Thursday, December 6, 2012

Uncensored Concentrated Depth

Beat by Phineas Maphet
Produced by Adam Pfeffer, Mike J. Brown and Joe “Conscious” Vacca
Lyrics and vocals by Joe “Conscious” Vacca
Recorded at The Forge Studios

People are ambivalent to criticism
Consumed by utter embolism
Bitterness and cynicism
We achieve fruition
When you believe it’s you who makes the decision
To seek knowledge instead of accepting limits
Falling for fake and false promises gimmicks and tricks
While you use the excuse censorship protects the kids
The unfortunate harsh reality is
Guns bombs and knives take lives
Deceptive overprotective parents try to hide their child’s eyes
Constantly compromise and tell white lies
Which will be their demise
‘Cause they can’t see the truth
Words become weaponous tools
Letting them hurt you fool
When they’re used to spew skewed views
Abuse or confuse and screw the rules
What’s historically true could all be a ruse
Messages got mixed up through telephoned news
Astute youths will turn to prudes
When they’re consumed with booze
Cruel dudes who feud to exude buffoon goons
Too cool for school
Will lose out on a solid education
Have no chance to advance or enhance a reformation
Translating misinformation
Don’t align adjacent
Keeping their minds vacant
Quiet and complacent
Totally incapable of solving an equation
Favoring blaming and debating
What I’m saying
Is the correlation
Making and perpetuating hating
Violence and discriminating
Quit bitching fiction and complaining
By exaggerating you’re creating the fraying
Fading and decaying
I’m done sitting silent and waiting
Can’t we rise to the occasion
Use our brains and start elevating

I’m a bit concerned
That we’ll never learn
To take our turn
We all get burned
But you shouldn’t give up
On dreams or love
Please understand
We’re just man
Reap what you sow
But there’s no control
So go with the flow
No one knows
What the future holds
Are we inept
To comprehend intellect and depth

I’m feeling conceiving human beings
Ever seeing logic and reasoning’s
Fleeing and fleeting
People are bleeding
For love a hug
But not from sluts or shmucks
Deception’s infecting
Plaguing our perception
Exemption’s a manmade invention
Erections like intentions
Paving the gold roads to hell
But oh well I thought you could tell
We’re too scared of wisdom
We won’t listen
Lacking the vision life’s mission’s
All about ambition
The desire to inspire
Keep reaching higher
Helping others aspire
To not fuel the fire
Embrace imperfection
Greet failure as a blessing
This incessant testing is festering
Messing with the lessons
Taught in adolescence
I still feel a presence
Mustn’t confess then
Every time I look in the mirror
I see things clearer
But my reflection seems to be getting inferior
Too old and hairier
Colder and scarier
I’m daring ya
To pray for a day
Enlightenment can find the way
To the forefront
I’m done hun
With everyone else’s opinions
Good riddens
Fuck focusing on what’s forbidden
And the prison system
Where they’re exhaustingly persistent
On us being trained
To stay and maintain the same
Don’t change
Remain restrained tame and conditioned
It’s sickening disciplining victims
Aren’t we all originally born with sin
Why won’t anyone admit
This bullshit that won’t quit
Is leaving me forced to legitimately spit this

I’m a bit concerned
That we’ll never learn
To take our turn
We all get burned
But you shouldn’t give up
On dreams or love
Please understand
We’re just man
Reap what you sow
But there’s no control
So go with the flow
No one knows
What the future holds
Are we inept
To comprehend intellect and depth

You know I’ve come to learn that with words
It’s all how you use them
Really they’re just a bunch of letters put together
I’m sorry for all you kids and hypocrites
But this is some real shit
And I refuse to censor my lyrics
So you’ll actually get to listen to and here this
I mean really
You shouldn’t fear swears
They do emote the truth

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