspiring good music art morals ethics and talent flourish are appreciated prioritized coveted worth more and valued greater/better!

Peace and 1,

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