Monday, June 5, 2017

Innocence Or Ignorance

Our bickering isn't hateful sickening snickering, in the beginning instead of a baptism like Charmed we'll do a wiccaning, we show love a different way, sarcasm's the gay's quintessential spilling of the T/shade, it's not meant to be nay say, stop reminiscing and vicariously living like ur still in ur hey day, grow the fuck up, oh u don't appreciate when I cuss, well tough luck, notice the scruff, I'm an adult, homosexuality is not a cult, perhaps it could be considered a religion, it's also not a choice or a decision, the amount of negligent ignorance, can no longer pass as unintentional innocence, we need to draw some hard lines, why do they try to dim how bright a star shines, by spreading deadening and upsetting meddling, look at all the evil that's embedding getting and settling, deep within our collective soul, if we don't start accepting climate change is real and man made Earth will become a giant black hole, both the North and South pole, keep losing their cold, ice caps are melting, what's the deal with people bible belting, hating and discriminating in the name of Jesus, the US can't just do what appeases or pleases us, what happened to fighting for the greater good, Republicans aren't doing what they know they should, and it is simply upsetting, how quickly we're forgetting, wondering how we got to this point, I'm beyond irritated and annoyed, I'm wicked pissed off, while ya'll bitterly snicker and scoff, acting selfish arrogant and righteous, seems we can't even fathom let alone fight this, sick and twisted mentality, where sheeple get brave behind virtual reality, so socialism and human interaction becomes numb too awkward or weird, government divides and conquers thru abusing using fear, yet we fall for it every time, excessive greed should be a crime, there's no reason one person family or corporation needs billions of dollars, I feel as tho scholar's degrees are collars, making us slaves to capital and our careers, nobody wants to be a teacher they wanna be JT or Britney Spears, how the heck are u supposed to know, what u want to be or do for the rest of ur life at 17 or 18 years old, we idolize shows like 16 and pregnant or Teen Mom, how do ya'll remain calm, cuz I'm about to lose my cool/shit, I despise his lies and don't like the fact Trump rules one bit, he's making a mockery of our democracy, it's impossible to handle the day to day shockery, there's always something, with the orange pumpkin, I swear he's colluding with the Russians and Putin, terrorism and war are disintegrating and ruining, the whole globe's at odds, please tell me if u think Utopian peace is naive wishful thinking or a complete farce?!

Peace and 1,


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