Been a while since I've written, and now it's time for hats scarves and mittens, cold outside like in my heart, I used to think I was smart, but talent doesn't equate success, going to college made me less, trapped in debt a slave, not working is brave, ya'll succumbed to failed dreams, already paired up into teams, so I lose in both finances and love, making music isn't earning me enough, no one even gives me a chance, let alone lend one of their hands, rich folk no longer invest, earth is planet purgatory an illusion of a fair free willed test, that's why dying makes most blessed, seems existence like perception is just guess, there ain't no right or wrong, who decides what's a good song, u either don't or do, watch out cuz ull get sued, business has no empathy nor compassion, how can 1% flourish while the rest are seriously lacking, what about a maximum wealth or wage, why in 2016 do we still discriminate against women blacks and gays, Trump spreads hate not consciousness, now the alt right control with deplorable indignation and obnoxiousness, people forget quick, repeating history again and again makes me sick, we're supposed to move forward not back, ya'll care about stupid fake bullshit instead of policy positions common sense and facts, but we all suffer the majority's unmoraled miseducation non intelligence without integrity, if u think u can rap sing or songwrite better than me, put ur money where ur mouth is, ull soon find out u don't have the ability to bout this, my skills are a divine gift, hip hop used to inspire and uplift, now it's a bunch of garbage/trash, shocking sex appeal showing off tits dicks and ass, is not the way to make a long lasting successful career, I'm utterly consumed by fear, the entertainment industry has lost its substance and soul, I ultimately don't have a similar agenda or goals, and refuse to play the stereotypical political greedy games, only after the same fortune and fame, I wanna make a real difference and help others, brothers sisters fathers and mothers, cuz we're stronger together, let's unite to fight for the greater good and make the quality of all life better!
Peace and 1,
***THIS PAGE HAS ADULT CONTENT*** My poetry and hip hop have deep, meaningful, thought provoking, message driven lyrics of revolutionary truth, consciousness, unconditional love and pride!!!! Contact me for booking, purchasing or fan mail:
Sunday, December 11, 2016
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
Rebelieve In Love & Peace
Ya'll really don't think I love myself, I just don't care about ur opinion fame or wealth, like Cartman "I do what I want", I try not to boast or flaunt, cuz nobody likes an arrogant bastard besides the beer, straight folks will never understand the struggle to be openly queer, especially being masculine and not fitting the stereotype, please don't feed into the oversexualized hype of gay life, I'm starting to think men are incapable of love, humiliated and desensitized into being tough enough, afterall showing emotion makes u weak, facing complete defeat whenever we compete, crying is a release and relief, to help overcome grief, I won't filter or censor when I speak, I refuse to take responsibility for when ur wrong, no sorry u can't bogart my song, I meant collab in terms of ur voice, guess once again I made a bad choice, apparently I'm stupid, either immune or allergic to cupid, cursed when it comes to timing relationships and luck, think I'm asexual cuz I don't wanna fuck, I'm not interested in most guys around here, too consumed by ignorance and fear, they haven't a single clue, who they are or what they're meant to do, coasting thru, on what somone told them to, never questioning or rebelling, ur presidential pick is telling, is that doomsday I'm smelling, I miss Aaron Spelling, he had great taste in tv, like Gary Marshall did but also with movies, we need better original scripts and programming, what's with all the fraud and scamming, taking pride in cheating the system, wish like in Iceland corrupt bankers and politicians went to prison, legalize natural drugs like mushrooms and weed, I hate that humans are controlled by greed, I hope to plant a seed to help us rebelieve, in the land of the free home of the brave and world peace!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Sunday, October 30, 2016
All The Questions
Keep being told to be a producer, perhaps if I was a lil bit smoother, ya'll could overlook that I'm short bald and white, why does hip hop wanna fight, I'm gay not a pussy, ur not gangsta wearing a do-rag or hoodie, sorry I'm not a ghostwriter, a Pac Biggie Nas Meth or Mos biter, I'm raw and all original baby, the lack of lyrical content is crazy, appealing to the comprehension of second and third graders, I'm not one of those haters, but come on now, who what when where why and how, I mean humanity lacks common sense, compassion empathy and apparently intelligence, it's like we're cancer, still waiting on God's response or answer, please stop the atrocity, hunger aids and poverty, time to wake the fuck up, cuz life is about making money or love!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Friday, October 28, 2016
Holy Moly Jesus Pieces
Growing up catholic in many ways, has messed me up whether gays should have faith, I'm second guessing myself, I don't need psychological help, I need love support and true friends, ya'll just keep playing pretend, only in it for the benefits, and when I call ya'll out and mention this, I get portrayed as the bad guy, so I go get high, cuz I'll never understand mob mentality, delusionally consumed in virtual reality, we're losing human interaction, might be too late to take preventative action, they kicked the can down the road, squeezed with greed every ounce of money and hope, I thought things get better, I can understand sporadic bad weather, but hard work just never seems to pay off, not only been burned but scorched, good used to always conquer evil, I'm surrounded by the walking dead zombified sheeple, I'm simply tired of the lack of common sense, accountability justice rehabilitation and penance, do u too believe in second and third chances, sex is important in love but not as much as intimacy and romance is, that's my fetish, genuineness, it's extremely rare, I'm really scared, Clinton or Trump, I'm bummed numb and stumped, how did we get here, ignorance is easily manipulated and ruled thru fear, nobody even cares anymore, we're all puppets pawns pimps and whores, robotic soulless slaves, dumber than hillbillies hicks and even cave men from back in the olden days, I don't pray but I yell at the sky a lot, cuz if God does exist I can't help at times being blasphemous calling it a mutha phucking asshole/twot, I can shred the story of Jesus to pieces, not to mention my thesis how we're either Adam and Eve's nephews and nieces, or we're all incestuously related, the immaculate conception can religiously be debated, was Mary trying to hide dirty lil secrets and lies, perhaps she found out she was impregnated by a gay or bi guy, I mean look at all those disciples, pedestaling him like they would a woman and other idols, what's with bastardizing fun, it's hard to fathom an almighty one, it's all so confusing, I swear consciousness is just an illusion!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Another Hollow Illusion/Con
Don't be so complainy and typical, pretending not to be jelly and secretly miserable, I see it in ur comedic choice, ur insecurity and hear it in ur sarcastic voice, they say a lot of truth is said in gest, perpetuating racist homophobic mysogeny can never be for the best, I've failed every single one of life's patience tests, does being black or gay make u less less, both society and the economy are a mess, I'm legitimately scared shitless, Trump is just simply not good at politics or business, cheating the system is part of the problem wrong is wrong, ya'll don't even care about lyrics in ur songs, it all breaks my heart and crushes the soul, what is ur purpose legacy u want to leave and ultimate goal, it's happiness for me, which can't be bought with any amount of money, that's another hollow illusion, why is humanity so blind to its own consequences and fueling corruption/pollution, like catholicism I know longer believe in the institution of democracy, everybody's fallible and victims of hypocrisy, but what really bothers me, is how would our founding fathers feel, about how far we've come, we seem to forget where we're from, all of us are decedents of immigrants, ignorance isn't innocence, u should know right and good from bad or evil, I'm sick and tired of robotic sheeple, have a solid foundation and a moral leg to stand on, aren't ya'll fed up and had enough of being conned?!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Saturday, October 15, 2016
Big Bang Theory II
It must be nice, to have a husband or wife, find ur other half, I hide behind a fake smile and sarcastic laugh, what's the purpose to life, I got fucked twice, no love or success, u ever feel like uve got nothing left, like ur soul's been drained completely depleted, failed and ultimately defeated, still wondering what's the point, I'm more than frustrated and annoyed, I've kinda given up, enough is enough, there's no such thing as fair or justice, money fame and sex is all that's lusted, I mean this world's morality has gone to shit, humanity's a bunch of oxymoronic hypocrites, nobody has compassion or cares, everyone's distracted by the state of US affairs, understandably so, this election is making us look like a circus/joke, nothing anymore is sacred, the sheeple are focused on irrational hatred, based on false narratives cover ups and lies, but Bernie tho u know never wore a disguise, yet u still got dooped and fooled by deceptive tactics and corruption, when it comes to presidential candidates they're fucking disgusting quadruply sucking, ya'll dug our collective grave, and no matter to what God u pray, we're totally screwed either way, I have nothing else to say, except ya'll only have urselves to blame, ain't no sunshine after an atomic bomb meteorites or acid rain, is it too late to change, or will we be wiped out like the dinosaurs with another big bang?
