Wednesday, August 12, 2015

I Heart JC

This just can't be my life, I'm sorry to incessantly bitch and gripe, but it simply isn't fair, I know u don't really care, but what if u had this musical gift, how long will u compromise for comfortability and drift, if u don't risk everything u haven't lived big, seems today u can be found guilty without even being convicted, wish members of Congress could be ousted or evicted, why are they immune to the rules and karma, some I swear have guardian angels or invisible armor, i don't dream of having random dumb luck, playing the lottery is for suckers and shmucks, i actually have talent and skills, yet can't pay the bills, cuz no one wants to take a leap of faith, i don't have the luxury to chance it be patient and wait, where's my puff daddy, every golfer has a caddy, Meth had Red, Ethel had both Lucy and Fred, perhaps I'm too needy, does that make me hypocritically greedy, i don't wanna insult or bite the hand that feeds me, when I'm super stoned my eyes get squinty and beady, maybe u won't listen but I hope u hear me, I wanna be the first openly gay white rapper to win a Grammy!

Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious

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