Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Censored History & Skewed Truth

Yes I know people are just people, but that shouldn't justify perpetuating evil, the unabridged definition of love is a three part test, involving trust honor and respect, we are the generation, with an abundance of instant gratification and wasting, it's money made and quantity, over real substance and quality, excessive corporate greed really bothers me, wish politicians favored truthfulness problem solving and honesty, it would do them good to display some humble modesty, homosexuality isn't all pedophilia and sodomy, let's look at the economy logically, and remember there's separation of church and state, we should be way more picky about who we give fortune and fame, this is some serious shit life isn't a game, stop inflicting pain fear and shame, fuck refugees what about our own veterans and families displaced by horrific snow storms earthquakes tornados and hurricane rains, why focus on foreign more than domestic, imagine how ugly things will get if a republican gets elected, look at all the progress that has been made, repealing bad marijuana laws Obamacare and the marriage rights of lesbians trans and gays, enough is enough already, obviously guns are deadly, rap music today lacks talent inspiration and melody, but advocates misogyny bigotry and jealousy, video games are more violent then even the news, our history seems to be censored and the truth skewed, the youth are too distracted and numbed dumb by their smart phones, leave women's uteruses and immigrants alone, raping and pillaging are never condoned, technically the white man came and conquered the poor Indian's home, mind ur own damn business and stay out of personal private affairs, we only have one Earth with finite resources so we better learn to care cohabitate and share!

Peace and 1,

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