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
My Last Call To Action
How does one change their mind frame or state, especially in the midst of the chaos or a heated debate, I don't want to argue no more or fight, shouldn't matter if ur gay straight trans man woman black or white, we are all the same, religion is also abstained, stop focusing on all the wrong things, be better quality human beings, I mean really, this election is silly, it's like a circus, which globally hurts us, completely destroys our reputation, what's with the hating we're cyclically facing, reliving the 50s again, either president will lead us back into a major depression, the children ultimately lose, I can't handle false narratives and subliminal mentally bullying and abuse, will we ever recover from incessant political greed and corruption, cuz our display of leadership is fucking disgusting, for me it's still Bernie or bust, I hope ya'll have the guts, aren't u tired of being the victim, enslaved by a fake system, designed to benefit only a select few, the world's waiting on what we will do, who will we choose, let common sense and love shine thru and be our muse, there's more indy than establishment, I'm amazed by the number of ignorant family members and friends, nows not the time to ghost bench or pretend, let ur minds bend, don't listen to liars and panderers, if Mickey Mouse can almost win from a write in please elect Sanders, this is my last call to action, I ask beg and plea for ur compassion, ya'll believe I'm delusional but I'm allowed to dream and imagine, wish we would listen to Mariah and just "Make It Happen"!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Saturday, October 8, 2016
U Immune To The Doom
Why can't I do nothing, and still get something, just like everyone else, except u don't help, be more positive, less cognitive, and just simply live, stop taking it all and give, moochers are losers, the abused become abusers, I hate this existence, what doesn't pay is hard work nor persistence, humanity is synonymous with cancer, we make up our own rules truths and answers, playing pretend like house doctor or god, life is expensive and hard, even the air we breathe, ain't free to me, with allergies and asthma, pretty soon inhalers will be like epipens and cost more than a plasma, but where's the real value, ya'll slave away cuz u have to, everybody is in debt, not living within our means and now there's no cushiony safety net, younger generations are totally screwed, why didn't we nominate the democratic socialist jew, wtf are we gonna do when Trump's elected, we're so politically correct spoiled entitled and over protected, our government military and police will be our undoing and demise, hope ya'll are ready to face the consequences of our leader's malicious manipulation mind control and lies, it's the apocalyptic end of days coming soon, seems only evil is immune to the doom!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Sunday, October 2, 2016
Where Are The Disciples
Going thru some rough dark times, just when I'm courageous enough to draw hard lines, the takers push them again, I'm longing for unconditional love and friends, I have no adult family, seems most can't tolerate or stand me, I've been waking up lately crying, pretty much prefer dying, life is so expensive intense illusion and lies, no matter how hard one tries, getting out of debt or the red, is as impossible as losing or forgetting ur head, ur mind is a whole other story, seems making millions is the only way to achieve glory, I write music and poetry to help deal, with the overwhelming stress anxiety and rejection I feel, with neverending incessant bullies and haters, god nor the universe does me any favors, in fact the opposite occurs, the atrocities bad luck and cursed timing hurts, working like crazy but basically standing still, won't endorse marijuana as a remedy only a prescribed pill, I've never been ok with artificial man made shit, I really really really despise and hate it, completely defeated fearful and broken, unmoved and demotivated by the criticism ya'll repeatedly have spoken, hence religiously toking, the gays only care about poking, fuck trust intimacy and romance, instead of insightful intelligence ya'll want the mindless distraction of Gaga's "Just Dance", I've decided the disciples are what I'll call my avid diehard fans, what's important is how long my legacy spans, not the size of my wallet or pants, I refuse to believe I can't, when it's rough and tough and uve had too much/more than enough, come get a hug cuz I just want ya'll to feel my love!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Just Remember...Inspire
I want to write something that inspires, lifts the collective higher, move and woo u, soothe too, cuz life gets lonely, so many fake and phony, while I'm genuine and real, how can we stop this zombie apocalypse of stepford robotic sheeple, stand up for love, spread hugs even to thugs, enough is enough, what's rough and tough, is seeing the hardworking struggling, why all the juggling, multiple jobs, when was ur bubble burst or popped, this corporate culture, breeds greed and cheap capitalistic vultures, who take and take but refuse to give, no one needs billions to live, share the wealth, being poor affects ur health, help thy neighbor, let ur hope and faith never waiver, we just want to appropriately be paid a fair wage for our time and labor, I still say Bernie would've been a political presidential savior, both Hillary and Trump are trators, especially to the constitution and the American dream, we need to get back to the way we used to be, make peace legalize weed, tho the road is steep, be brave and remember this is the land of the free!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Lacking Empathy & Compassion
What if today was my last, would I be forgotten fast, could u just go on unaffected, I don't care who gets elected, evil will never get my vote, so many haters from the poems I wrote, the truth is supposed to set us free, liars put the blame on me, I use vague broad strokes to paint pictures, are family or ur friends more permanent fixtures, cuz I found in gay culture, I'm surrounded by sex vultures, I want real unconditional love and intimacy, be careful not to take lust literally, nobody likes one way streets, what's ur fetish bdsm or feet, or are u plain old vanilla and boring, hope u can handle snoring, I don't sleep with others often, since it's the cousin of death my bed is a metaphorical coffin, I feel like a vampire or zombie, think the government's working with God to rob me, of money love happiness and success, becoming bitterly jaded projecting sarcastic gest, why does the universe fuck with us, most don't have half my talent drive or guts, and yet I'm stuck among the bottom rung, how many songs have u written and sung, I've sold 7000 albums all around the country and world, I didn't even have to lie pretend or dress up as a girl, there's nothing wrong with me I don't need fixing, focus more on urself what ur doin and how ur living, I know my purpose and found my passion, all I'm asking is what's ur next plan of action, I may annoyingly complain, but at least I try to change, either my environment or how I react, sorry but ur wants and opinions are not facts, we need way more empathy and compassion, isn't it obvious it's heart and soul that humanity's lacking!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Passed Our Past
Totally stressing remembering 9/11, do u believe in heaven, or is it all just a myth, faith is a gift, like love, sometimes it just ain't enough, could really use some cuddling or a hug, I feel my soul's been mugged, drugged and sucked dry, don't think I can live not high, I'd be anxious and overwhelmed, the wealthy rich corporate establishment is at the helm, and we're just sheeple, slaves to evil, u know money, life isn't always sunny, it's a combination of positive and negative, confronting fear is imperative, avoidance destroys the chance to heal for real, own who u are and how u feel, fuck the haters, I'm one of those original hit makers, with genuine talent, weird like Woody Allen, not incestuous but kinky, have more empathy and compassion in my damn pinky, miss art in the 90s like Biggie Pac Thundercats and Ren & Stimpy, this heat and humidity got me all stinky, I'm pretty hippy dippy, to learn to live with me, u gotta accept the scent of pot and sweat, which don't forget makes me wet, and drives some other guys wild, literally causes pig piles, oink oink baby, we're all a lil crazy, most tho hide it well, u can confide in me I won't tell, teach me how to ring ur bell, since gays inherently go to hell, be happy fulfilled and have fun, cuz it won't be long now before this moment is over and done, let's move passed our past, time is short and flies by fast!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Let's Smoke Weed & L.I.P.
Always find and be urself, others can do only so much to help, I attract lost souls rejects and misfits, I too am used to living on the fringes, an outsider longing to fit in, wanna change so bad but where do I begin, how does an artist get discovered, ur love is expressed thru worry mother, my father and sister as well, I take life like my music way too serious, we're all really not that mysterious, using masks and distracting projection, or sarcasm and lies as a natural defense mechanism, ya'll send ur representatives, I'm adventurous idealistic genuinely care and share without hidden agendas or incentives, cuz today could be my last, people are lazy or move too fast, I'm hypocritically overzealous, not immune to envy spite or getting jealous, afterall like Brandy I'm only human, before u give advice or criticize prove what u urself are doing, to be a better person and contribute to the collective, u can't complain about the lesser of two evils uve repetitively elected, I'm done hating the players it's the game and who makes the rules, they're playing us like ignorant tools and gullible fools, a fleet of robotic slave like sheep and an army of oil dependant mules, capitalistic by nature when socialism's the only answer, I believe money's the root of all evil and the need for greed's causing cancer, why can't we go back to a simpler time, reignite our souls by connecting our hearts with our minds, find ur purpose, stop perpetuating what hurts us, turn hate into love, pay it forward with a wink and a smile or better yet a healing hug, let's smoke weed, fuck R.I.P. and live in peace!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
How Much Longer
Approaching the beginning, like Lauryn I'm both rapping and singing, with only a few collaborations, what's with all this hip hop hating, as soon as I declare my genre, it's almost as if I've dishonored, music altogether, perhaps I'm a trend setter/resurrecter, sometimes I find I communicate better thru a poem song text email or letter, there's less pressure, expectation is hard to measure, judgment is inevitable, I hope my rhymes aren't just fine but juicy moist and delectable, clear classy nasty and intelligible, will settle for a Grammy since there's no Olympic gold medal, imagine that, being the world's best at rap, more of a songwriter tho than a freestyler, not a ghetto gangster from the trailer but I'm definitely a weed buyer, it's an occupational hazard/necessity of life, with so much shit conflict atrocity pain plight and strife, like money it should be free, I know it seems impossible to believe, but it's medicine, we can't bring back the dead again, so let's move on from the same issues, stop being wasteful especially with tissues, fuck this abuse, luck is like a game of duck duck goose, and the 99% lose, while I'm left confused and unamused, that a congress of fools can skew absolute truths, love is the universal language, how much longer will we must endure and languish in all this anguish?!?
