I need to develop the talent, to find balance, it's irrational thinking extreme, perfection and equilibrium are beautifully in between, I've heard when your social life's gone to shit, asking for a raise is legitimate, I try to be a well rounded human being, but too much work and stress keep people from seeing, the good side of me, instead there's just loneliness and misery, try to keep a smile, be less aggressive and more docile, I'm a bit over opinionated, everything's ok to be debated, I have no patience, for stupidity and rationale that doesn't make sense, I'm a workaholic, pothead and borderline alcoholic, I don't claim to be Joe know it all, but I know what rises must fall, it's the law of gravity, if not accidental it's done savagely, I'd never steal rape or ravage, to live a lifestyle that's lavish, I get what I want thru hard work, I've earned every God damn one of my perks, I put my head down and push ahead, knowing I can't take my money when I'm buried and dead, I try to keep a grip on reality instead of fantasy, with adult ADD standing still alone makes me antsy, it's like Martin Luther King Jr said, "I have a dream" but mine's gay equality instead, I have to believe that dreams come true, but be weary they don't overwhelm and consume u, it's hard to live in the moment, pay respect to the past cuz u own it, while keeping a blind eye where you're unknowingly going open, remain humble keep your pessimism from showing, keep growing and learning, striving and yearning, to be better than before, without being ignorantly mauled over by mower, aimlessly running around like a chicken with its head cut off, don't mistake my being nice as me being weak or soft, I may be a lover not a fighter, a licker or kisser but not a biter, but I'm tired of the good hearted going unloved, the nice guys being pushed and shoved, the idea of chivalry's far too ancient, complacent in a relation with an asshole u believe u can change him, u think u want the bad boy cuz he's wild in bed, but instead u get fucked up and crazy in the head, I never saw the fascination, with the Asian revelation, can't understand privatization, or encouraging massive amounts of education, I find in the real world it's all about experience, too much book smarts resonates ivy league arrogance, I'd rather learn from the streets, adapt to stand on my own two feet, in this great big world, u can't run and hide like a pussy...excuse me...a girl, there'll be times when you're applauded for the things you've been doing, but you'll also be met with some hatred and a whole lot of booing and poo pooing, just cuz u wishfully close your eyes, all of existence doesn't suddenly meet its demise, no matter how hard u try, the sun will set and tomorrow it will rise, and the tides fluctuate from lows to highs, there's no such thing as lil fibs or white lies, everything that lives will eventually die, if it's your turn don't be shy, otherwise your life will be filled with regret, it's all about balance please don't forget!
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
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