Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Listen To Lady Liberty

Learning what not to talk about is harder, cuz I like to share my setbacks and how I've come even farther, then I could have ever dreamed, it's not all as bad as it seems, u are effected by what u let in, u should give freely independent of what ur getting, it shouldn't be about returns, looks like we're all gonna get burned, now it's too late, up to destiny/fate, one man won't destroy this once great nation, or at least I'm praying, my experience tells me otherwise, I sure hope WWIII won't be humanity's demise, the future appears bleak, but we mustn't willingly accept defeat, now more than ever we need revolutionary artists, not narcissistic demagogues terrorist extremists and martyrs, keep resisting and speaking ur truth, don't fall victim to verbal and mental abuse, fuck Trump and the Stockholm Syndrome, intolerance and discrimination will not be condoned, we are a country of immigrants and welcome all, he forgets the laws of gravity that states what rises must fall, just wish he didn't bring us all down, one tiny light can be profound, so please use my love, believe in a higher power above, everything has purpose and a reason, change comes like the seasons, it's simply a fact of life, there will be more atrocity plight and strife, but it's how u react that defines us, show him we have the honor bravery and guts, u should know by now what's fair just and right, even peaceful people face evil and fight, don't sit idly by while u use social media to gripe, think about the decisions and what they mean for ur kids and wife, separate fact from fiction, church from state as well as science from religion, enough with political correctness, my best guess is, it's getting closer to the end of days, just like the book of revelations states, Jesus doesn't hate women Muslims or gays, we don't need a wall even if Mexico pays, our borders are open according to lady liberty, "give us ur tired ur poor ur huddled masses yearning to breathe free"!    

Peace and 1,

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