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Monday, September 5, 2016
The Secret
How do I get viewer/prescriber numbers up, or get fans fam and friends to financially show me love, because my music is just that good, feel extremely underestimated and misunderstood, could polish a whole half gallon of hood, on the shitter waiting for my subsiding morning wood, why not if u can eat breakfast for dinner, and I'm still way thinner, so I'm basically confused, we've been psychologically abused, we're humans not robots slaves or tools, stop assuming us all dumb ignorant gullible naive fools, like Meth don't always manage to keep my cool, sometimes I get so infuriated I studder or drool, ya'll make me that mad, I ain't lesser than or damned just cuz I'm a fag, u lack and lag, I'd rather stay stag, than compromise my individuality, self love didn't happen magically, in fact I found my truths in the rejection and tragedy, my flaws scars and mistakes, prove I'm great and brave, it's not about win or lose failing or falling, no more senseless needless violence and brawling, let's have grown conversation and compassion, u can complain only after exhausting all avenues and taking action, enough with living off entitlement programs, there's too many greedy schemy meany peeps be really skeevy scams, the poor can't be ravaged anymore to fulfill ur outlandish demands, a crumbling infrastructure and foundation is where our future lies/stands, we're too oblivious easily manipulated and distracted, perhaps utopia equalibrium perfection and bliss can't be mastered, but still we should strive to be better or the best we can be, if letting go of everything will lead to truly flying free, climb that ladder with ease, show u know the secret of how to defy gravity, one step at a time, rise and shine!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Friday, September 2, 2016
Live Simple
Learning I'm a sucker, life is a mother fucker, give and give, without the resources to live, barely getting by, wishing I cld get ahead a lil and thrive, been in the red so long, just need that 1 hit song, u know that goes viral, torn describing RI as quicksand or a downward spiral, most don't peak my interest, same old boring drones with no happiness or zest, stepford robotic slaves, over working til the grave, where's our value and worth, assigned roles at birth hurts, people change over time, I wonder what place I'm in in love's line, or how about hip hop success, I'm not perfect or the best, but I'm damn good, talented yet totally misunderstood, why do I have to be a gangster from the hood, the important question to ask is did u do all u could, u have to ask, nothing forever lasts, but no matter what u must try, cry or lie, drink or get high, one day we all die, so focus on leaving a quality epic legacy, companionship is a necessity, I'm addicted to great connection, what's the spell for protection, magic surrounds us, trust ur heart and guts, have hope and faith don't wait, live in the for today!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Confusing Amusement
What to say today, I'm still lost and afraid, in this world it's all about money, but I find it rather funny, that no one seems to have any, impossible to distinguish friendly from enemy, these days they're all the same, yes life is a boardgame, but so is sorry and dominoes, and u can't eat those everyone knows, double entendres can get confusing, violence and other's suffering shldnt be enjoyed as amusement, people are evil and wicked fucked up, suck at identifying lust from love, pretend to be friends, please stop the excessive compliments then, I'm staying focused, codependency is my locust, beautiful but deadly, perhaps ya'll just ain't ready, hip hop ain't dead, leave it to JC to resurrect!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Sunday, August 21, 2016
Ring My Bell
Gotta stay humble but don't lose my spirit, don't get in ur own way worry and fear shit, this industry is hard, talent and passion only get u so far, sometime u have to compromise morals and play the game, I hate jealousy spite envy and shame, sex sells, distract with whistles and bells, it's not about hard work, but can u flirt, lose the shirt, pretend u don't know ur value and worth, the truth hurts too much, I don't believe in friendship or love, people are unreliable and can't be trusted, it's the fame and fortune they lusted, bunch of copy cat thieves, entitled to endless reprieves, ain't no responsibility when u got money honey, blunt me or front me a twenty, since life's super stressful and way better blitzed, not a cure or remedy for all my problems but a pretty good quick fix, music makes me tick, right up there with mastering the art of sucking dick!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Monday, August 15, 2016
Just Leave
I think he's finally out of my life, lied thrice, u were such a big lesson, ur ugly game playing was a blessing, wow I have never met someone so broken, it's been what a month since we've actually spoken, when u asked me out, now all we do is bout, cuz ur insecure and don't know what u want or how to express it, don't try to guess shit, I unlike u, am all about communication commitment and follow thru, ur a fucking disgrace, u better not show ur face, when u see me coming walk the other way fast, cuz I'm 100% sure I wanna kick ur ass, u can't hide behind a screen or mask, if u wanna know how I feel just ask, but to bench and ghost, I'd prefer an all out roast, verbal carnage and warfare, I hate that I was born here, where it's so catholic and pc, don't make like a tree and plant roots...just leave!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Sunday, August 14, 2016
U Ying Or Yang
Starting to save, just waiting for the day, I can run away, to a progressive state, find success and a soul mate, I hate this plate, fuck fate, I have no more patience to wait, I need a break, time distance and space, am I a waste, where's god's grace, cuz I'm not amazed, actually I'm afraid, experienced too much pain, it's driving me insane, how life's lame, and it's a damn shame, not a game, sorry not sorry but ur the only one to blame, don't need to name names, use ur brains, blood stains, going against the grain, will get u maimed, or maybe even hanged, people are plain strange and deranged, which are u the ying or the yang?
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Speak Ur Honest Conscious Truth Too
Forgiveness is healing, I can't forget rejection's feeling, at the end of the day, I made a mistake, trusting u, a lustful fool, ur dreamy eyes, distracted from and disguised ur lies, by putting up a front, I'm an onion while ur a hollowed out blunt, ready to be stuffed, think I was just another failed fuck, but u pretended and proclaimed it could be love, I'd settle for companionship and a hug, in the end, we can't be friends, u ignore avoid and ghost, never offer to host, are u even divorced, ur unavailable of course, with one guy while looking for somebody else, open genuine honest communication helps, otherwise we're wasting time, I can't read minds, mean and do what u say, stop playing childish games, I'm not drama I speak the conscious truth, sorry but the only one getting in ur way is u, no more patience for lack of follow thru, pushing everyone away just leaves u alone screwed!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Never Ever Give Up
Letting go is far from easy, having money doesn't make u greedy, too much of a good thing is bad, need to acknowledge more of what I have, instead of comparing myself to others, I'm inspired by single fathers and mothers, I can barely take care of just me, I'm a late bloomer and never lucky, life can really be sucky, even when the weather is lovely, hot or cold, feed ur soul, learn to mingle and adapt, nothing falls into ur lap, at ur worst is when u find out who's got ur back, wish I was bribed with Scooby snacks, or at least encourage instead of criticizing, I'm too genuine for lying, but a lil exaggeration is innocent, the beauty of this world is magnificent, it's people I don't appreciate or trust, man it's hard to distinguish love from lust, I've got cohonez and guts, but open and honest communication is a must, I can't read minds, how do I remember all my lines, practice practice practice makes perfect, in the end I know it'll be worth it, all the time hard work dedication blood sweat and tears, never ever give up on ur dreams because of fear!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Monday, August 8, 2016
Long Gone Wrong Song
Been kinda spewing venom lately, will u forgive me baby maybe, hope I got it out of my system, I rush to react instead of staying calm to listen, my heart and gut got my back, they are like spidey senses we humans lack, but my brain always gets in the way, I still struggle fitting in and accepting I'm gay, I know that's weird, but I'm scared and have fear, esp when it comes to love, sometimes I just need to be told it's ok with a hug, please don't take my tears as weakness, just when I thought I hit rock bottom and shit was at it's bleakest, there's a slight shimmer/glimmer of light, I really am not trying to fight, life is way too short, to have holding a grudge be a sport, let it go and move the fuck on, squash beef cuz tomorrow isn't promised and he could be long gone, I don't wanna be right or wrong, I'm sorry but I'm an artistic old bold soul who loves to share my poetry and songs, sure I'm clearvoyant and it can get annoying, my messages are deep insightful prolific philosophical conscious relevant and poignant, wish we could learn to existentially elevate, otherwise the book of revelations could realistically be our fate!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Where's Our Moral Consciousness
U made my smile brighter when u hurt me, u don't even think ur worthy, how am I supposed to, I think love is a hoax boo, an illusion like Trump, I'm plain stumped, where is our moral consciousness, ur level of small minded ignorance is frustratingly obnoxious, we need to collectively stop this, having fortune and fame is not bliss, all that matters is how u feel, I'm questioning if true happiness is fo' real, maybe when I'm 40, ya'll will catch up more to me, I'm done waiting patiently, overzealously jelly while my brain goes insane overanalyzing ur lies anxiously, why couldn't I see sooner and saved myself, ur gorgeous eyes and lustful reciprocation didn't help, even now I just wanna forgive and forget, but I think this is for the best, I need a man with a strong spine thick skin and some big balls, conversation isn't confrontation unless u block texts and avoid my phone calls, u live in a different state, what are u gonna forever stay away, I am so not drama, but I have to learn to control my defense mechanism better and to take rejection calmer, I'm like a volcano bubbling and boiling underground, anger and spite are actually quite profound, u see the ugly side to ur reflection, can we have a do over election, my soul needs protection, hearts and minds are plagued with evil's infection, ya'll acting all ethically willy nilly, like personal responsibility and accountability are simply silly, I worry for Gunner Mikey Nate and Lilly, their folks need almost a milly, to provide a decent life, hope and faith are the only tools to help make it thru the strife, trust is extremely fragile, perfection balance and equality are impossible never-ending battles, we all win and lose some, don't take shit so seriously and have some fucking fun!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Lonely For Life
I can't stop thinking of u and how u just left things, did red bull give u wings, u flew right out my life, broke my heart twice, now u already flirting with guys down south, next time I see u I'll have to do everything in my power not to punch u in the dick or mouth, wtf are u even about, I understand why u have a bad reputation and slutty clout, u led me on from the start, played the strings to my heart, then cut the chord, karma seeks revenge on behalf of the universe/lord, ur not a horrible person at all, u keep doubting and second guessing urself til u fall, and ur very lazy when it comes to getting up, I always will remember it was u who first said this might be love, as the reason u walked away if I recall correctly, someone so horribly ugly and broken on the inside could never be my besty, I wish I can wake up and u were just a bad dream, we would've made a good team, instead ud rather keep playing the field, because of ur continued childish behavior my fate is sealed, lonely for life, fuck finding a wife!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Saturday, August 6, 2016
Happily Never Ever
Don't criticize always encourage, I try not to judge others cuz I too got luggage, just like everyone else, we all need love money and a lil help, live more genuine and passionate, I'm usually sassy and a sarcastic prick, not afraid to stand up and be a loud mouth dick, I've got real talent no shticks or tricks, some songs are hit or miss, can ya'll handle this, intense truth and consciousness, we gotta start seeking utopian bliss, and become a socialistic democracy, instead of a corporate capitalistic hypocrisy, where only a few have it all, and the rest of us are left to battle and brawl, hunger games style survival of the fittest, but the greatest gift is, hope and faith, tomorrow is another day, and even tho it's not guaranteed, we still are in the land of the free, where it's legal to be gay, I'm allowed to pray, if I choose to, I will not apologize for the fact that I simply outgrew u, I'm fucking existential, most don't know who they are or what they want let alone come close to their full potential, everybody is unique and special, unfortunately in life like the Olympics there's no participation medal, the experience is the prize, ya'll need to recognize, I'm epically legendary, why has art become secondary, where is our collective soul, what is the ultimate goal, when so many suffer and go without, how can u stare in the mirror and not doubt, even just one person homeless or starving, is disgustingly frustrating sickening and alarming, no one individual needs more than a million dollars, I'm broke tho I'm a double majored bachelor degreed scholar, and I've been raped by uncle Sam for years, politicians prey on fear and tears, and think we the people are stupid and weak, I will happily never ever accept defeat, so who's with me, are u a rebelious revolutionary?!?
