Lots of ideas for change, unlike bowling life doesn't have gutter lanes, totally surrounded by a moat, don't be victorious and gloat, it's not a good color on u, makes u seem narcissistic dude, super snotty and rude, crude lil Prudence McPrude, u ain't no goody too shoes/catholic school girl, how bout adding some spice or kink to ur sex life that'll rock ur world, what's the matter u won't trust me, my bondage skills are a wee bit rusty, but I'll dominate u no problem, polygamy and polyamory have updated families making them much more modern, instead of just a husband and wife with kids, 2 men can have adopted babies slaves or real people as pet pups and pigs, the Masters or Sirs are dressed up in rubber and leather, duct tape fixes anything and makes everything better, except of course when it comes to my financial stability, fetishes are supposed to be stupid fun lighthearted and silly, I'm getting used to being a rapping paralegal, regardless of how I think believe and/or feel, the universe doesn't make compromises or deals, karma exists for those hoes who lie cheat kill or steal, hip hop gets a bad rap, cuz it seems to be an exclusive club for blacks, who's being the discriminating racist then, perhaps we will have a civil war again, if u look at the states that are pro pot and gay, it's like deja vu I'm afraid, wish the country as a whole could be collectively progressive, hopefully Bernie will be the next president elected, if we actually want a different kind of leader that's democratic and pragmatic, who doesn't shy away from conflict but attacks it, takes a look at the cold hard facts to draw hypothesized solutions/conclusions, maybe we'd gain back some global credibility and respectability instead of being considered just another fake façade mirage or illusion!
Peace and 1,
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