Friday, June 23, 2017

Too Much To Ask/So Unreasonable

This is the second poem I wrote today, I'm not sharing the other one that's consumed with anger frustration and hate, sometimes I just need to vent, never learned the skill of being disingenuous or playing pretend, so I have to keep some shit to myself, holding onto negativity is detrimental to my health, I'll hide it in my diary, there's nothing more special and fulfilling then when someone compliments they admire me, to me music and poetry are second nature, I wish I could be the world's savior, cuz we are stuck in very dark times, I wanna be the bright white light that shines, leading and showing lost souls the way, it's ok to be gay, it's not a mental disorder or disease, be careful not to people please, cuz ull lose urself, we all need a lil help, stop acting so proud, this isn't a dick swinging contest so it doesn't matter if ur well endowed, just be a good person, if ur situation isn't working, u shouldn't complain, perhaps it's time to change, either ur circumstance or location, what's with this never ending generational discrimination, we perpetually pass it on, eventually masses bond, and unity creates power, together we will make the tyrants pay and cower, aren't u tired of being taken advantage of and conned, there's no such thing as Jesus Santa or magical wands, get used to it, enough with the abusive shit, fucking with the truth, karma will catch up to u, webs of lies, definitely demise, cuz the good triumphs and love conquers all, the law of gravity states what rises falls, life is a combination of a see-saw and a merry-go-round, am I alone thinking existentially profound, too smart with a big heart, meaning I'm double doomed from the start, I am not a punching bag, nor some door mat, u can walk all over, like Edwin McCain "I'll be ur crying shoulder", until u cross my boundary line, Trump is a sign of the time, evil has taken a strong hold, imagine being Benjamin Button born old, aging in reverse, fate is a curse, hating hurts, modern day slavery's work, only the one percent have the luxury of being free, why don't they see their greed, damages the collective, wish cops and Congress actually protected, we the people, we're looked upon as worthless and feeble, I know utopia and peace on Earth isn't feasible, but why can't we use common sense share resources and get that too much to ask/so unreasonable?

Peace and 1,

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