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Thursday, August 4, 2016
Letting Go Of Ghosters
Apparently ur a worse friend then a bf, memories of abandonment and a broken heart are all I got left, the silence is killing me, I hate god for letting it be, what is the fucking purpose or lesson, how can a failed relationship be a blessing, I did nothing wrong, trying to get lost in a song, take another rip or 3 from the grav bong, perhaps I'll sell my soul like my body in just a jockstrap/thong, bare it all, I hope this is the last time I fall, cuz I don't think I have the strength to get up again, does rejection ever mend, I simply don't know how to let u go, it's not in my nature to bench or ghost, there's too many zombies already, a lack of intamacy and empathy can be deadly, we need to care more about each other and the greater good, only when we uncomfortably communicate genuinely and honestly can we be understood, problems don't just vanish or disappear, if u run away or move they'll follow u there, we cyclically perpetuate our mistakes, bad habbits are almost impossible to break, please don't fake and flake, cuz one day ull awake, and I'll be long gone, be careful what u wish for cuz now I've moved on!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Friday, July 29, 2016
Gullible Sucker/Abused Fool
Here one minute gone the next, seems in love and success I'm jinxed/hexed, I don't want to take anymore tests, please don't think I'm always right or the best, but I am unique talented and special, I may sacrafice and compromise but won't regret nor settle, shouldn't pretend or fake it til u make it, I'm so insecure butt naked, sweeping shit under the rug, or projecting being a gangster thug, damages my credibility and reputation, what's with all this truth and consciousness hating, bastardizing chivalry and integrity, devisive fear mongering has us desperately competitively coexisting separately, please try not to step on me tho, and don't diminish my light's glow, everybody can achieve their dreams, if we support each other like we're on the same team, allow opportunity for all to prosper, do u not see ur behavior makes u the monster, stealing then breaking my heart, the avoiding ghosting really really really needs to stop, grow up and learn to better communicate, I'm a gullible sucker that twice took the bait, refuse to be an abused fool a third time, unfortunately for now ull be forever in my heart and on my mind!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Be Humble Sincere & Genuine
Can u forgive and forget, is it best to just internalize the frustration and stress, alot of truth is said in gest sarcasm and drunkenness, the rich need to learn to share and live with less, I mean really u need 20 cars and 3 to 5 homes, government shld subsidize all college loans, no more too big to fail banks, churches pay taxes also thanks, corporations congress cops and politicians shld all be held responsible accountable and liable, our leaders need to be strong communicators trustworthy honest and reliable, otherwise the system gets further rigged, ya'll need to do better thorough research actually investigate and use ur brains to think, stop being so gullibly ignorant and perpetuate pc, we should all be equal and free, preach love acceptance and unity, be a rebelious revolutionary like me, fulfill ur goals obligations and dreams to truly succeed and be happy, it takes bravery resiliency tenacity and audacity, but one day like a prince my time will cum, it's almost as predictable as the moon and sun, just have a lil faith, patience is a virtue I lack but all I can do is wait, I'll continue to pursue passions and date, my heart isn't broken it's a bit bruised cracked scarred with a dent, the only way I survive is living life bent, it calms my nerves, heals the hurt, make sure u remember ur worth, I will not put on heels makeup a wig nor skirt, just to gain fame or attention, I've found the wisest lesson is always stay true to u be humble sincere and genuine!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Trying To Survive The One That Got Away
To be in my life it's not that complicated nor hard, stop fucking with my head and heart, be genuine straight forward and real, tell me truthfully and honestly how u feel, the rest will work itself out, I hate that miscommunication and misunderstanding makes us bout, I don't fall in like like forever, u simply make me and my life better, u are my happiness, reduce my stress, I even smoke dope less, I look around and all I think about is ur the best, both our lives are a mess, life and love are the ultimate tests, I'm screwed with luck and timing, my loves light will eternally be shining, u are the one that got away, I dream about u night and day, and I pray ull get out of ur own way, hopefully eventually find ur way thru ignorance's haze/maze, back into my arms and soul, financial success and Grammys are great but ur my purpose/goal, it all means nothing without u, and now that u dumped me I have no fucking clue what I'm gonna do!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
I Think I'm Fucking Great
God u asked me to just be boyfriends, I should never be anyone's everything, u take care of u and I'll do me, we can blend each other into our lives slowly to avoid codependency, dooped me once, I'm a naive dunce, but break my heart twice, don't expect this gullible humiliated fool to pretend to be friends all nice nice, there's alot of love still there, but we can't persevere thru all ur insecurities self doubt and fear, u keep cutting and shutting me out, silence infuriates my anxiety and desire to verbally bout, u must push forward past uncomfortable confrontation, cuz relationships need trust honesty and open communication, go fix and handle ur shit, I don't ostracize hide or dismiss, told u already we are friends for life, I've been nothing but emotionally supportive thru ur pain and strife, but u twist the knife u plunged in my back, breaking up with me via text is simply whack, u don't have the decency compassion respect or balls, to at least have an adult conversation over a long phone call, or better yet face to face, instead u remain quiet evasive block me pushing me further and further away, I won't chase or wait, it's ur loss really...I think I'm fucking great, definitely not perfect, but totally worth it, ya know some closure or a logical explanation, I refuse to let this jade me or my fate and start hating, I truly believe it all happens for a reason, once again it seems we're both in challenging living positions and in different seasons, guess father time is a sarcastic sadist mother fucker, leaving me left wondering will I ever find my soul mate/unconditional lover?!?
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Thursday, July 21, 2016
Gladly Happy Occupied By Love
It's awesomely weird to have a boyfriend, like Pink I found out I wasn't broken just bent, but I mean duh really, I'm an out and proud pothead silly, this shouldn't be shocking, I hate alchys who hypocritically are judging and mocking, like their bad habit isn't way worse, the fact cig smoking is legal still fucking hurts, it's all simply corrupt politics as usual, people are inherently mean vindictive and cruel, perpetuating crab behavior, can u see Trump's a modern Hitler but Bernie's our metaphorical savior, what's wrong with a leader being a democratic socialist/progressive idealist, wish congress was occupied by virtuous moral empathic realists, stop fighting over who's the lesser of two evils, since it's 2016 where's my hover car that doesn't need wheels, hey Doc can u take us to where we don't need fossil fuels or roads, life is a bitter sweet tragedy that's just the way it goes, but I'm learning more to enjoy the roller coaster ride, ur love soothes my anxiety so I'm not always high, being in a relationship with u I won the lottery, I hate how much emphasis we put on money it bothers me, I'd rather be broke and poor, than be some sugar daddy's whore, as long as I have u by my side, I'll gladly wake up happy fulfilled and appreciative to be alive!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Sunday, July 17, 2016
Good Intentioned But No Follow Thru
Please keep ur good intentions if no follow thru, it's not the game u spit but if u do, ya'll want all the benefits profits and perks, but want to do little to no work, sit there demanding while complaining, ur lack of effort and participation is frustrating and draining, I'm done sacraficing for others, I have no brothers, just fake friends and posers, where's all the revolutionary rebellious artists and soldiers, not only after the fortune or the fame, my music is personal and it's not a game, it's my blood sweat tears and soul, most people don't have passion drive dreams or an ultimate goal, faking reacting and making it up as they go, never have plans and can't execute them anyway, ostracized from a genre cuz I'm white and openly gay, why's hip hop met with such hate, ya'll are a bunch of devisive hypocrites that judge and discriminate, I can't wait for fate, afterall life is only what we make, so while u stay silent and passively quiet, I'm still that faggot cracker rapper that's gonna speak the conscious truth enciting a peaceful political riot!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Gain Sight & Write
Birds chirping, time to get up and start working, making the best of today, I've decided to start minimizing what I say, I'm spewing shit left and right, miscommunication and misunderstanding has caused fight after fight, who knew there was such room for error with language, or that the flip side to love is hate pain and anguish, each breath is a gift, lessons learned from failure and tiffs, instead of wake and bake, I gain sight and write that's my way, I'm an over emotional deep sensative thinker, why don't people use their blinker, perhaps they have no idea where they're going or headed, u don't need to have 6 pack abs all shredded, to me a beautiful smile and soul, compassionate kind and a sense of humor is the ultimate goal, whether at first sight, or later in life, there's no one time line everyone follows, but a life without friendship and love is simply cold lonely and hollow, gotta have faith strength and patience, afterall the greatest love stories are as old as time and ancient, it's a given, so open up ur heart and finally start living!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Should've Known Better
Here's how I feel, I can't believe this is real, this fucked up shit is my life, enraged with bitterness envy jealousy and spite, everyday I awake and wipe my eyes, no truth love or happiness in a world consumed by power hungry greed hatred and lies, I should've known better than to trust u, but lust made me the fool, so insistant on pda, but wound up just another notch on the belt after one or two dates, ya'll gays are so insecure and afraid, wind up getting in ur own way, that's why I married music, humans are cancerous inherently flawed and abusive, they don't care about the future or the greater good, rather be cyclically repressive quiet and misunderstood, trapped in a victim shaming pc Christian bubble, nothing more impossible than a quicksand of comfortable, so cuddlable and huggable, super lustful but only conditionally lovable, no shortcut shuttle, thru all the kerfuffle, we all must trip fall fail and stumble, I pride myself on being too virtuous genuine and humble, too existentially evolved to be amongst such a sea of robotic slave like sheeple, I feel perhaps I am JC for real, resurrected to shine love's beacon of light on those who copy rob cheat and steal, eradicating eternal damnation darkness and all the forces/sources of evil!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Sunday, July 3, 2016
Truly Alive At 25
