I may be selfish but do what's best for the greater good, I'm often very misunderstood, u don't have to be black to live in the hood or ghetto, pot lately has made me more anxious than mellow, very overwhelmed by all the evil, can't seem to understand people, even some I've known for years, perhaps we don't have the same fears, but what happened to empathy and compassion, ya'll are taking all the wrong initiatives and actions, especially when it comes to governing, Trump is really something, behaving like a vindictive child, throwing temper tantrums and tweeting wild, he's so unpredictable and volatile, versus Obama who was much more even keeled and mild, I'm trying to find common ground, but the detrimental effects are quite profound, claiming he knows more intel then the CIA director, the president is our commander in chief and supposed to be our protector, but he's the laughing stock/a huge embarassment, we won't tolerate his bigoted harassment, why is he wicked vindictive, his choices are rather indicative, that he believes he's above us mere mortals, can he even pretend to be gracious respectful and/or cordial, I think not, in case u forgot, the Bush years were sheer hell, I'm not buying republican brand bullshit they repeatedly try to sell, we finally rose up after falling so far, now things are derailing fast and hard, coming apart at the seems, anyone else having awful dreams, losing hope and faith by the day, a repeal and replace is being delayed til it's way too late, dear god is this really our fate, shit like this is why I find it useless to pray!
Peace and 1,
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