Monday, March 16, 2015

Global Mutiny

There's no excuse, why I can't produce, a double deuce, and speak more truths, shit on the notion there's absolute proof, the legacy of Jesus isn't just a farce or a spoof, it's time to take the youths off mute, and intrude, without a bout or an oral spout I'm not about to exude rude, or have a bad attitude, when I approach the moat, I'll hurdle and float, no need for a life preserver or boat, I've already broke your choke hold, stopped u dead in your tracks fast, forced u to reverse back, divert to last, must keep my defenses  in tact, I've learned to mask my attack, pay attention to the skills u lack, in fact, I'm pretty strategic, don't need to fake being bulimic or paraplegic, to get noticed, if u didn't know this, my methodology's premeditated and calculated, I can make your heart all palpitated, beating erratic and crazy, pressure doesn't phase me, it gets my adrenaline pumping, and my survival of the fittest mentality trumping, all of my thoughts and emotions, u can't stop radiation from atom bomb explosions, everything gets annihilated and destroyed, the boy and all his toys, all the other innocent children, it takes centuries for life to begin again and then, there are major complications, without any hope for vaccinations, to cure deformities and abnormalities, or psychological repercussions such as multiple personalities and realities, actually being passed onto future generations, which sucks cuz our government never pays reparations, even if they are to blame, they'll take u out the game, if u don't remain tame, and quiet, don't get smart or try to start a riot, astutely, try to claim mutiny, they'll immediately, commence shooting freely, before u even get to spread the message, people should stay true to traditions and heritage, if u think globalization is the bee's knees all that and great, take part with me in an open debate, and I'll create a list that will state, why it's not, it's how it all starts, everyone then becomes destined old farts, outdated robots, without competition, or opposition, progress comes to a halt, isn't it the follower's fault, no one is there to pave the way, or to say wait, is it too late for me to at least change what I believe fight for individuality and ultimately change my own fate? 

Peace and 1,

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