Been trapped in a sea of negativity, with an undying belief there is still more greatness within me, I'm trying to keep calm and patient, but I'd like to be successful before I'm too old or ancient, we shld stray away from individuality, shld respectfully existentially question what happened in every single casualty, without truth there can be no justice nor love, nothing more healing than smiles and hugs, yes even thugs cry too, vulnerability doesn't change ur masculinity dude, the level of ignorance and stupidity is astounding, if u followed thru consistently I wldnt be hounding, ya'll caught up in ur own lives, is there a limit to how many times one tries, can u really give up on or stop being who u are, life is simply a tragedy unfair and extremely hard, especially fulfilling my music dream, like Leona "I just wanna be happy", but money's always in the way, it's laughable being a rapper that's white and openly gay, but I refuse to do anything else, my poetry and songs are therapeutic and helps, not only myself but so many others, I'm an undercover masc homo brother, I've never identified as bi, I really had absolutely no idea I liked guys til I was 25!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Steep Climb Uphill Against The Grain
No good deed goes unpunished, why is watching other people's misery sort of funnish, capitalism causes competition, socialism will never come to fruition, like righteousness it's been bastardized, almost everyone judges expects plays pretend and lies, faking shit til u make it, leaves u naked wasted, and they're all laughing at u, the opposite of strapping and cool, don't label me fat dude, sorry I'm an old school romantic/prude, so I'm not slutty sleeping around, instead of tabloid comedy I'd rather be conscious truthful and profound, intelligence and raw talent, is as endangered as men who are honorable and valient, elders forget respect is earned not automatically given, I can't help thinking this is hell on earth we're living, evil corruption and greed, has taken power control and the lead, life's not fair and being nice don't get u paid, working like a slave to pay bills can't be our only fate, I'd rather choose the grave, hanging on listening to Pac's "Still I Rise" "Unconditional Love" and "Better Dayz", while my grandma religiously prays, I'm navigating this crazy maze, trying to lead by example, experiment with trial and error or get trampled, ain't got time for standing still, success is a steep climb uphill, totally against the grain, sick and tired of being labeled mentally unstable/insane, I'm simply an intensely passionate and driven artistic gemini, and I'm not a sinner wrong or a bad guy just cuz I'm a gay white rapper who loves making music and getting high, aint no relationship like me and Mary Jane, it eases my anxiety depression hurt and pain, it's in fact medicine, but I'm not justifying or defending myself to u again, take me as I am, and please stop stifling me with insisting no u can't!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Monday, June 27, 2016
In The Gutter On The Shitter
I get the best rhymes sometimes taking a shit, lately I haven't been handling this morbid abyss, a crossroads limbo transitional phase, never really fit in with the straights or the gays, it ain't easy being a homo bro, and nobody really knows tho, a white lgbt activist poet rapper singer songwriter and very kinky, I'm a stubborn passionate genuinely nice kind hearted dramatic sensitive guys guy and a lil bit over thinkery, I'm a philosophical analyzer, an ask whyer while getting existentially higher, some say too serious and intense, most don't need therapy they simply need better quality friends, or a more loving supportive family, which doesn't include u if u can't tolerate like or even stand me, I hate lack of follow thru dude being ghosted or benched, I'm used to athletes with their sweaty man scents, in fact I kinda dig it, let me get a whiff or sniff, excuse the boner, hope u won't lay there like ur in a coma, u better wiggle and squirm, u literally saran wrapped duct taped worm, ironically a jock or daddy mummy, it's humiliating but hot sexy and pretty funny, my mind's always in the gutter, I'm a wild and crazy dirty mutha phucker, I don't watch porn I'm the star, stop being so sexually repressed and just express urself and what gets u all leaky chubby or better yet throbbing hard!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Let The Indy Lead
Only being positive, avoiding and neglecting its opposite, is so damn pc, it frustrates and aggravates me, to absolutely no end, we can't be friends, I'm too antagonistic/sarcastic, ya'll are stepford robots made from plastic, like cancer ur hazardous, humans are fallible and disastrous, so afraid of the truth, we all are immigrants with transplanted roots, telephone is a fun game, explains why history is a waste of time and it's a damn lame shame, cuz we're doomed to repeat it, doesn't anybody else see shit, thru the bs and illusion of freedom change and choice, I think I'm this generation's revolutionary gay activist voice, profound and wise beyond my years, not afraid of shame fame or exploiting my flaws and fears, not too proud to cry or admit I'm wrong, not a cocky arrogant narcissistic dick cuz I know I write record and perform the best original songs, that have inspiring poetic lyrical thought provoking classic timeless messages, but can't seem to awaken the collective's consciousness from all these chemtrails mind control and subliminal sedatives, I just want this election to be over, put the power on Bernie's shoulders, and make Hill or Jill first female VP, and let the idealistic Jewish democratic socialist who's indy lead!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Doesn't Make Any Logical Or Common Sense
I don't know what happy or love is, cuz like family friends hugs and education it's all money or business, I hate this life, ya'll so quick to invalidate my strife, keep ur worry and pity, along with ur misunderstanding of empathy vs sympathy, don't look down on me from ur self made pedestal, give sarcastic criticism while u pass judgment considering it helpful to meddle, perpetually hide behind innocent good intentioned white lies, without evidence or proof of harm or danger yet u still deny my right to smoke pot and get high, even tho it's medicine for my bipolar brain's adhd and my manic soul's anxiety, don't think u comprehend to me it seems ur paying lip service and trying to buy me, but my love can't be purchased thru materialistic possessions, take back ur false idols fake fairy tales and ur pretend affection that I was one of ur life's greatest blessings, forcing me to live out my safety net back up plan or second choice, cuz sorry to say babe but ur just an average Joe with a decent voice, ur way too intense unbalanced and not really that special, so negative serious and passionately mental, perhaps if u can just write for somebody else, none of ur bullying options nor unhypothsized opinions help, I don't need therapy or psych meds, don't ya'll understand I use meditation working out poetry pot and music instead, I just want to be wanted and needed by my family and friends, think about it from my end what ur absense and silence meant, no closure just ghosted and benched, being in butler twice just doesn't make any logical or common sense, when or why can't I have a lil intimacy validation or have u put the necessary energy into making some quality Joey V time, actually read or have a listen to one of my songs and rhymes, tell me which ones were killer lines, perhaps u have trouble following cuz that happens alot of times, the best way to solve that problem tho I find, is to simply press that classic magical button rewind, I promise the more u listen, ull existentially awaken to see and believe the conscious idealistic peaceful utopia I envision!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
My Magical Manifestation
I'm sorry I'm such a failure, but in my opinion I'm a way better songwriter than Adele Mariah Bruno Meghan and Taylor, and def any other hip hop artist, like Lauryn I feel I know I've worked the hardest, to both sing and rap, and not just do pop garbage whack crap, I guess I'm just a gullible naive sap, if I thought I cld tell a stranger I'm a gay white rapper and they wldnt scoff or laugh, I'm used to being underestimated and never appreciated, once born ur a slave and ur devalued/instantly depreciated, the world is ruled by money fear and hatred, they've bastardized virtuosity righteousness truth love and all that's sacred, I am not the enemy, I don't believe anyone who's ever said to be a friend to me, if u continue to help hurt me, I am absolutely capable and worthy, to do what I want and choose to do, and I will no longer apologize for saying what I mean finishing and actually following thru, especially when it comes to achieving success happiness and still fulfill my dreams, watch me prove u all wrong change the world and magically manifest what wasn't as impossible as ya'll made it seem, so now I know and learned the difference, between what's wrong with me and other people's misunderstanding discrimination and ignorance!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Life Is A Nightmare
Can't sleep cuz of the nightmares, seems nobody cares, repetitive hollow bullshit I love yous, can't even empathically walk in my shoes, u can do anything u put ur kind mind to, oh except music dude, dad says so, my self esteem is low, I'm suicidal, can't afford pot varietals, keep working as a slave, but don't count on retirement or paid sick days, money is the root of all evil, and that's why I don't trust people, ya'll think it's the only purpose, lack of fun and consciousness really hurts us, I don't think I can get up from this homicidal rock bottom fall, I no longer believe in love or have faith at all so fuck ya'll, leave me alone, I no longer feel I have family or a home, I'm a lost abandoned pup, that has a ton of passion and talent but no luck, life ain't fair and it totally sucks, still waiting on my fed and state tax return bucks, but it's me and my fault cuz u say I'm lazy, u don't like me or wanna talk to me so that makes me clinically crazy, u cared more about ur precious car, u lied to me when u said just be true to who u are, somethings apparently shld never be tried, the day my family tag teamed and bullied me into not standing up for myself is the day both the music and my soulful spirit died!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Saturday, May 28, 2016
Respect Both Bible & Constitution
Sometimes I feel I need mental health, I'm sorry I didn't live life just for myself, everybody wants wealth, it's often hard to play the hand I've been dealt, lots and lots of impatiently waiting, over thinking and internally debating, I wear my heart on my sleeve, and once it's ripped out it no longer bleeds, the truth's written all over my face, I'll do whatever I have to or takes, look at the hope Hillary will provide women and girls today, maybe next we will see a POTUS that's gay, do u ever pray or talk to urself, a tall sexy jock stud makes my soul melt, thank god for my best friend Trevor, I wish ya'll cld understand he's straight married with children and I'll still always love him forever, there's more to love than money or sex, what ur supposed to do is try ur best, don't let anyone make u feel less, this game has no multiple choices I guess, is this all just a test, the confusing part tho, is Joe really a homo, or is this a phase and the Rhody's were right, when it comes to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness it ain't easy it's one hell of a fight!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Friday, May 13, 2016
Very Superstitious
It's Friday the 13th and a full moon, at 11:11 my wish was it's 2 hours past noon, so I could go the fuck home, get ridiculously wicked stoned, and try to numb my mind and heart, don't even think a bolt of lightening could help restart, see RI has defeated my soul dreams and self confidence, to be quite frank straightforward and honest, I don't believe any of u when u say u care, I feel like Bon Jovi "Living On A Prayer", I have no shot in hell, when humanity is immune to my conscious spell, the question that keeps repeating over and over in my mind is why, I hate both mother nature and father time, mostly because we take them for granted, how come people by nature are greedy power hungry and underhanded, lies are never the answer only truth, it's not just what u say but if u follow thru and do too, it's all about personal responsibility and accountability, being righteous and virtuous shouldn't be bastardized and thought of as willy nilly/silly, my newer producer showed me that i don't like and refuse to use auto-tune, I will definitely be leaving soon, and there won't be any notice, u reaped and sowed this, ya'll bullied stifled and dismissed me, hypocritically and religiously, thank god tho for real family and friends, cuz their unconditional love never ends!
Peace and 1,
Monday, May 2, 2016
The Reason Why Comes In Time
Totally unispired, surrounded by elite defeatists and judgmental flaky liars, I wanna move somewhere progressive, it wld be a miracle if Bernie got elected, we desperately need hope, he's so not racist anti gay or dope, I simply wanna pursue my hip hop music career, instead I'm stuck trapped in debt and fear, despite having man boobs and lacking hair, I know I'm sexy as hell dear, but I am constantly working on my confidence and bravery, most people are selfish greedy and shady, want to be scratched, never reciprocating back, riding coattails to fame fortune and success, I don't proclaim to know it all or be the best, thru trial and error I've learned what I want and like, I may be a gay peaceful pacifist but I'm not afraid to fight, if u don't ever express urself or ask, don't compare and complain cuz ur without or lack, believe me, my life is far from privileged or easy, I'm white and come from middle class, but I'm a genuine caring helpful nice guy so always finish last, fuck cash, I'd rather have true happiness not the illusion/mask, instead of putting my best forward first, I present and over share the worst, otherwise u don't deserve me, sorry not sorry I demand men be safe intimate open and trustworthy, I can't help I'm kinky, as much as the fact my masculine italian feet get pretty stinky, especially after a long day or work out, being a starving modern artist I've learned how to bout, use networking and resources to achieve ur dreams, nothing is as impossible as it seems, if u put ur mind to shit, have passion purpose and drive u can do it, the important take away point is to try and strive, never ever stop wondering and questioning why, open minds and eyes to see the signs, remember everything happens for a reason and in its own time!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Simply A Mess
My life's strife and simply a mess, I'm so tired and stressed, who would've guessed, getting older means making less, but working more, and what for, to support other people, this system's corrupt and evil, everybody's useless selfish or feeble, the lack of truth love and justice is unfathomably unbelievable, I'm wicked jealous and spiteful, eternal sleep sounds delightful, at least I won't be crying tears, I wanna be done with fear and nightmares, most only pretend to care, wish happiness and fulfillment could be shared, please remember to pay attention to retrospection, forgetting inspection of reflection/projection, allows room for misrepresentation, stop gossiping hating, instead spread empathy and compassion, why be all talk when u get further taking action, I know I go crazy being bored and lazy, that's perhaps the reason I stay so foggy and hazy, existence is just better stoned/high, but it's essential medicine when ur too smart super sensative and a gay activist artist who's also a gemini!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Saturday, April 9, 2016
Progressive Left Side Of History Is Right
U might be able to outsmart me, but ull never out heart me, I'm an old soul, and won't stop til I've reached my ultimate goal, being financially sustainable following my passion, if education has no value then it should be free I'm stating just saying not asking, I'm watching the downfall of Clinton and corporate capitalistic culture, we the people esp the hardworking middle class are tired of liars and corrupt greedy vultures, so Bernie sparked a peaceful political revolution, he doesn't have a magic wand or all the answers/solutions, but at least he is honest and trustworthy, even can conjure the attention of a lil birdie, let's choose to live a more moral life, we need a leader who always strives to do what's just fair and right, fighting for us and the greater good, vote to demonstrate that hate loses to love like u know we need to and should, repetition can be annoying and silly, but I'll take the risk...let's be on the right side of history!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Awake & Existentially Elevate
When I say fair I mean moral, how do u feel what mankind did to coral, polar ice caps and the animal population, humanity is becoming consumed by corporate elite abusive discrimination and hating, over seeking green renewable energy peace and fighting for love, shut up and just give someone a hug, it's time to awake, existentially elevate, stop this war on drugs faith oil free trade and thinking, fight corruption and greed instead so the good hearted hard working people can start winning, neither pot smoking nor homosexuality is sinning, there's a fine line between judgment and preference/opinion, if all u do is criticize offering no alternative better solution, fuck u and ur pollution, I'm tired of pc status quo folks saying "that's just the way it is", that's some assuming ignorance fear mongering evil immoral condescending bullshit, I ain't no robotic slave order following soldier, why does everyone get grumpy cynical and colder when getting older, I believe it's cuz we learn to see the truth, our hope and future relies solely on the youth, like Whitney sang "teach em well and let them lead the way", Michael Jackson wasn't a pedophile just like the gays, sometimes things can't be or are labeled wrong, I wish before u automatically dismiss me and my hip hop music take a moment to first truly listen to my songs, now let's go smoke a blunt bowl and a bong, have fun teaming together to compete and kick ass at beer pong!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Music's Immortal Glory
I don't need a poem or a song, to remind me how my choices have been bad or wrong, I simply can look in the mirror, wish what's right and the truth were clearer, my life's being ruled by fear, why doesn't anyone seem to care, my soul's hope is dying, my heart's eyes keep crying, this depression is incessant, bad timing and luck got me super stressing, and nobody is to blame, I'm not good at the finding balance or equilibrium game, so lost in regret and shame, can't be both gutsy and tame, I ain't thinking straight, which is a good thing cuz I'm gay, isn't that ironic, perhaps I'll never be legendary or iconic, but I won't ever give up on my dreams, of selling out stadiums and winning a few Grammys, and maybe I'll only get to experience that when I sleep, but then again I've got my cd, the original soundtrack to my story, music's immortalized in all its glory!
Peace and 1
Peace and 1
Omission & Fear
Finally finding footing, I'd say I'm open but haven't been looking, not really into hookering, it isn't that I wouldn't I couldn't, I'm old school that way, even tho I'm gay, I'm not promiscuous like them, perfectly capable of platonic friends, more of a homo jock bro, so not superficial and u can't buy my love with dough, take the time to get to know me, make an effort so it doesn't feel one sided and lonely, sorry I go crazy when I'm bored, Italian boys don't like to cut the umbilical chord, the food is just too good, I was raised to do what's right and what we should, my folks gave me so much, except magical luck like the Midas touch, I'm the bipolar opposite, turn everything to shit, but sooner or later I'll figure out how to control my powers, fuck fifteen minutes of fame I want fifteen trillion hours, I'd then be able to make a real difference, it's true that things can change in an instant, music success would be like winning the lottery, the quality of our celebrities or lack thereof really bothers me, why don't we pay attention to what we value, getting rid of the gold standard was our biggest snafu, our cash became worthless paper, credit cards aren't doing us any favors, when did convenience become expensive, the corruption and greed is extreme and extensive, perhaps we're too far gone, embittered spiteful and scorned, tho I don't really believe that, we can't turn back time or go back, but stop sweeping crap under the rug, when u know why but rather throw ur hands up and shrug, pretending u have absolutely no idea, u my dear can tell who's evil cuz they manipulate using omission and fear!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Sunday, March 20, 2016
I Am Truth & Mirror
Is it bad to care and have too much hope, I think that's the side effect of dope, I mean besides the munchies, why doesn't America manufacture scrunchies, or anything for that matter, seems elite's pockets and bank accounts are getting fatter, surprisingly tho not their waistlines, cuz health food is heavily taxed/fined, it's absolutely ridiculous, the FDA pharmaceutical company's lobbyists and congress are all fricken hypocrites, it's disgusting and sad, makes me irate frustrated angry and plain mad, that we the people, are now fighting for the forces of the lesser evil, I can't make my obvious prophetic warnings anymore creatively clearer, perhaps I am truth and u just can't stand to look at me or in the mirror!
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
It's Gotta Be My Choice
The choice ultimately is up to me, life's either a blessing or a burden so what's it gonna be, we ask so much of kids, we seriously need to reflect on how we live, what's our legacy, have I fulfilled my destiny, like Black Eyed Peas ask where is the love, right next to the truth and soul's holes dug, they died long ago, sold out for dough, so instead I'll take all the negativity pain greed and hate and use it, to keep making beautiful love inspiring conscious hip hop music, and when I finally succeed and achieve my dreams, even if u come crawling back begging and pleading on ur knees, sorry but I won't be sorry, and that doesn't make me conceited snarky or snotty, it's simply just how uve gotta be, I can no longer let judgmental nonconstructive criticism and opinion bother me!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Thursday, March 17, 2016
Take Back My Soul's Control
I've learned life's not fair and it sucks, blame me then cuz now I just don't give two fucks, I'm simply done, this is gonna start getting fun, ya'll definitely ain't ready, so stupid naive ignorant and all forgetty, constantly playing ditzy dumb and love ghosting, ya'll a bunch of greedy leeches trolling coattail riding and coasting, become dependent on entitlement due to consumption, corporate capitalistic culture's why Trump'll win, Hillary's saying sorry but will we be apologizing for her down the line, why do ya'll religiously tolerate/settle for mediocrity that's the way it is just ok and it's fine, ya'll can keep reading me bitch and wine, or u could help me by making an effort a donation or lending some of ur precious time, the lack of follow thru is disrespectful and disgusting, I'm not sorry if me and my truth is an inconvenient interruption, I've had enough of illusion misdirection and lies, I am not an evil bad person cuz I'm gay and get high, love is never wrong or a sin and pot is medicine, I'm not arguing about this again, supposedly we get what we give, but I never ever ever criticize people for their choices dreams or how they live, I'm over apologizing for being a decent nice guy, fear for me comes in the form of figuring out why, I got to learn to let go let shit be and just move on without anger or spite, with Love & Consciousness finally take back my soul's control of my own destiny and life!
Peace and 1,
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Can't Stop It
It's hard watching everyone surpass u, failure makes me feel like a fool, I smile to hide the pain, but I can't do that every day, I'm not perfect, but I believe me I'm worth it, unconditional support and love, I just want things to start looking up, being down so long, maybe I'm inherently wrong, just when I think it couldn't be worse, the attention gets misdirected towards talentless jerks, evil seems to be getting rich, our congress is a bunch of morally corrupt dicks, and the people are sheep, America's consumers buy cheap, but u get what u pay for, slaves are modern day whores, sick of government trying to stimulate the economy with wars, we've polluted the whole globe including seas and shores, we can't keep having record profits, I don't know if there is anything we can do now to stop it!
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious Vacca
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious Vacca
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Expressing My Essence
I'm not pretty decent I'm fucking amazing, giving ya'll real classic old school hip hop we've been desperately craving, the only person I'm interested in saving, is me myself and I, I hate when fat overworking cig smoking alcoholics judge me for getting high, damn man don't u understand it's medicine, I hope someday I'll get out of the red and ahead again, cuz being broke sucks and it's depressing, support me and my form of expression, whether poetry or music, just cuz it's lucrative isn't why I do it, it's embedded in my heart soul and essence, spreading my love consciousness experiences truths and lessons, believe me tho I'm far from perfect, fame and fortune isn't worth it, especially if u don't make room or time for other people, sharing is caring and daring enough to fight the forces of evil, capitalism needs some reigning in, before the millenial ages begin, they are frightfully I'll prepared from being lied to spoiled and coddled, I mean come on now ya'll are playing into both Hillary and the Donald, Bernie also isn't the second coming of Christ, but at least he has good morals intelligence values compassion and empathy for a better quality life, he's about doing what's fair just and right, I really hope we wake up soon and see the light, I'm tired of having to bitch and gripe, but aren't u too over all this atrocity strife and plight?!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Sunday, March 13, 2016
Good Got Trump-ed By Evil
Some days finding the words to say, can be difficult cuz I'm lost in a haze, of overanalyzing and stressing out, will I inherit alzheimers heart disease or gout, I have some of the worst genes, notorious for oversharing and spilling the beans, it isn't always what shit looks like or seems, if it is too good to be true it usually is indeed, we have trouble distinguishing our wants from our needs, so consumed with power and greed, I'm more for socialism and fighting for the collective greater good, we miseducate our kids instead of doing all we could, to better existentially elevate, this country along with the rest of humanity could actually be great, if we fairly allocate our resources and redistribute wealth, stop being masogonistically predictable too proud to admit or ask for help, wish our government was more nurturing, this capitalistic business has no heart or soul and is really hurting, almost 99% which an overwhelming majority of people, guess we've reached the pinnacle turning point where good got Trump-ed by evil, I'm not sexist Clinton just isn't the answer, corrupt corporate culture has been globalized running rampant like The Plague Aids or cancer, Bernie is the only one holding them all accountable, this is a major crossroads where if we don't choose wisely the damage done will be insurmountable!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Friday, March 11, 2016
Too Truthful Serious & Complicated
The 99% need to come together and fight, seems blue is the new white, we need to let love's light shine thru too tho, I could totally say I told u so, esp if ya'll vote Trump or Clinton in as POTUS, do u even know we reaped and sowed this, with corruption and greed, unable to distinguish unnecessary wants and essential needs, I'm so stressed out, I smoke trees/weed and write poetry instead of engaging in rage to bout, try to use my wits over fists, still working on not throwing pity parties temper tantrums or kiddy hissy fits, some say it's imperative to avoid the negative, stop being so damn sensative, like I'm a light switch not human, what the fuck are u ignorant sheeple doing, we only get one world and life to live, receiving is nice but it's more important to give, shouldn't be too serious or complicated, cuz it'll make u unpopular and hated, the truth hurts them, karma brings shit right back again, please don't hide feeling crabby or crappy, sorry but ur a hypocritical liar if ur only pretending to be happy!
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
What My Mind's Eye Imagined
The truth is only negative to liars, I don't advertise with commercials nor paper flyers, I use good ole fashioned word of mouth, and like my heart it's big proud and loud, not to mention I've got loads of soul, why's the world and it's peeps growing so cold, has hate won, workaholics neglect fun, we need more vitamin d, trade should be fair not free, cuz nothing can be, except if it exacerbates corporate greed, ain't no magic money tree, it's been repeatedly said and engrained, imagine if we could use the full potential of our brains, wonder if we'd have telepathy, why do u believe ur better than me, tho we're different we're also the same, wish I knew the levels and the rules of the game, life simply sucks sometimes, feel trapped and emprisoned in these skyline confines, when there's a whole other world going on in my mind's eye, no matter how hard I try and try and try, I ain't gonna lie I stay up nights and cry, been struggling overanalyzing why, it just doesn't pay to be the nice guy!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Not Just Change But Progress
I notice a change in me, less negativity, even when it's in my best defense, trying to empathically perceive thru another's lens, I value morals more and common sense, learning most haters are mad at themselves, usually the one pointing fingers needs the real help, we've become numb from just settling for the pc status quo, money means power tho, so now unless u got it, ur a worthless piece of shit, people's judgments shouldn't matter, who cares who's the most oppressed feminine fatter or blacker, superficialism is ignorant and short sighted, stop ignoring intolerance and fight it, question everything, laugh dance and sing, smoke pot instead of drinking, start using our hearts when thinking, the middle class is shrinking to almost nonexistent, the end is perhaps nearer than it appears since time flies by in the blink of an instant, I hope love is stronger than hate, progress will only happen when all unite and fight including blacks women and gays, I don't normally pray, but I have a dream like Martin that humanity finds peace some day!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Super Duper Happy & Finally Fulfilled
U should know I've burned bridges, and made many bad decisions, but I'm only human, really have no clue what I'm doing, lots of trial and error, why are modern times defined by so much fear and terror, money is the root of all evil, I don't know I think it's ignorant sheeple, who always follow never take the lead, don't u hate when ur about to take the stage and u have to pee, seems I'm cursed with bad timing, but the universe makes it up to me with this sick ability of rhyming, even tho I'm consistently a very late bloomer, I look at artists like Sam Smith Harrison Ford and Amy Schumer, who didn't make it until later in life, there's something to be said for keeping the faith in the midst of severe strife, there's no specific time line, is working temp jobs living at home with ur folks at 33 still fine, it's hard not to see the reflection of a failure, hope to have success like Mariah Tupac Beiber or Taylor, hard to see or believe, having a career with longevity, maybe my album will be more epically legendary and colossal like The Miseducation Of Lauryn Hill, to tell the truth just doing and pursuing the music I love will make me super duper happy and finally fulfilled!
Peace and 1,
Thursday, March 3, 2016
Where's Our Soul
Dance and techno, suck out all the soul, I wanna open a 420 lounge, where I cld also perform and astound, one night dedicated to poetry and/or hip hop, jazz motown and rock nights and the options don't stop, have a date or couple's romantic soiree, I know I know ya'll are like Joe that's so gay, but I wanna slow dance, listen to soul saangers singing wedding jams, with marijuana infused gourmet food, a sleek sexy suave vibe with class sass and a musical revolution attitude, u are only what u can prove, no one else can walk in ur shoes, be careful what u choose, it's easy to be swindled and screwed, the ignorance and disrespect makes me rude, but honestly, this isn't a democracy, the hypocrisy really bothers me, Bernie's the only one who lives humbly and modestly, everyone else is fucked up sucks and corrupt, apparently sheeple haven't had enough, if ur like me and thought the Bush years were rough, we're silly stupid shmucks if we elect Clinton Cruz Rubio or Trump!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Mini Me Or Just A Pup
Just cuz I hold myself accountable doesn't mean u can defer responsibility or blame, love and life aren't a time bomb or a boardgame, I'm tired of feeling repressed and ashamed, emasculated and maimed, seems most gays imitate dames, use ur common sense or ur tiny brains, somethings gotta give and change, nothing stays the same, I miss the good ole days, doing good deeds never pays, but crime does, most thugs just need hugs, the world needs weed peace and love, when will we toughen up, it's so rough when u don't have enough, too confused from the abuse of lust, bad luck sucks, I could really give two fucks, if ya'll wanna run amuck, but I ain't no ignorant shmuch, who settles being stuck, struggling to earn a quick honest buck, instead of giving me the heads up to duck, maybe get a pup, lightening struck, and my brilliant idea/epiphany..., perhaps it's time to find a wife to make we a mini me!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
The Ides of March are upon us, reach deep inside and find the guts, it's almost the death of winter, is there a pill for when u get a splinter, the pharmaceutical health industry is so totally out of control, when did America and the whole globe sell our soul, I blame it on corporations and money, do u think the government can augment the weather hunny, that's right global warming doesn't exist, not just politicians are hypocrites, u have religious extremists, homelessness and welfare programs make the wealthy squeamish, whatever happened to fairness or better yet justice, are we too far gone to somehow adjust this, this election's turned into one giant circus, seems we're attracted to all that masochistically hurts us, nobody is worthless, before I hear ur superficial opinion let's see u shirtless, I work hard to stay healthy and fit, ya'll have no idea the crazy amount of atrocity and insanity I've had to deal with, just pig piled with shit, we need to go wild a bit and learn to admit, life is all about love happiness and fun, stop concentrating so much on who lost or won, what's more important is the journey and the ride, let loose a little relax don't drink instead get high, gotta quit blaming the invisible dude in the sky, it's important to realize most my worry and stress comes from incessantly questioning why, I may have lost u but I didn't die, saying I'm better off without u tho is a complete and utter lie, I miss u, even the bf too, oh goes on, stay strong, it shouldn't be long now, please focus on when and not how, afterall magic is mysterious, but perhaps I do take everything way too serious!
Peace and 1,
Monday, February 29, 2016
Victory When United
Today is such a beautiful day outside, why do we hide and work away most our lives, like without money we wouldn't exist, corporate capitalistic culture's got me super pissed, why do sheeple keep falling for it, enough with corrupt politicians and shit, I'm not even trying to be political, it's just that ur hypocritical, esp if ur a republican and ur a minority, I'm sorry but I'm not sorry, it needed to be said, if one of them becomes president it'll be like the Dark Ages all over again, aren't we supposed to get smarter and wiser with age, our founding fathers are appallingly turning over in their graves, we wage wars in the name of democracy, the whole country could revitalize infrastructure with the tax profits from the largest power ball lottery, where did all that revenue go, I really really really hate Congress u know, they are so fucking shady, what they blatantly get away with makes me angry, if Trump does win he better use his famous tagline "ur fired", look at the lousy house and senate mid term elections hired, I swear to God, this circus needs to stop, I want Clinton to drop out the race and get indicted, there will only be victory and positive change with Bernie leading a Democratic party that finally united!
Peace and 1,
Sunday, February 28, 2016
My Shy Old Soul's Time To Shine
Haven't learned how to let expired moments be, letting and setting love free, is probably the hardest thing to do, my emotions and stubbornness make me act a fool, burning what was once a fully functioning bridge, should follow my heart not my head or dick, I know he hates me now, and I don't have one single clue how, I'm ever gonna heal nor forgive myself, I was only trying to be ur friend and help, but I opened my big mouth, thank god I never swallowed, I already crossed my own morality line, then I hurt him with my rhymes, should've simply said no, the crush and the lust won tho, but then also having to hang with his significant other, I realized I was a homewrecking slut explaining the situation to my mother, at least in the end I learned my lesson, u can't beat urself up too much perhaps there's a hidden blessing, stop investing in and messing around with unavailable people, focus on and chase only what makes me happy for real, music is my dream destiny and purpose, I still get stage fright jitters and nervous, but sometimes I find, all I do is close my eyes, let my mind go blind and I'm fine, as the magic happens and it's my shy old soul's time to shine!
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Care To Share With Us
I'm letting light in to illuminate the darkness, when did we become so inhuman unempathetic and heartless, we've lost both compassion and passion, it's time for a revolution so let's take action, fight in the name of love, spread peace with pot and hugs, only got one life and one world, stop oppressing blacks gays muslims and girls, there's more to life than money, even ur failures and mistakes can be funny, unlike San Diego it isn't mostly sunny, some stories are serious dramatic tragedies, I don't willingly bow down to authority or address strangers as ur majesty, in my book respect is earned, and reciprocatingly returned, but I don't give blindly, I don't take to liars cheats fakes or flakes too kindly, tho I'm the nice guy always finishing last, my true value could never be measured by a worthless piece of paper/cash, so I'll continue to work hard, and maybe I'll get far, but if not, I'm still grateful to god, blessing me with so much, I'm talking about way more than just stupid materialistic stuff, if u have enough and then some why not show u care and share with the rest of us!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Saturday, February 27, 2016
Making Music=Happy
There are many times in life, when ur overwhelmed by the pain and the strife, nothing seems to go right, always angry mispicking a fight, truth is I lost my light, hold on to all the love u can get tight, like Michael Jackson sang "it don't matter if ur black or white", if u dare me to or I say I will it doesn't mean might, u can bet it's a definite yes, fuck ur no answer maybe or I guess, u either do shit or u don't, u sure u can't or u just won't, I ain't no slut/whore that can be bought or owned, now I too must reap what I've sown, at least I've finally learned my lesson and grown, I don't really like our closures tone, still alot left unsaid, I'm struggling to forgive while u so easily forget, makes me question ur intentions since our relationships inception, I blindly fell for ur lying cheating and deception, tho I'm JC there ain't gonna be any resurrection, sorry to say there's nothing to shield u from karma nor protection, thanks for making me feel worthless and less than, I'm not trying to surround myself with doubters or yes men, soul sucking greedy evil sheeple, I may have fallen and failed but I'm not helpless nor feeble, just really tired embittered jaded and sarcastically crabby, my new mantra is simply chasing my hip hop music dream and being happy!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Monday, February 22, 2016
Super Sarcastic Tongue & Cheek Freak
Feeling numb these days, lost in a foggy haze, I've decided to close my heart, stop sharing my art, I mean what's the point, it's not making any coin, I'm not sure if it's even helping, I feel like the wicked witch of the west melting, my old soul is like Biggie Ready To Die, perhaps I am negative but at least I don't cheat and lie all the time, I give up on love and gay friends, will life's struggles ever end, cuz I can't take much more, I'm begging down on all fours, please please please, the universe needs to quit fucking with me, I am only 1 man, help me to understand, if everything happens for a reason, wtf was the meaning, how can I suppress my true feelings, when my emotions are tied to the seasons, it's winter so I guess, that must be why I'm depressed, too tired depleted and weak, wish the future didn't seem so hopeless and bleak, I'm a super sarcastic freak, but I usually am totally oblivious to hints that are tongue and cheek!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Didn't Mean It
To be my friend u must comprehend me and my art, I speak my truth my mind and my heart, it's therapeutic and healing, letting go by expressing/venting my experiences observations lessons and feelings, my serious raw honesty and lyrical talent gets very intense, most can't handle humbled sarcasm kindness intelligence and genuineness, I don't know the extent to my own strength and the power of my words, I'm not gonna lie other people's choices and actions hurt way worse, I think love is cursed, without trust lust and open communication a relationship never works, why are most men insensitive soulless jerks, it's ok tho cuz karma exists and she's an evil nagging bitch that lingers and lurks, I've seen firsthand love turn to hate, i always say isn't there a learning curve/phase, why cldnt u set boundaries better instead of altogether dooming our fate, ud repeatedly mislead tease and say maybe ull play, then make me impatiently wait and wait and wait, for that miraculous day ud make some time for just me to chill out hang and blaze at my place, u can't simply avoid or ignore me or dealing with problems and shit forever, guess Mariah don't know Jack cuz we don't belong together, u didn't mean it when u said u loved me so, u get what u give and u reap what u sow tho, I won't come over ur house to put on a crazy irrational spectacle/show, and I'll be the bigger person but u can't stop me from referring to u in a poem, I never wld mention anyone by name, it's not my intent or purpose to harm maim or shame, I'm really not trying to hurt anyone be toxic or over obnoxious, I'm literally essentially freestyle typing stream of consciousness!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Sunday, February 21, 2016
I Approve Of Me
Fighting then forgiving makes friendships last longer, how can u think giving up and walking away from us means ur stronger, have hope and faith that's unwavering, who is it ur art is catering, u gotta know ur audience, crying shldnt be a sign of weakness or an annoyance, express ur true emotions and what u feel, lying and cheating isn't keeping it real, if u think I'm a negative lazy jealous bitch, wait til u meet karma the biggest baddest witch, don't worry I won't snitch, but don't call me when u get a sexual itch, cuz I'll be gone, finally moving on, the only thing I will chase is my dream, if something is too good to be true or so it seems, it usually is, wish we cld go back to being kids, with age comes responsibility, adults don't believe in magic act impulsive or silly, why settle for an unfulfilling life, u shld take the time to find urself before marrying a husband or a wife, we only got one shot, can't decide what's better to be spontaneous or plan and plot, it's not what u say but if u do, always apply the golden rule, how u treat others is very telling, I'm not buying what ur selling, ur simply a liar and a cheat, I'm not too proud or egotistical to admit failure wrong doing or defeat, some day my prince will cum, I'm not looking for just one, like the dad in Trainwreck said "monogamy is unrealistic", most people in power are greedy and sadistic, I'm done being used and abused, ur stupid ignorant and rude, in case ya'll are confused, stop trusting the internet politicians and the news, real love great sex and happiness is what I choose, why does the nice guy perpetually lose, I'm blessed and appreciative of my family friends food clothes and a roof, but when it comes to discovering purpose proof is aloof, I don't need a worthless piece of paper/degree, the only person I need approval from is me!
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Peace and 1,
Joe Conscious
Saturday, February 20, 2016
Phoenixly Rise Fly & Soar
Me and my big mouth, I worry too much out of fear and doubt, I need more clout, I'm not training to bout, I simply exercise to stay healthy, I don't wanna be rich and famous I wanna be respected and wealthy, I don't care what anyone tells me, we all feel envy spite and jealousy, at many points in ur life, we can't avoid atrocity people problems or strife, u cld cut the awkward tension with a knife, not getting likes comments and shares bites, like Tina sang "I don't wanna fight no more", "cuz it's time for letting go" an impossible chore, my story will become legendary epic folklore, how even an average gay white short bald poetic rapper singer songwriter from RI can phoenixly rise fly and soar!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
Let's Get Stoned
Things are finally going right in my life, despite incessant pain and strife, I'm carrying and keeping on, I never knew I was this strong, but I ain't gonna lie, without u I wanna die, I still don't know what I did, simply can't seem to fathom it, one day u just woke up, having fallen out of love, silence to me equates hate, I'm sad for u and ur settled fate, a dozen years together is great, what if there's no sexual compatibility with ur soul mate, all I want is companionship and company, I think the idea of gay marriage is stupid and funny, why is the world so obsessed with money, it can't always be positively sunny, gotta find equilibrium and balance, discover ur gifts/talents, and surround urself with the right people, the way u treated me was not only childishly immature but downright evil, u two arent attached at the hip but at the back, eventually pushing everybody away like that, ur going to wind up alone, all I asked for was a text or a call on the phone, we both know ur not doing anything but sitting at home, why can't we hug it out heal with forgiveness and let's get stoned!
Peace and 1,
Peace and 1,
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